Is Xayah a fox with wings or a bird with fox ears
dont bully majin
Someone get kennen to take off his pants
Trist asks you "Top or Bot" and raises her back side
Which do you pick
How fertile is dracozyra?
>tfw you miss her
Fuck this
xth for mindbreaking subhuman vastayan sluts.
how come people dont know the frame data of league?
whats the start up on rivens w for example
Xth for trying to communicate with your team about adjusting to a fed enemy player and being completely ignored so they steamroll you 1v5.
vg vs vg bets, wish majin was here edition
why not? its the funnest part any vg game
I'd rather impregnate a qt dragon girl instead 2bh.
Almost as fertile as Shyv.
only if you buy me ribbon or camille
Chinese should not be allowed to play on NA servers. No matter the elo they just shout in their crypit chink speak and feed.
user I hate to break it to you, but talking about which girl champions you want to fuck is still game discussion
This meme is fucking awful and you need to stop already.
How much time you would need with each Sona? does it change depending on the skin?
What about this?
I'd do both.
That too
I want to fiercely cuddle Kog'maw and sensually bully him by tugging on his antennae and rubbing his body!
Ability draft when I want? I want to make Frankenstein kits on champions and I'm curious what messed up kits you guys would make on what champions.
hold on,since when is shyvana more fertile than a plant?
Sona is incredibly fertile so it doesn't take all that long for her to take. Not that I wouldn't just keep doing it. There's no kill like over kill.
Dragons can reproduce with anything plants are restricted to other plants. Plus eggs out the yen yang. Dragons put ants and bees to shame.
>braum passive
>jinx q
>vayne w
>graves e
>yi r
how has your day been /lolg/?
xth for Camille
and not permabanned anymore
so basically,zyra can only mate with maokai and ivern?
May I ask you a question Camille user?
Maokai I don't see why not, but Ivern might still be a human under all that faggotry. Not that I wouldn't try.
>AS Marks on Maokai
Holy fuck this feels so much smoother.
you did a while ago
I don't want anything
That kit on Caitlyn
>you did a while ago
>I don't want anything
I did?
What did I ask you?
How fertile is school girl Janna?
what's the most unbalance-able kit you could make
i imagine it would be something similar to yasuo's passive on an adc's with a kit that has mobility
Where did that nigga get that ryze skin
I assumed you are the person who wants guro smut no?
you asked me if I'd write any
but I don't want anything on League for it
I wanna fug Jinx
jesus fuck i would love to be pinned by a dracozyra on heat and forced to pump her nonstop for a day
that skin makes me rock solid
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
do you think lamb would sit down with you if you asked nicely
do you think lamb would sit on you if you asked nicely
A single pressing would be enough to knock her up.
Not that her base skin is bad.
I'm making my own canon with Xayah.
>Rakan doesn't exist
>has human feet
>no nose ring
>Ahri's best friend
>genki personality
>voiced by Uesaka Sumire
You're welcome, rito.
Tfw only she understand me ;__;
hey what adcs are broken rn
i liked playing kog and cait and mf before i stopped playing a few months ago
Anytime someone sneezes near janna she gets impregnated
Can she get impregnated by girls then?
Boring. What fun is it if she isn't haughty, arrogant and hates humans?
>tfw barely any Xayah fanart
lucian is what i'd call broken
kog is sleeper strong with on hit and more broken with lulu
the rest are strong/good following the same general model of cait always being good etc.
>Leona sells her gold income item halfway through the game
>has no boots no sightstone only things she has are sunfire and titty hydra
>starts flaming me whenever I ask her to build sight stone
Fucking three times in a row. My support ALWAYS outright REFUSES to buy sight stone.
She's existed like a week. She's Ahri, but no tits and a nose ring I'm sure she will get plenty of art with time.
How fertile is school girl Ahri? Science must know.
>Futa impreg
That's actually worse.
She can be genki and be a dick at the same time, it makes her more unique. Her voice is very monotone, though.
>have to stop playing because I've had huge ping spikes the entire weekend
It makes no odds I suppose. I haven't had a positive KDA in 15 matches.
I think futas are sterile
comfy bfs~
>6k ping
this should be illegal
Don't know if the most broken but
P: Frost Shot
Q: Switcheroo
W: Deadly Flourish
E: Quick Draw
R: Culling
c-can i save this?
Which one would you fuck /lolg/?
They can't get pregnant, but they can impregnate
my tournament
Not buying sightstone as a support needs to be made a bannable offense full stop
Morde passive (and by proxy being manaless) on anything with both a dash and hard CC
I feel you senpai, been dealing with spikes like that for the last two days.
Slut or cunt the question of the ages. =
chicken legs
at least it's not guaranteed death
Kog is still the cutest and also really strong!
Bot, of course.
vg vs vg results
>ywn fuck Xayah with your superior human cock
>ywn cum inside her, blessing her inferior vastayan womb with your mighty seed
I'd make her bf watch too.
how the fuck do people ping their ping and how much money they need for items?
>still no compensation buffs for Morde after the rylai's nerf
Support role should be removed from the game somehow so shit players would go down to the elo they belong in or be forced to actually learn the game.
> tournament ryze
> doesn't finish roa
> feeds
I swear to god
>hecarim didnt shit on amumu's jungling
either that amumu is legit, the lanes were shit or the heca just didnt even try
alt click your ping or gold
Press g hit ping.
Press g hit item you want to buy.
Fucking magic.
>tfw going to fucking break my keyboard between the aggression my ping is causing me and the aggression playing badly is causing me at this rate
I try that but it doesn't work for whatever reason
euler is really bad at hecarim
>master "never gank" styles outjungling anyone for any reason whatsoever
Hecarim isn't really an invader. His early clear is probably even less healthy than amumu.
>get nosferatu vlad in hextech chest
>save up and make it permanent
>its ugly as shit
well fuck
>tfw I like playing him mid more
Shame its so shit atm
>downloading porn while playing
> any vlad skin is trash
yeah no shit sherlock