/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

Previous jej: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not as dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of Ded Earf
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's Mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena 2
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general.

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Other urls found in this thread:


First for death is an obstacle we must overcome, but Clang is eternal.

intergrate clang systems to human body to avoid death by clang

3rd for dazzle

4th for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

first for
ww3 soon

They will be completely replaced sooner than any "resurgence" happening

Lets bomb those gooks




>activate windows




Dont bully me gook

>activate windows

Activate Wandows

I've always wondered this and Im'm hoping someone can help me figure this out.

Are there diminishing returns from the weapons in robocrap? Some have max fire rate of 4 or 6 ans others need 8 guns to fire in volley. are the cheaper guns as good at 2000 cpu or what?

I'm trying to figure out how to build my robo for max damage

also, LOML sux

robocuck get OUT

>not posting expanded version

>not discussing engineering games


EMP this board


are there any good engineering fiction books? Most sci-fi the engineering just takes second seat to a bunch of personal issues with meatbags.

I'm two short buses full of autism and I need some better bedtime reading material than NASA technical reports.

>Posting a /v/ video
Fuck off.

>Decide to move entire base for change in scenery.
>Use jump drive to travel 1100 kilometers
>Client crashes when jump is complete
Game is loading now. I'm kind of scared of what I might find.

You'll be able to talk personally with CLANG, you should be proud of yourself

So, I lost a hovercraft and now I can't save the game. It's flow up some 5km, and it's turned invisible. I can't destroy it or bring it out of play. Do I have to go back to my last save?

Would CLANG even say anything other than the dying screams of thousands of space engineers and the explosions of everything around them?






>Farscape mentioned for once
That made me happy

>Dead Space
>Red Dwarf
>Cowboy Bebop
>Bunch of WH40k ships
I'll save it once you get one that's fucking readable past the yellow text.

i had to compress it because of the file limit
just google search "sci fi ship size" first image


Does KSP belong in this thread?




Preemptively posting this.

How did they expect this to help anything? Like, what was this supposed to replace, or be better than?




Are you a bad enough dude to figure out what a thing is?

>Are you a bad enough dude to figure out what a thing is?
>For the types of theory discussed in this paper, a key goal is to represent any physical quantity $A$ with an arrow $\breve{A}_\phi:\Si_\phi\map\R_\phi$ where $\Si_\phi$ and $\R_\phi$ are two special objects (the `state-object' and `quantity-value object') in the appropriate topos, $\tau_\phi$.


get microsoft toolkit you fucker

>>For the types of theory discussed in this paper, a key goal is to represent any physical quantity $A$ with an arrow $\breve{A}_\phi:\Si_\phi\map\R_\phi$ where $\Si_\phi$ and $\R_\phi$ are two special objects (the `state-object' and `quantity-value object') in the appropriate topos, $\tau_\phi$.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I'm a good dude now.

>Dead Space

I know how you guys can find out.


Hi-res edition


The Martian.

A Max of X guns can fire. The rest cycle through as redundant backups.

what did he mean by this

I'm more interested to why barneyfag was triggered by that OP

That isn't in the vg rules.

evidently that gif is on derpibooru, the horsefucker's image gallery of just about all images in the fandom.
My guess it relates to Cheese Sandwich.
pic unrelated, just KV-1

Mysterious Island is a classic engineering fantasy book.

Only an engineer can make a great grilled cheese.

God damn that's a big exhaust plume, can just barely see some of the ship if you zoom all the way in.

You know, I realized no one's ever really posted gameplay content from chode, just cool editor stuff.

Have another

Wanna watch me plot orbits for 4 hours?


>build AC-130 in Robocucks
>no massive artillery cannons to put on the underside
>no alpha strike ability that lets me fire a massive cannon and machine guns all at once to saturate an area with ridiculous dakka

The huge mega plasma cannon sucks. Its not artillery.

Its part of their retarded choice to only allow a single type of weapon to fire.

Robokeks get out.

Chode needs Orion drives, how could we calculate the efficiency of casaba howitzers? That's the only thing holding us back, if our collective autism can solve that problem we can have nuclear pulse propulsion.

Truly an ode to mechanical stress.

That is the sound of barely restrained CLANG.

I'm done. Screw this game.

>Server admin thinks a process that only utilizes one core benefits from hyperthreading
>Gets mad when called out for his shit
Stupid as fuck Slav.

Oh and by the way I am a third year Computer Engineer student.

Good for you I suppose.
I don't think anyone really cares.


>server went from 0.75-0.9 simspeed average to 1
>refuting real-world results with theory

do you even engineering?

your theory is sound, but it doesn't apply in this instance

nice ragequit again, staying true to form even after I helped recover your ship and gave you parts/fuel

you should see a therapist or something famalamadingdong

>christian science

Explain the context of this image.

Background: There was a SENT for Garry's Mod, a cactus that jumped around at random shouting "CACTUS." There was another that hunted players down and smashed into them at light speed.

I tried to build a cactus reactor to harness the power.
It broke free.
It was a rousing success.

>third year Computer Engineering student knows jackshit about how things actually work
As expected of CompEng. Once you pull your head out of your ass, feel free to join the CompSci master race.

I remember when I gave that guy the idea then I remembered this

a classic

played this all the time back when PlayX first released in gmod

Rendezvous with Rama
Don't go past the first book, the rest are this
>a bunch of personal issues with meatbags.


>>>numale grilled
>>>real engineer

More like

Real engiQUEER

Why would you do this to chaika

Honestly without the oil on the grill and swirling shit around with your hands, it'd be a solid grilled cheese with multiple types of cheese.

I want one of those flat plate stoves. They seem like a lot of fun.

I didn't ragequit. Thought you kicked me, desu.

Thanks for helping with the glitches.
You're going to be replaced by Pajeets.

CompEng here. I blew out an FPGA on Friday. Soldering SMD capacitors on Monday.

You don't know what that means, do you?

>Rendezvous with Rama

Its shit.

I'm afraid I will have to admit that I don't know. Cause..it takes one to know one. Mind explaining?

Ross even says in that vid that the game is based off the second book, which is shit.

got me there


At least try to skim a bit before you present yourself as being less intelligent than you are.

For reference, a code monkey is an idiot that allows themselves to be paid less than they are worth for time they put in. Slightly more than minimum wage for 50 hour weeks on the low end.

inferior to a pan

ie an indian programmer who is willing to replace all first world programming jobs thanks to globalism and in my country canada with temporary foreign worker permits

you know ubisoft/EA montreal? they back that shit so they can get pajeet to do the work for half the cost

>in my country canada

t. Abdul ShitStreet Pajeet

>people in robocuck chat talking about ideas for new weapons
>tell them to not even bother because the games in "BETA™" and wont be getting any real changes to the game for the enxt 12 months
>will hit "release" and then get a skeleton crew dev team that will do minimal work to keep the game running while the rest of Freejew goes onto another project

>[MOD] comes into chat telling me thats not what will happen at all and to stop saying that

is the faggot underage furry still moderator

also robocuck get out

Could they be less obvious?
That's just pathetic levels of jewery.
I almost want to feel bad for them in a way.