League of Legends General - /lolg/


Bird dad edition

Now waifu postings below this line




guess the elo

it's not what you think

that picture confused the fuck out of me for a second, I thought his head was his shoulder

Is there a way to force LoL to open the game on a specific monitor in a multi-monitor setup of a w7 system?

I have 3 monitors and my left monitor as my main monitor to quickly access startmenu with my mouse. The issue is, LoL by default opens up on the main monitor. But i want it to open up on the middle monitor. Any advice?

Please, Ahri x Soraka (maybe with a single male)

>Doesn't have a rageblade

>Trying to play that summoner rift meme mode
>Keep getting adcs
>Forced to dodge becasue I'm a support main and only have support runes
>No forced to wait 30 min before I can queue

I'd guess mid gold?


do (you) play better or worse when drunk/high?

>pick lulu
>pick orianna
>hover kogmaw
>jk pick caitlyn instead

m-muh competitive meta safety

>toplaner doesn't take flash

uhhh... lolbabs?

This is now a hung bishounen thread.

I wanna cuddle Jinx

>watch and learn

Ya, guess I'll get a duobuddy that doesnt shit the bed.

Or i'll ask a booster to boost me.

I honestly don't know how to feel about Jinx.

>tfw you have to play on very low and you can't even see some abilities

>dodge once
>30 minutes
now that's some bullshit


As in?

Dig is going to reverse sweep P1.
I saw the script.

>Lulu will never piss in your mouth

She is crazy and smug, but she is also adorable and cute.

Azir's not a bishi.

Do not lewd or make suggestive the Judy. She is pure.

>Xayah gets 30% attack speed, 30% bonus MS, and 40% bonus damage on auto attacks (including crit) when she uses W with Rakan

fuck the fuck off with this


This post literally made me conjure the rage of one thousand aethers and I still can't convince myself to type out how disgusted I am.

/lolg/ what's your go-to champion when you get autofilled support or just feel like playing support.
Surely it's not a sissy support anons~

kek. I hope they let these two fags go through like this, so they get apeshit winrates for 3 weeks and than get olaf'd into unkowness.

Now post Ahri and Soraka

anyone else on verge of mental breakdown?

really shows on my match history


Thank god?

Is there room for one more?

comfy bfs~

also sweet winstreaks

hey Ike would you like coffee or tea?


>Make two champs who are strongest together
>stop it
just ban one of them.

She only gets 20% and Rakan doesn't amplify the effects, user.

>Maokai into Darius
>Expecting a tough lane
>Stomp him

What the fuck how is this considered a counter? I just kept bullying him with Q's and using my W to dodge his Q, it got to the point I solo killed him twice. Why does Mao only have a 46% winrate in this matchup?

>inb4 "it was a shit Darius"
I'm shit too so we should've cancelled each other out.

He no longer has AP Ratios why the fuck would you build Gunblade


Crank or Soraka (currently)

>650 gold


>If Rakanis nearby, he will also gain Deadly Plumage, in turn increasing the bonus damage on each of them to 40%.

That's the tooltip senpai


>Your favorite champion
>Your job
>Your hobby

sion with ignite

Double procs on his W.

All I see is good qualities, I can't see anything to be divided about.

The other blue haired girl.

darius shouldn't let you bully him with qs, he was a shit darius

that ezreal face

Why would I post a fawn?

>shit on a jayce as undead big man of much yelling

is there any better anti cancer


most darius players are braindead garbage if they are not darius otp

>Camera surveilence
>movies (i wanna study scriptwriting)


but what if soraka had a penis?

>Your favorite champion
>Your job
Unemployed, on Social Security from a physical disability.
>Your hobby

Is going to be Rakan once he's released.

Should I learn Rek'Sai or is she garbo at this point?

Does her true damage bite apply on-hit effects or is it just a unit targeted ability?

>>Your favorite champion
>>Your job
>>Your hobby
Animation. D&D.

Realistically how could he have stopped me? He gave up trying to Q me for harass pretty early and went for the standard E-W-Q combo, to which I'd just dodge the Q with my W, trade till he got 4 stacks then disengaged with Q.

Malzahar. Giving aids is always fun and he's pretty easy to use + annoying as fuck with his passive. Brand is cool too but he's on fire and too popular for my hipster ways. Sion is my boi when we need something to engage which happens a lot because lol silver surfer

>aa maokai five times

Why people do this? But the answer is no.
I just want that blue skin and fox tails together in a pic

did they change it today?

Does gold reward defer from solo and flex at the end of season?

obviously he saves his e

he also fuckin destroys you level 1

youre gay, got it


darius was shitter than you, than.

>when you miss the wall hook

Rakan is the saving grace of this couple release because Xayahs dialogue is fucking annoying.

>wants a girl with a vagina

futafags everyone


>tfw last time I played blue ezreal was the meta

fill me in bois

We lost this game.

alcohol gives a short skill boost but later makes your body slow down so your first game after having a beer might be slightly better but you should expect worse perfomances in following games. Dunno about weed, probably similar or without the boost part.

She feels like shit on my hands so she's prbably shit.
She probably is decent/meh tier imo

Too much of a furry for me.

good to see leddit's favorite meme garbage team losing so hard

What do we do when shes perm banned in 7.9 fellow sejmains.

>tfw you fucking love Xayah's playstyle but her VO is fucking awful
>tfw waiting for the edgelord weeb skin when she goes full Vergil with summoned swords instead of feathers


>enemy team got first two towers and and first baron and first drag, has more gold and comparable kills

it looks like you were behind the whole game, unless you're on red team

Sona is ok. But I like Soraka and Ahri.
>too much of a furry for me
You, clearly haven't see what a furry really is. And I'm glad you didn't.

>fill me in

this game is still shit and you stopped playing it for a reason, fuck off

90% of Darius players are fucking monkeys who never learn how to actually play the lane because they know nothing outside of doing cheesy stuff level 1.

wow you guys suck

>bird duo
>they get better together
>they are worst alone
This whole ordeal seems like gigantic cancer to me. Next time they rewrite the lore of some place they will give their champs a bonus for being locals.

I was the Amumu.

I asked team to report me after the game.

>two friends of mine have quit playing
>on one hand upset because I don't have some people to play with, but also relived.
>Hated playing with them because they were so annoying.
>won a fair amount but all they played was nunu jungle and galio mid.
>when they were both 6 they'd start roaming around the map together.
>They'd ping that they were coming and then just start chanting together "team fat guy, team fat guy, team fat guy" until they got to lane and then both flash ulted on the enemy team, then would walk off back into the jungle/river chanting team fat guy again.
>Galio rework finally gave me peace from that hell.

What stupid friends do you have/had that you can't stand?

Rakan is entertaining, Xayah has a "look at how serious and tough I am" attitude at literally everything she says

Rek'Sai's true damage bite does not apply on-hit effects. It is not a basic attack modifier, it cannot crit etc.

Which is a shame because at this point I think a fitting buff for her is to make the bite apply on-hit effects and then triforce procs would convert to true damage.

I stopped because everyone I knew dropped the game to have sex


>grill "ARAM only"gaymer


i've lost games because my teammates decided to fuck around chasing kills and/or fountain diving instead of finishing the nexus. and then they just go LOL OOPS. infuriating.

do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb play house with you if you asked nicely
would lamb play doctor with you if you asked nicely

She has an annoying character tone, shitty voice lines AND a vocal fry.

0/10 real shit job rito.
