Other urls found in this thread:
what seems to be the problem here?
he will not divide us
he will gook us
that dog sure knows how to play feetball
touch down air bud
*pours himself a cold one*
its time
btw jan i'm getting horny
think its time u suck my DICK
getting really pissed
*sips wine while listening to this youtube.com
ah yes
ah yes,
need to clean myself up while i'm still feeling decent....
geoff is streaming dow :3
got my save right before dracula, holy water III and only 4 bars of life gone
how the heck did people beat this game without save scumming. i hear castlevania 3 is just as hard or harder uhg
are you doing all the castlevanias
castlevania and mega man are the two big series i missed out on as a kid so i wanna beat em
hope youre taking notes so youll be able to recommend me which to play and which to skip
okay so far
castlevania (regular nintendo) : play
uhh weve just been mentionned somewhere
hopefully not on qa
that never ends well.......
mentionne this *grabs my little weener*
hmmmmm *sits back and relaxes after a long day at work*
What is going on in this thread?
Why don't you talk about the game?
no new ip
heh got me
sometimes i like doing that, when im bored
"Oh this thread is pure cancer. This is not a real general at all. What is wrong with you people?" with my caps and everything
its fun
Why don't you just talk about StarCraft 2?
fuck mommys calling
im gonna test this out in another general heh
i did the same last year but i quit after i couldn't beat the tetris level in castlevania 3
hate how i'm constantly forgetting things i was just about to do...
needed to order some stupid shitty thing on amazon... opened up amazon... forgot what i was doing...
fucking antidepressants
frickin dracula gotcha!!!
that was a good game
might have been shaving cream
ugh so long...
i actually feel pretty good now that im halfway through a bottle of wine
some could say...happy...
These SC2 generals are very fascinating indeed. Keep it up gooks.
his index finger looks like its a big log of shit in this pic
so what exactly was wrong with that post janny
Did you guys even watch gsl
yeah but youll never prove it!
i fell alseep in the middle of the alive series but otherwise yes
post scar-scars.
is scarscar a reference to the surgery scars
yeah from dick-cutting
no its cuz her name is scarlett lol get it? scarlett - lett = scar so you say scar-scar cuz it's cuter.
i dont get it
set for the next few weeks with some cans of chunk ham for protein
i call her you are scar scar
but im not even a fan of scarlett
a rubber tray for my cats water bowl... that's what i wanted
how could i forget
my cat drinks only from ceramic bowls :3
i really want slutpop to make a comeback >_
wish christianpop would make a breakthrough
more like christianpoop
i listen to christian music in the car all the time
its actually kind of popish
rude but i forgive you
odds play guitar all night
evens rest day and just play csgo
0 wild card
Who played sc2 today?
probably like a handful of progamers in south korea i guess?
thats probably it
i wish there was a thread exactly like this but without the sc2 like it had no specific topic
and i wish i had a gf
but heh
feeling sad again...
i always curse myself for not being japanese but i humbly acknowledge my western culture has far less pressure to perform well
stfu hbt
i'm not that ugly failed norman
does janny have a problem against japan
japan is SHIT
ugh janny is samefagging again...
only 2 good things about japan- jav and hot 2d bitches
if anime didn't exist i probably wouldnt know japan existed
reminder that japan literally didn't know anyone else existed on earth until 150 years ago
japan invaded korea in 1600
if that was the case they would be like lemurs in madagasca
and you can probably see korea from the tip of japan
i played bw. does that count?
you better believe it does!
this is honey
holy f-
i'm like a 1/10 in the looks department
what about the books department
what about the gooks department
the wgirl and jav webm false flagger seems to be moving on to false flagging regular webms or something... idk
i'm fucking dumb
is fart-jav the ultimate redpill
i said a couple of weeks ago that beating up women was the final reddit pill but now i'm not sure
wild cat break
the only true ultimate redpill is that there is no one single ultimate redpill but rather a collection of them
epic fail
i wish i was a wild animal
i really envy the ones who live in the most remote areas
i know they're animals and aren't smart enough to appreciate what they have
but i think i would like to be one nonetheless
*puts on hooded sweatshirt*
ah yes much better
ignorance is bliss