OT eyosongive.us
cute yordle dilfs edition
OT eyosongive.us
cute yordle dilfs edition
So, how much bank is Riot going to make when they release the inevitable weeb skins for Rakan and Xayah?
I'm already picturing Summoned Swords in league.
Everything is suffering
comfy bfs~
I'm going to be Sejuani's cute wife.
someone post music for me to listen to
are fanservice skins equivalent to selling out as a twitch streamer?
are you fucking kidding me? now you have to tell me the story
>Critical dropping this bullshit
as fucking disappointing as you are i genuinely feel sorry for you
good luck you little shit
New player here; why are Tier 3 Runes so ungodly expensive?
So that you'll be more likely to pay for them with RP (irl money)
>stopped leaving games
>no longer being able to avoid distress by leaving has been replaced by extreme aggression and anger
>still feeding my ass off
>ironically the last time I left a game my team won the 4v5, so I might actually be doing more harm staying in the game and feeding than I am just leaving
What a fantastic improvement.
wew lad.
>are you fucking kidding me? now you have to tell me the story
so you take me, preserving video game prototypes, archiving them (look up this stuff)
some guy passes me some links to some stuff to mirror, nothing out of the ordinary for this line of hobby
he passes me dead rising 4 back in may last year, before it was announced
put up some footage and pics of it
and then DoJ took it from there making a snowball of shit since july but theyre just doing their job so i cant blame them
the guy that sent me this stuff hacked into a QA server for over a year and took whatever passed through it. i should have been less of a retard but apparently i cant take a moment to stop being retarded
the charge is in line with things like "industrial espionage" which is a lot more cool sounding than it really is.
To gently encourage you to consider spending $ on RP.
Yeah, it's stupid.
Having to buy additional rune pages is actually the dumbest shit.
Isn't that the literal definition of Pay-to-Win though? Being "highly encouraged" to buy gameplay changing items?
Free2Play isnt Free goy
we can only hope that later on down the line when they rework it they atone for their sins and give everyone mass refunds/chest
You can't purchase runes with RP, which is why they aren't really pay to win
It's a stupid system
critical stop
youre reaching inhuman levels of autism
You can't actually buy runes with RP. You have to buy the RP, then buy an IP boost, then grind the IP, then spend IP on runes. The alternative is just grinding IP without any boosts.
Since the items aren't exclusively gated behind a pay wall it's "pay to skip (grinding)"
Nah, because you can still grind IP for free.
Pay to win would be if there's a 4th tier of runes that can ONLY be gotten with RP, while the lesser tiers can still be earned by IP.
but that's forbidden love
They aren't
Sort of. Not really.
I leveled my first account last season primarily through bots and reached 30 with around 25-27k IP, which was enough to get the rune pages and most of the cheapo champions.
You'll just have to decide between champions and runes for a while. Keep playing. At the very least clear out your daily win (in Vs. AI, even).
ye this
free to play
bit of a grind, though
as these things tend to go
pay to win is when you literally have to pay to get it
>you can't straight buy runes with rp
Oh then my mistake for
Never spent a dime on this game so I was ignorant.
Not as long as I'm a wife(male).
What other anons said, the user you were responding to was just talking bullshit.
Pay to win would be if there was RP only runes or the IP grind was considered unreasonable or unfeasible to do
Considering you can have all the content you need to hit challenger by the time you hit lvl 30 with just IP I wouldn't say it's either of those things
Whoa, that's unfortunate. Preserving video game prototypes, so like the early mid to no qa copies of games?
I hope everything works out as well as it can for you, friend.
you only need the two standard rune sets for the two pages you start with. don't bother with getting more runes or rune pages until you have all the champs you want.
someone post more music?
this was good; I listened to a few of their songs
oh no
that's such a shitty situation. everyone knows DMCA is bullshit but I've never known anyone to nearly get prison time over it. I can't believe you're even able to accept this as your fault; I guess you've had a lot of time to come to terms with it at this point. it's so frustrating when our code of law deviates from moral guidelines.
what do you mean by critical stop/critical dropping?
>525 AA range
>no dash or mobility like Lucian
So, Xayah's entire gimmick is that she's bad!Sivir who has to rely on really stringent positioning because instead of an auto-targeting ricochet she has piercing shots which strictly travel in a straight line?
I'm going to play her because I like being a special snowflake that plays garbage champions/classes.
he isn't getting whatever he got because of dmca. he's getting whatever he got because he was in possession of stolen goods he got from l33t hax0rs that broke into the dev/publisher/distributors' systems to get the game.
Want to main the Fiddler.
How does one play Fiddlesticks to it's full potential?
Good, its always nice to have a clean record in these matters because unless you have like half a pound of the stuff on your person, you have plausible deniability. If you are serious about this, an eighth of shrooms, about enough to use once a day for about two weeksweeks, should absolutely never cost more than 80 bucks,even 60 is pushing it if you live near a forest or a dairy farm. A panel of about 100-150 hits of lsd is around 75-100 bucks, which sounds like a lot until you realize one hit will be a ride thay takes up half of your day. Stoner pro tip, take your first hit with friends around and while you are in a good mood, as long as the first time you do it you are relaxed, most of your other trips will be a lot easier on you.
Im not,at all worried about the morde update, he was dead to me long before riot decided he would be a good carry and gave him a pet Dragon.
Not sure if you caught this.
league of legends version
the oldest known version of league in existence
and theres no way to get shit running unless someone makes a server emulator
if you dont think the idea of that version existing and possibly being played if people cared isnt rad as fuck then youre probably a normal person that doesnt see the reason to preserve such a thing
only reason i didnt get prison time was due to actually being on paper as autism (aspergers). they figured it out the day they showed up (like 12 officers in my house at 7am)
shit sucks but Capcom sent the DMCA, DoJ did everything past that, since they sent it they have done literally nothing
also that user is saying "critical" because thats me
No, her entire gimmeck is she's part of the duo champ because dota2 has a duochamp.
I don't even know if the lol ones and the dota2 ones even play the same, but no one asked for this outside of people comparing lol and dota2
>stolen goods
you cannot possible believe this
Well she has untargetability and permanent 30% movespeed buff in combat
no thats exactly what the second felony charge was (that was later dropped)
this user is correct
did you read their story? that's why they said the charges were "inline with industrial espionage but not actually as cool". because that's exactly what they're throwing the books at them for. it literally has nothing to do with dmca and everything to do with breaking into computer systems. the dmca was just what started the investigation.
There's significant diminishing returns on more runes after you get a competent set of starter T3 runes. Get the permanently 50% discounted T3 runes and you're set for 95% of champs. You can easily do this with the IP from leveling to 30.
She's probably going to be complete cancer once she inevitably gets Nami'd. E's damage is absolutely absurd if your support buys Zeke's. R>AA/AA/AA>Q>E is 742.5 + 495% bonus AD, and if you have enough CDR you can get 2 Qs off and of course several more AAs too. Those numbers are only going to go up, along with the rest of her skills
Thanks for the tips man. I'm getting 10 grams for 60-70 dollars, I don't plan on making it a regular thing I'm meeting up with some buddies so we're going to split em.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
you play osu?
I see
DMCA was mentioned and I just latched onto it I guess
my comprehension is not 100% right now
fuck you
Oh fuck I forgot about Zeke's just build like I and 1 zeal item then stack lethality +AD and you could do some sick damage when Zeke's procs. Is the crit scaling linear or does it drop off?
How many times do you have to be told that the point is to carry/be carried BY/WITH her!
You won't need zekes, if you are building crit you get 80% with a standard build
Nah DemolitionD used it in one of his vids and I liked it.
I was meant to be IE but I'm a filthy phoneposter.
imthem go to bed
your reading comprehension needs work past midnight
regardless, im solely in Veeky Forums playing assfaggots because i have nothing else to do for the next 3 years outside of anime expo which i will gladly meet with people
at least i can shitbuild
kat a shit
jinx a cute
bard a god
nami a fish
ivern grass daddy
>enemy Aatrox attempts to hide near an exit to the northwest jungle not knowing we can see him
>Qs as soon as he sees my Flash Frost headed toward him
>flies into a 1v3 with Lee Sin and Leona, which becomes a 1v4 when Jhin walks in
He was on his team's side of the map, so why he didn't just Q in the opposite direction and run back to his base I'll never know.
>tells me to go to bed
>calls my wife shit
fuck you punk u just stirred the pigeons nest now im gonna snipe ur windshield for the next 7 weeks
>Try to watch sneaky
>colors are all white washed
>Tune to has
>no colors at all
feels bad man
>not spending time with your waifu
given the shit i have to put up with, death doesnt sound too bad
your waifu is only appealing because she wears skimpy skin tight clothing with a shitty styled pushup bra that spouts edgy shit so she seems cool when shes really just a shitter thats broken that riot will never fix
you can polish a shit
you can turn a shit gold
but its still shit at the end of the day
now go to bed
this is the last time, you have finally convinced me
tell me what you think of this
>imthem arguing about his waifu
this happens like three times every thread
Watch lpl
where can i find actual good players to play with during this ip weekend.
I'm going to be Lissandra's loyal servant!
The crit scaling is linear. 1% crit chance equals 0.5% damage boost to E's damage (both AD ratio and flat damage), going from 90 + 60% at 0% crit to 135 + 90% at 100% crit. Since you only need 100% crit when you actually cast E just time Zeke's charge activations with your combos which isn't hard since abilities and auto attacks build charges.
I've been looking at stuff and from what I can tell I think the best build will probably be:
IE PD Cleaver (she stacks cleaver on multiple targets really well) DD (DD instead of BT because it gives her more CDR and she has is all physical damage and does a lot of non-AA damage) defensive item (usually GA, maybe merc scim EoN or maw)
provided your support is willing to go zeke's of course.
you don't NEED zeke's , but going IE + Zeal into a second AD item is the single most optimal provided that your support CAN possibly build zeke's. You get 100% crit instead of 80% AND a significant amount more bonus AD.
Considering Zeke's looks decent on Rakan...
in your elo range; try matchmaking
Sounds like generic weeb music imo. I like the uplift spice track because of the guitar mostly.
alright imthem you had your fun
thats the most truthful post youll ever get out of me
until next next time ya dingus
i still cant believe i have a felony over a video game by age 21 holy shit
im having trouble enough finding shitter randoms how am i going to find 4 people around dia 1 to play with me
Sejuani is a tough girl I'm sure she'll be alright. When she comes home I'll help her clean up and make sure her wounds are bandaged correctly and then I'll make her some nice hot stew to eat.
Any suggestion on which midlaners to play besides Ahri?
you got good times and you got bad times man
im just waiitn on the times where she's real now
Kat is so much more than I possess the wordsmithing abilities to craft the scene for you, but our minds are like magnets, always pushing always pulling and though she may not be real her pull will forever be clasped within mine seeking to end this equilibrium of force yet our distances apart from each other shall forever more sustain it, keeping our distanced embrace locked within the boundaries of time
Velcro always
Np, stay safe friend, and may your first trip bring your waifu to sit on your lap so the two of you can discuss the nature of perceivable reality.
Which champions can have the biggest impact if you're playing ranked alone?
>that entire quote
I can tell ya a more insulting quote
Top Ding, 3 autos and youre dead
How difficult is Ivern? I'm considering picking him up.
Carry champions. I would never play a support champ if I was playing with 4 strangers.
Play a carry and put your team on your back if necessary.
Lee Kat Vayne Cho Yas
I would be perfectly fine with bard mains disappearing
Bullshit assassins like zed, ahri, kat, pantheon
You just need to win your lane and gank the side ones
not very
just plan your jungle route properly
remember that your bushes give vision briefly, then you cant see shit like a real bush. place them with care
i could go back to being a naut main
youd get wet and die from my anchor too
kat a shit, anyone can beat her up
>Bard has up to 9 chimes now
>gets the AoE way earlier
AP carry Bard nao?
Tfw just had a draven straight up leave and I'm expected to keep playing? We really need a 'the game is now safe to leave' feature.
I got you
I definitely can't identify your taste right now but I would encourage you to listen to this also
>her pull will be forever clasped with mine
>seeking to end this equilibrium of force
you mean out of equilibrium?
the boundaries of time line was pretty nice
ad > ap
Balls McKinsey gets knocked on her fat ass everytime she 1v1s kat, scrub.
but...but the 30% AP ratio...
you ever play against a 6 lifesteal item mid evelynn?
ill have to show you the shit i never play anymore
46% crit damage rune plus that build (with BT) = greater damage than your carry
No I mean in. Picture two hands clasped together, pulling in opposite directions at equal force and weight, their netforce would leave them motionless but magnets work more surrounding than hands so its more like the perfect distance of pull and push has been reached, and that middle where they intertwine is what i am describing
AD Carry Brad already exists
>tfw he was alright but they just keep buffin him until he's LCS level
I mean it existed in the same meme realm as ADC Maokai and the gang
Suck my CD spell vamp vlad, you silver shitter
Carry champions. if you pick Assassins like this idiot suggested you are going to go 23/1 but ultimately lose because KDA isnt what decides games. Pick a carry or someone who can take all objectives on the map. If you can push in all inners and get the drags you pretty much grab baron and auto win come mid-late.
DO NOT pick a assassin champ unless you understand macroplay (which you dont or else you wouldnt be asking this question)
Pick Good scaling champions that are decent early and can semi-carry mid-late.
do NOt pick mechanical intensive champions like Zed/Ahri/Gangplank or what the fuck ever. Pick braindead simple champions like Tryndamere,Kayle,Xin or Annie and carry the fuck out of your stupid team. If you want TRUEest of all Freelos make sure you go mid or jungle as those are the two highest carry roles
That was interesting, not my jam though. Wish I knew what my taste was lol.
One of my fav songs ever, definitely recommend watching him play too.
Crit Eve
Crit Elise
Crit Mori
Crit Fizz
Crit Koz
idk about ADC Mao but AD Brad is real fucking scary man
>CD spellvamp Vlad
What are you gonna do? It ain't hard to fight Vlad with Vlad
Now if I don't get the choice to play Vlad then I'll play Jhin or vayne like the cancer she is
Crit Gayren
The howling abyss shopkeeper mentions lux and ezreal's relationship.