What are some similarities that your car and your >gf share
>high maintenence
>has a nice straight six
What are some similarities that your car and your >gf share
>high maintenence
>has a nice straight six
I used to say
>doesn't exist
but I actually have had a car for a year now.
neither exist
Doesn't work half the time and when it does it gives me trouble to no end
>Not real
my car has nothing in common with her.
nice car bro mine has the inline 4 tho :( im jelly
what is a straight six on a gf?
that she is 6/10
6 inch dick but not gay.
01 Forester
Kinda dorky.
Reliable as fuck.
Reasonable maintenance.
Helps pay the bills.
Most of you would probably call her a 4-5/10 because of inflated internet standards but I still love her. She's an 8 to me.
>black and red color scheme
>fun to handle
>lots of personality
If only my ST was beautiful, and Megumin was real.
t. bus rider
your megumin is uglier than my gf
They both dont suck.......
Agree to disagree
>has been used by half the town
I've jerked off to your car also
>really cute
>probably gay
>fun (when it works)
Quite athletic
Extremely beautiful
Draws attention from others
Surprisingly capable, can do a bit of everything
Has some weird issues at times
Quite expensive to live with
Very nitpicky at times
>is dead
Low to the ground (short)
Longer than normal nose
Nice shoes
Needs a lot of attention
"Bought" used
Draws a lot of attention when seen near me (She LOOKS a lot younger than me... One old lady even asked if I was abducting her when I walked off to get a drink once)
Weird issues
Reliable for what matters most (driving)
Forgot my photo
>older than me
>can't go very fast but handles well
>very sturdy, safe to be with
>always reliable despite a myriad of small flaws
>gets hot very easily, prefers to sit in shade
>she's got a great personality and people love to see her whenever she's around
I don't actually have a girlfriend, though.
You have only yourself to blame
clean your headlights, my 4 cylinder brother
>I have one
oh wait...
Always by my side, never let's me down, not the greatest but still great, lived with the model all my life.
It's my hand.
>sexy in an unconventional way
>23 years old
>cheap and easy to keep happy
I'm unsatisfied with both of them
>doesn't ask for much
>needs a boot full to get moving
>have to bring her to the mechanic very often
>drinks a lot
>High maintenance
>Always breaking down due to minor things
>Real easy to drop her top
>Screams when she's going hard
>Not the best looking, but not bad looking either
>Everyone compliments her unless it's on Veeky Forums
>heavier than most it's size
>solid as fuck, there is a lot of material behind that skin
>beautiful normally but cleans up even better
>doesn't require a lot of money
>does require a lot of love
>soft, plushy seats
>feels oh so good and comfy inside
>absolutely infuriating when it doesn't cooperate
Holy shit, all that photoshop and the end result is still undercover alien.
i dont think they have anything at all in common
>doesn't exist