You're gifted a one use time machine, no return trip. Would you use it Veeky Forums?
You're gifted a one use time machine, no return trip. Would you use it Veeky Forums?
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Yes. Go back two years ago before i met her. Before all the pain.
Future. Literally every historical period would be shit to live in compared to today.
2003 to kill moot
for going to the past:
Wait till I graduate with my EE degree, then go back to 1950 and hang out at Bell Labs with all my heroes.
for going to the future:
The year 4321
>this kills the knight
well the future does not look too bright either senpai
oh shit this senpai
They kill you and take your stuff
Great use of the time machine
go back before bitcoin became big and take a copy of all future big sporting event scores.
sell bitcoins become rich as fuck,
make a lot of bets and win, lose intentionally on some to avoid suspicion.
Use new found wealth to live a comfortable existence of travel and leisure.
You don't even need time machine. Just go to Somalia and join some pirates.
Yes. I would look at the last winning numbers on the lottery ang go back one week in time to play them.
Hell no.
a one-way trip? absolutely not. I know how shit life was compared to today. We are living in a golden age like no other.
I'd go figure out why the monks were memeing with snails in manuscripts.
I would go back to jesus's day and I'd expose him as a fake to the people of judea with my logic and wit
Fuck no. I would never use a time machine that was a one way trip.
Somehow stop him
Wait till I'm old and then go back to when I was 11
I always thought this idea was funny:
>>Mad scientist finally finishes time machine
>>So excited to go back in time to his favorite period: "the dark ages"
>>"I will finally see knights face to face!"
>>Goes back in time
>>Scene immediately cuts to him in a shitty room in a bed
>>Dies of plague
He wouldn't die of the plague, everyone else would die of some disease he brings with him
Go back to freshman year highschool and actually fix my GPA and get into a good school
Maybe join clubs or sports instead of being a loner too
Yes, go back to early 90s or late 80s
Literally the best era of humanity.
You've pretty much teleported yourself with your current experiences and memories back two years.
You're going to see her again and you're either going to live with another two years with that pain or get your heart broken again.
Yes. Set it to last week and proceed to go back and play the correct lottery numbers.
Russians have a big genre for this.
I'd go back to the 80s. The generation I should have been born in.
He did nothing wrong
Yes, to the late 90s. I just want to visit the early internet, it looks so fun in the archives.
Go back to 180,000 B.C and kill Y Chromsome Adam so no human that has existed after that date ever exists.
Its a time machine you fucktard, you arent reversing time.
Go back to the 90's and invest in apple, wal-mart and later on google.
Use my wealth to do things I cannot do now.
>Go back to the 80's.
>Posts a song from the beginning of the 70's.
This is the most sensible answer
This shit is all around the world, although it's more popular in some countries.
I would go back 6 months before my birth to finally experience being inside a woman.
20000. I'm risking being transported to a non existant place, a toxic place, or a place in abject poverty, but also it might be awesome. No one would understand me though and I'd probably stroke out seeing all the new technology.
Maybe this is how the plauge started!!@!@@#!!!!
I would save her with my time machine.
I find that image highly implausible and an example of modern people projecting their preconceptions upon the ancient world.
>ancient matchlock dude wasting a shot from a gun that a minute to reload to shoot into the back of an already disabled knight at point blank range, instead of just stabbing him and saving his special to use on a new target.
post link
I'd go back to September 10, 2001.
9/11 never should had happened, I need to fix the timeline.
I'd travel to the late sixties and try to become famous by playing Heavy Metal and be celebrated as the genre's inventor
If that doesn't work out, I'll just write down some information from our time and invest in the right companies and bet on the right teams to get filthy rich
Time Travel. kek I gues I'd like to see who killed Jon Benet Ramsey. And then kill them.
I'd go back in time and give Alexander the great antibiotics
you'd be arrested if you went around the twin towers on 9/10 shouting about an upcoming terrorist attack. After the attacks are over they'd think you helped conspire in them and you'd be further fucked especially considering that this country was not playing around following the attacks. If you really wanted to stop them you'd need to probably go further back in time get some cockroaches and release them in the building so they have to close them. I'm not even sure if that would stop Osama and friends though. Anything more risky than roaches and you're playing with fire. It would be interesting to think what would have happened if the towers were never attacked though.
well this is easy.
wait till there is one of those really large Lottery jackpots, somewhere in the 300-500 million range. once someone wins, I get the winning numbers from the previous drawing. I go back in time a few days. I buy the winning ticket and kill my few days younger self and destroy his body. I claim the jackpot.
Travel back to the 60's-80's, invest in apple and microsoft respectively before they blow up, and than join the singularity.
Shortly after WW1, bring along the stock market almanac for the next 50+ years, and some good sports bet results for starting money. Imagine being filthy rich back then.
I will time travel in a future where immortality invented and become immortal.
Go back and assassinate Lincoln before he became president.
Those machines that pick the numbers are subject to chaos, if you run it again it won't pick the same balls.
And be arrested for insider trading, yes.
>some other dude kills the archduke or another ridiculous event triggers the war anyways
>you get to enjoy hell on earth ie WW1 and can't return
Well done.
yesterday, to play today's loto numbers.
Not if you do it smart, do not pick the biggest winners, put in some shitty trades, etc. Nobody arrested Warren Buffet so far, so I think I could get away with it. My experience as a quant would surely help me.
I do either this or or or probably both. If you have money, the modern age is a paradisiacal era.
best answer
2000 years in the future
No. If I go back the only one who'll feel pain this time will be her. I'll end it once and for all.
I woukd go back in time to stop the Fire Nation
Back to 1850 and shoot Marx
More pics like OP of Middle Ages knights in cozy settings
Then I wait for the winner to be known. Go back to after the drawing and kill them before they can sign the ticket and claim the prize.
not nice >:(
Transport back to 1893 so I can visit the Columbian Exhibition in Chicago. It became the blueprint for most modern-day gated amusement parks.
>getting stabed and shot
Collect all the sports results, lotto numbers, and other such data, organize it with specific instructions to my parents, then return to my birth.
I'll be able to fix my life from there.
I always figured things would start to be altered after a couple bets of large money changing.
Piss easy, go back to yesterday with winning lotto numbers
Go to 1937 and make sure hitler wins
This. Please, I want to leave here I have a family.