/meg/ - Mass Effect General

Andromeda approaches edition.


>MEG's updated Pastebin

>MEG vetra fags:

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Cora is cute

Is the game fixed yet?

Quick reminder that if you've cured the genophage you've doomed the milky way and you might've just as well let the reapers win.


Reminder that Bioware's probably going to Dragon Age this series and switch to a new main character and cast in the next game.


You know the drill.


Is Jaal considered attractive by other Angara? Or is he 5/10


pastebin.com/AYJm24Xj new vetra fags update, less frying pan edition


A couple random people on Aya talk about how gorgeous he is, so, yeah I guess he is.

He's quite popular and knows it. Probably 8-9/10 for angara.

Is there still a free trial for Origin Access?

I sure do. Aggressively sexualize Sara.

Apparently you can overhear a couple of female angara on Aya talking about how he'd be rolling in pussy if he wasn't completely oblivious, so he probably is.

hang out at the tavetaan

Reminder that Jaal is the BETA husbando. He's got no jaw and is a literal cuckold. Tumblrites will try to hide this by giving him a jaw in their art. But we know the truth.

Imagine how good looking his brother is.


This is a good post.

This is not.

No idea. No origin access in my country, but you can check it yourself

You clearly haven't seen his romance.

Can I play a Terra Firma xenophobe in MEA?

By angaran standards, if Jaal is hot, his brother must be an absolute monster.


>they literally all look the same


>Want to tell Looters that they should respect the dead
>"L-looting is wrong..."

God fucking damn it Ryder


>talks with a deep, exotic accent
>his appearance, while alien, still has the "V" silhouette of an aesthetically muscular male
>is extremely open with his feelings and loyal
>has been hurt in the past by another woman

He's right out of a ladies' romance novel.

What a little bitch.

except for the face and those freaky teeth

He's straight out of a tumblr schlickfic.

Can Bioware salvage his romance?

I liked the frying pan stuff, I want to bully Vetra

Isn't that what I said?

No. The only way to fix it is to remove Jill, and if you do that then his entire character doesn't go anywhere.

who the fuck would buy a ubishit game on origin?

>And inbreeding increases the likelihood of defects and disabilities in offspring.
1st gen incest offspring have the likelihood of getting birth defects at the same rate as a woman in in late 30's early 40's.

The whole "mutated incest family of hillbillies" is complete fiction with the real issue being harmful recessive genes. It'd take 3+ generations to stockpile that much shit to make defects visible and that's with modern times. In ME this wouldn't even be an issue considering most everyone is some form of designer baby.

>why is this box so big

What the fuck was that box even for

I hope they salvage his romance because even fags deserve better than getting cucked by some random bitch

Weird that Ryder doesn't freak out over the fact that SAM can kill him whenever.

>introduce cool new alien

is Jaal a harem MC

>they couldn't write a gay romance without including an annoying fag hag that won't fuck off and ruins everything

I legitimately feel bad for anyone who was looking forward to him.

Internally he does, but SAM doesn't let him express that fear to others.

There was one in ME3.

They were pre-spaceflight iirc so there's not really a reason for more of them to be up in space.

But I want more Kallo.

Nah, he's not into multiple waifus stuff. Also too alpha for this.

Do N7s have manuals too?

Don't forget
>very desirable by angaran standards but only has eyes for Ryder
I wasn't joking with the Mr. Darcy comparison the other day.

Yeah, but I find I can usually ignore it t b h. I got with MacCready in FO4 and what few teeth he had left were brown, chipped, or both, so there've definitely been worse.

>There was one in ME3

Probably a codex

you can save them from an older edition I bet, but know my list won't keep it any more.

N7s have actual training.

>7/9 Remnant Data Cores
D-doushiyo, /meg/?

>not into multiple waifus

Guess he's just stuck with his mom then.


The squaddies comment on it if you bring Garrus and/or Liara iirc

STG facility where Mordin is. If you did the Shadow Broker stuff you joke with Garrus about it being the next Shadow Broker.

>implying the actual asari commandos need "battle manuals"

>remembering that exact line from like six fucking years ago
Hahaha fuck

>Guess he's just stuck with his mom then.
Filthy lies.

I don't think you can get worse than having a bulbous head, atrophied jaw and a nose that looks like it's been punched by a krogan cock

>ywn bully Cora by saying the salarian manuals are better

He could've played it yesterday, you fucking sperg.

>natural armor plates
>yet somehow is the cuddliest and most sensitive lover
Turians are an enigma a sexy enigma

>Sara consoles Jaal with a platonic hug after Jaal learns his older brother also fucked his mom

When are we going to be able to sign a breeding contract with a Salarian?!

>play gold match
>everything is fucking amazing
>team just shitting on every enemy
>nobody even gets downed

holy shit

anyone run into the data pad bug during Stolen Remnant drive core quest?

I can't load an old save because I'm so far into my current game.

Anyone have any potential fixes, or am I fugged into waiting until they patch the game

Mods pls filter all these.



It's established fact that turians are literally made for cuddling.

Does anyone have a strike team at 20 with no negative traits?

Women tend to be more willing to forgive a subpar appearance if the guy's personality is good. And I think he's cute anyway.



No amount of personality or bias will change his objective misfortune to be born as an Angaran

>she will never get flustered and blush as she tries to defend the asari manuals.
>ywn tease her for hours until she snaps and has her way with you, holding you down with her biotics.

>tfw fucked goddamn Hancock in FO4
Now I can fuck anything.


I don't know why but anytime I use a bunch of powers close together the game crashes. Most classes or "profiles" you'll never run into this on, but Vanguard can get charge to basically be instant, or near instant, so using a bunch of powers really close together, after the other, happens a lot on Vanguard.

Which runs me into a lot of crashes. I asked around their help forums, seems like I'm not the only one that noticed. Noted it during pre-release, devs didn't respond. Noticed it before the first patch after release. Devs didn't respond. Noting not after 1,05, still no dev response.

They clearly don't give a fuck.

Anyone else run into a build that uses/can use a bunch of powers close together, rapid fire, crashing the game? I've only noticed it using Vanguard builds that reduce the charge recharge time to basically nothing.

JESUS FUCK this is a blue board.

then it crashed at wave 7 right?

Salarians are pure boys who have zero sex drive so you're not allowed to romance one unless you're an asari.

But that's a load of horseshit.

>buff salarian


This post physically hurts me.

>not allowed to romance one unless you're an asari.
Maybe Salarians don't find other aliens except Asari attractive.

Maybe that's stupid, Mac.

Truth be told I only remember because I'm reading an ME3 fic at the moment. Razor's Edge, really good.

I want to see the Cookie turian and Vetra cooking/baking together!

why is he holding wheat

Probably some prothian meddling going on... prothians literally made turians for cuddles, but were reaped before they were perfected, gaining sapience on their own.

Maybe you're right

It's an angaran spermatozoa, designed to crawl into the female's reproductive organs.

Last we heard of Tazzik he was working under Feron as Agents for the Liara Broker

There are worse things, user. Face aside, he's got really good musculature, and he's nice and big which is great for hugging.

>fucking a meth addict Railfag ghoul
Nah, you do you, user. I'm curious, what got you into him? I don't think many people pick Hancock for nothing.

Is everyone doing the double ammo powers glitch with vanquishers now?