Make it yourself edition
Multiple hidden memes sub-edition
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Make it yourself edition
Multiple hidden memes sub-edition
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
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I'm going to be viciously raped by a best elf!
Who else here keen for Araby just so you can eradicate them from the planet every playthrough?
>1.5 not out yet
where da fuck is skaven trailer ?
Did the new video actualy mention Naval Battles in TW2??
Does anyone still have that blue button NUT image except with Franz summoning the elector counts?
14th-16th of June
low test fag
It did. There will be only autoresolve for them.
You can play Naval Battles in the campaign map. :^)
>the stale test meme
Will dark elves have a shave and release option for dwarf captives?
I hope it'll give minus points to the reputation with Dwarfs for High Elves.
>tfw low test (or so I think)
It's not fun, man
What do you want in the future in terms of small improvements?
Not like major updates, just small stuff.
I want that Bretonia lord with the trident quest item to wield it on the field instead of a sword, like how Karl uses Gal Maraz despite not having to do the quest for it
What's wrong with that elf's face?
The Southlands is packed with factions:
>Araby, Nekehara, Greenskins, Lizardmen, Dwarfs, Skaven, Beastmen, High Elves, Wood Elves, and the Empire
Does someone have the "expanded" map? There are two different ones, but the one I'm talking about shows a lot of the Southlands and has a bridge between Naggaroth and Chaos Wastes.
So many ideas
The pic is shit that's why. It looks like a big photobash with a hundred filters on it
Araby and Kangz aren't technically part of the Southlands. The southlands is everything below them.
High Elves have one settlement and its unclear if the Dark Elves settlement will be in the game.
>Wood Elves
Where? I thought the NEET elves never left Athel Loren
What the fuck is that image.
That's Clint Langley for you.
>Who else here keen for Araby
Yes, the Tomb King genocide will be glorious!
They're going to cut content from mega campaign. FUCK YOU CA.
there's got to be some extra shit going on here, no artist would put out art like that
Such as?
No NEET Elves in the southlands lad, the only non-Athel Loren wood elves of note were in Laurelorn and haven't been mentioned in several editions
Hopefully they will just cut minior factions out of it and won't scale anything or alter provinces. If they only do this, it will be easy to bring them back.
Look how I destroyed the frogs and Pappy. I'm gonna march on Paris I guess now. The game ends in 1812 and I probably won't accomplish my goals like invading the Ottomans.
I'm probably gonna do a naval only game as the UK next.
That's just his art style.
Actually it's John Sullivan
>wash a dwarf
>It's not 2 maps stitched together
Oh, I stand corrected then.
I didn't know there were two people with that godawful photomontage style.
Empire fucking shits need not apply
>Araby and Kangz
It's all Southlands to the Empire and it's already been confirmed jungle and desert terrain meaning Araby to Lustria is confirmed in-game.
>High Elves
Cape Fortress, Fortress of Dawn, Tor Elasor, Tower of the Sun and Tower of Stars.
>Wood Elves
These elves reside in the jungles of Athel Mahina`ar, an area close to the High Elven fortresses. There are Wood Elves in Nordland too.
One piece
One day I'll start reading it
One day
Starting new campaign with bordelaux how the fuck do i kill mousillon
Not all his stuff is bad
bit ly / 2oac9nO
>bit ly / 2oac9nO
And pic related is probably my fav 40k art. And I don't even like White Scars and Raven Guard.
>when everyone gets sick ass bikes to ride and you're stuck footslogging
>inb4 my ships mysteriously explode
that's bad, but it's not bad
Lets roll
>the tiny baby head
>the monopose, actionless assault marines
>the random, squished drop-pod
other than that it's okay
>Nagash still not announced
what the fuck are those tanks? and those weird-ass poses the marines are doing?
Source on Athel Mahina'ar? I know about the nordland elves (although I don't think they are canon anymore,) but can only find an absurd disreputable site that looks like someone's homebrew fluff
Wood Elves are not from Athel Loren, they are any colonists from Ulthuan who remained after the War of the Beard. Outside of Athel Loren, there are Wood Elves in the Drakwald, Chalons, Laurelorn, Sussurio, Dukhlys, and the Cursed Jungle. Whether or not they get added is up to CA, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
that's why he said of note, user
none of those neet elves you mentioned matter
>all those "give them a false name" ones
>paralyze a slayer
This doesn't really sound like a smart idea since said slayer would probably demand to be launched out of a catapult at the enemy.
Something probably mentioned in a white dwarf issue 20 years ago
V A M P I R E - C H A N
just take 8peaks
tbf CA probably doesn't realize they exist. Otherwise they'd probably add them. But of course there would obviously be problems finding lords for such factions, unfortunately.
Rename it Kara
you already made the joke in your file name
Why would there be problems for lords? CA uses generic lords for most factions anyway and is quite willing to add in new fluff or changes to balance the game. Adding in factions from Warhammer I would also give people more incentive to buy all the games and DLC because of the interconnection.
mean to quote this guy
What was those mods for better and stronger enemy army compostion? Province Capital Building and what else?
>shave the high king wifes beard
another warhammer book posted in a previous general book says female dwarves don't have beards
"Yeah I get you've heard of the lost kindred, but I bet you don't know how the wood elves came to be in Athel Loren"
user pls
Also stop pretending everywhere that has living world roots is therefore populated by wood elves, even assuming we are ignoring the last two armybooks that say that the Asrai are a product of millenia of cohabitation in Athel Loren and communion with the spirits and are no longer like elves anywhere else anymore
Permakrumping the humies seems like a waste. If you just take their stuff and run off you can keep krumpin' em forever, but if you krump all of 'em all at once you can't krump 'em again.
Maybe because all existing lords already existed in lore and wood elves in the southlands have none.
>sea elves were a thing in the 1980s
kek. It's funny that they changed it so sea elves were just an alternate name for high elf sailors.
Mind you, Alberic de Bordeleux and Ghorst were both one-sentence lords that they turned into full characters.
>pic made by elf lovers
>not being retarded
Pick one and only one
We ztill 'az dem big lizards an' ratties ta krump b0ss.
Ded 'umies never end too
And? There were no Norscan lords, they got made up by Creative Assembly. We didn't know of any of these generic lords for Beastmen, Goblins, and Savage Orc factions, but they're all still there next to named characters. Chaos Dwarfs only have one Legendary Lord, but will probably receive two more.
Is fighting greenskins as vampires always really fun? This campaign has been amazing
>useless gobbo units
>no black orcs
>no spooders
>no squiggs
>no artillery
those orcs deserve to be krumped
Fighting Greenskins as every race is fun
Will WE i nordland ever be playable?
That's Azhag's WAAAGGHH, here's his army
I'm going to be pretty butthurt if they end up cutting the southlands from the combined map.
*hands you to arse soothing cream*
You might need it :''D
Some user used to post an image named "use this mods"
And yet they were still in the lore as existing characters and became playable lords, which is the point.
Thanks for missing the point. The generic lords aren't relevant to the conversation because none of them are fucking playable.
>CDs only one LL
There are multiple named lord characters for CDs in what little lore they have.
Are Cairn Wraiths any good?
Put paladin in army. Move close to Mousillon without leaving living territory. Recruit more troops if you can.
Red Duke will come out to fight you eventually. Once you destroy him, you can take his city.
never , just like we will never get middenland with cult of ulric units
No. Wood Elves outside of Athel Loren have been retconned as being outposts or raiding parties searching for Beastmen, not full blown Elven kingdoms like they were 20 years ago. In exchange 8th edition gave the Welves 12 kingdoms in Athel Loren, which is represented sort of by the fact the four existing provinces each have 10 building sluts.
Middenland is a subfaction of the Empire and Ulric units exist in lore, it would be utterly retarded not to include them.
The major hope I have is that CA said that Warhammer's unexpected success has forced them to consider expanding the scope of what they were originally planning to do, so hopefully that means we get additional content.
I'll always like the residual 1980s influence in Warhammer 40k
They're not the ones who make a cloak out of dwarf beards. That's high elves.
Dogs of War seem more Warthammer 2 then anything.
>And yet
Missed the point entirely
>generic lords
It doesn't matter if they are playable or not, just like Surtha Ekk and Wood Elf factions in Athel Loren, as long as they exist on the game map. All you need to be able to do is confederate or conquer them as Asrai. Faction unlockers could easily take care of anyone who wanted to play as them.
>There are multiple named lord characters for CDs in what little lore they have.
Please name them
orc undead mod when
>Achievement for ork 20 Da Hoards
>have at least 40
>no achievement
they are mostly based in tilea but it wouldnt be impossible
I mean Toddbringer is pretty much confirmed as eventually being an additional start position for Empire. You can't give literally all other factions alternate starts except for the Empire, that's just retarded. Bonus points for Toddbringer being an Empire lord with "kill the Beastmemes" as one of his win conditions.
>Blind creatures that can only see and detect the winds of magic and their interactions in the world
>can hurl rocks at enemies over great distances with very high accuracy
>shit artillery
>still no black orcs
>still gobbo useless units
>still no spooders
krump 'im Vlad