Fighting Games General /fgg/
I love ichi!!
pantygear is best sniff!!
you anime guys are alright in my book
sorry your playerbase died off when MVC3 released
What kind of chores does she mean?
Licking dog shit and cleaning dishes obviously.
I got a lobby up if anyone's interested. Password is 1111
I'd do that for mommy...
You have 48 hours to name one thing Vega does better than Cammy.
Command grab?
I don't even like Vega.
Better air to air options
i'll come thru in a bit
Being heterosexual.
not be attracted to rashid
Screeching a blackboard. And fucking.
It checks out because Vega hates ugly things and Rashid is ugly as fuck
Sorry, one of my mods was making Mika's hair bug out. I'm coming now.
retract your statement.
k the lobby's open again. Pass is the same (1111)
Stream: /celadongamecorner
Is it ok to join even if I'm shit
Never insult Rashid
he's literally the best thing about SFV
Of course
That's true but you're also an idiot desu.
whats your favorite stage in 3s? i like the hong kong roof, and the james bondish type music
>tfw colombian
>tfw big kof scene here, bigger than SF
i could have told you that just by looking at fightcade my man
>Latin America
>Big KoF scene
No shit, Sherlock. It's been that way since forever.
max like kof xiv more than sfv
and he's better at it than broski and chariot.
If I have to fight another Terumi I'm going to jump off a bridge.
r u jelly?
makoto stage best stage
akuma and urien stages are also pretty good too
not really since i dont play kof...
>big scene
>shitpost on /fgg/ instead of playing your game
Just how unsafe is that damn overhead kick
>tfw wanted to join but am to scared after watching you lose
Wow, I'm in love with Whip. Was she always like this in games, bros?
which one
Nah someone else needs to get in here and get some of these ass whippings
mexihop is the true patrician name since latinos are genetically superior in fighting games than even japs and hop is the superior skill mechanic that makes kof superior.
trully a patrician nickname.
Juri's. It connected, and I got hit with a super in my recovery. Shit crazy
how the fuck do you fight axl
Use your defensive options.
Rushdown with Sol
all her charge moves are except the fireball is unsafe
Then why the fuck do you have to stock them up in the first place if they're bad?
>Knowing shit about good game design
Jump in his ass and fd to get back in range. Don't forget when you air dash that there are recovery frames before you can attack.
i dont think the light one is unsafe
in fact it might even be plus
Huh, I thought the FGC had thicker skin that this honestly.
Back when I used to play at arcades (when they were still a thing), people would shout obscenities at each other and no one would bat an eye because we all know everybody in the scene could take it and it was all good fun. It was actually a pretty hype and enjoyable time.
Richard is more FGC then these people
Delete this right now
It's -2 pointblank, gets better if you are further away
>/fgg/ lobby
>3/5 in the lobby are rashid mains
every time
Honestly, I wish you guys didn't use the same character as me.
I'm the only Rashid player this general needs
I'd join in (Alex main here) but on one hand I'm europoor and on the other I have to sleep.
Are you in the lobby?
put your trip back on Highwaystar
>just hit silver recently, switching from the ryu beginner meme trash to rashid
sorry lads
Let's all pick rashit
Why is the 3rd Strike training theme so damn good
I just realized
Why the fuck did Ken's overhead get nerfed?
Out of all of the other ridiculous characters, they though Ken was oppressive?
I don't even play him but I catch people with Ibuki's overhead all day and get free combos off it yet Ken's overhead can't combo without a counter hit and it's not airborne so it can't easily bait throws.
>/fgg/ playing games
Wake me up
3rd Strike has a training stage? What?
>Ken's overhead can't combo without a counter hit
It combos into light tatsu for free
because you can fake it then low. it's still pretty good.
literally who though
i'm just a streamboar i don't even own sfv but i like rashid posters
>start watching
All the decent jive tournaments lately have people excited to actually play i think.
Whatever the song that's being used, I like it
lmao too good
Broski come join the lobby so I can free you up right quick
>streamboaring instead of joining the lobby
if you're referring to the sfv fgg lobby, i'm not going to play games i don't enjoy.
Im streamboaring the lobby
Is the new DB Super out yet?
No Tekken 7 lobby no play.
>tfw would join but i dont have the game
new beta when
>sfv /fgg/ lobby is just gorrilas
holy shit you're normal silver, not even super or ultra silver? hahahha
Wanna make a EU lobby?