/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

Auto Sticker General #252

Previous thread: >List of Vendors and Social Media

>/osg/ FAQ

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for meme magic is real

Kek !

/n/ edition?

>What is this thread for?
>A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>Automotive Decals and Stickers
>uses a bicycle for the OP image


I'll throw this up for 2.99. Interested?

Honestly, for $3, kind of.

move bitch, get out the way edition

I'd buy that for a dollar (+1.99).

Rode up behind a line of cars the other night going like 15mph, couldn't see why until I got around the cars.
Fucking group of cyclists taking up the whole lane.
Rode my 1200cc beast in between them, held in the clutch, fucking 12k rev, and proceed to ear rape.
Scared the shit out of a couple and rode off.
Fucking hate cyclists

id buy

It's up. I'm running a sale this weekend on slaps, buy 2, get 50% off, So you can get 2 for $3. They should ship out Monday, but give me till Wednesday to ship please.

Wow you're so cool.

Share the road bitch

It was almost exactly that.
I swear there was no reason for it, absolutely enough room on the shoulder.

that webm always makes me angry.

Thanks Waifusquad for the stickies!

shit son i didnt expect these to arrive already

do any of /ourguys/ sell lonely driver stickers?

>but the sticker isnt on the bicycle.

but the fold isn't on the vinyl so it doesn't matter at all. I'm confused

how fast does shitboxme ship? i ordered launch date but haven't gotten anything.

are the patches dropping tomorrow?

Show me what you want and I might be able to reproduce it.

Just finished weeding this guy.

LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG is getting shipped to Australia tomorrow.

Orders placed from now until the end of the month gets a bonus anime themed decal.


Sorry, not trying to spend $14.99 on a $2.50 die cut.

how w i d e can you go? Hopefully I'll be getting a new car on the 18th or 25th and i'm thinking avout getting a banner to go across the top of the windshield.

I'm working on an order for a local garage now.

5 cars; 46" - 48" wide windshield banners like this. Owner is going to frost the glass behind it and rig up LED lights so it glows, should look bretty c00l.

I can go as wide as you need me, bb ;)

Shoot me some ideas through my website and I'll make it happen.


Are there any sticker vendors that maybe sell just small die cuts or slaps that aren't anime related? I mean I've been through the entire list from the paste bin but haven't really found anything really besides this, but I feel it'd be a big joke.

Shoot me some ideas and I'll make them happen.

[custom design request]

I do mainly non anime stuff
I've added both styles

I have this one. You can grab that and for about $8 using 50off

>check website
>check "About" page
>from goddamn Allentown, PA

It all makes sense now

Alright give me some time and let me see what I can't think up. Do you discuss pricing after an idea or before?
I'll check this out too

I looked at that a bit I'll consider

>Township is selling 100 dollar stickers

Is this the fall of osg?

nah, he's just ahead of the curve.

Remember Denlin selling a windshield banner for like $200?

I'm from Philly, but I just bought a house in Allentown. It's alright, fucking allergies though.

Honestly, it depends on the design and weeding difficulty. For anything over 24", it's a flat $30. The process is s u p e r quick: you give me an idea, I draft a design, you approve and pay, I cut and ship.

If you're looking for custom composition pieces, I can design multiple pieces and have them composed as such on the application paper.

This photo's an example; similar to tattoo sleeves.

Alright awesome, I'll see what I can't think up then. It might be some time but I will be back. Got my first truck and wanna get something that adds some character. Thanks!

If you want some guns and bible quotes, I can do that too lmaooooo, let me know whenever; my schedule's usually open.

Haha yeah I could go for some of those, and alright thanks again!

Im a sucker for sales

I Thought i was the only one on this board that listened to $uicideBoy$

>You can grab that and (You)
>for about $8
What the fuck was I thinking? This is two slaps for 5.49 including shipping. Not sure how I got 8.Thanks user!

Better follow through with my note you baka

The entire meta category is for that.

When do you think you'll restock on these?

The rest of you fuckers need to stop being so greedy and leave some slaps for the rest of us.

i have no artistic talent but i want a sticker that subtly references tentacle porn

would buy

Can we get some WetRaging stickers?

Just bought a Never Lift slap off watracing, should I stick it on my popup so you can read it while driving? Not sure I want to sticker the outside of the car too much, but it'd be kinda cool. Other option is somewhere inside the car.

Pic related

holy shit i would be fucking mad

how much would it take to learn to vinyl or ppf wrap a car properly?

about tree fiddy

but seriously?

Holy Beautiful

same here

Your original post doesn't make sense so a serious answer can't be given.
Are you asking how long it would take to learn how to wrap a car or how much it would cost to wrap it?
If the latter you also need to specify what car it is since smaller cars would obviously be cheaper than large ones.

how long it would take to learn how to wrap any car properly?

how long it would take to learn how to wrap any car properly?

how long it would take to learn how to wrap any car properly?

Thanks for the super fast shipping turn around. Australia user here. Do I get random anime stickie too?

Is anyone else having trouble accessing Bad Decisions. It just refresh loops


Weird. Said it only had an hour to go last I checked.

its been done for 2 hours for me

Should I be expecting any sort of shipping notification or do stickers just tend to show up whenever?

whenever, mine always come the week after i order from most sellers

depends on who you bought from

notori, yummystickies, shitboxme, and opposingforce


What font was used for the moon runes on this sticker?

Should I make this into a shirt?
I was thinking on a black shirt with a white pixelated outline

p.s. all sizes of the wat racing #90 shirt are in stock

I don't care about clothes but I need this

Notori sends you a tracking number. Opposing Force is pretty fast. Yummy maybe a week? I'm still waiting on my shitboxme order too.

>not watraping.cum
>not wetraging.com

Looks like we're the coolest guys on the board now.

Adding this to my work log.

You need large rolls of vinyls and at least the following tools:

Heat gun
Application solution (soapy water works)

Get a friend, a garage and a ton of patience.

You get extra stickies ;)

I had these H U N T E R decals on the back burner for the longest time. The original design had a ton of accents and katakana, but was painful to weed, so I simplified them.

Lol, they keep trying to deface it don't they?

Shout out to the fag in the silver infinity on buford highway last night, take your fucking ear buds out and post a link to those ass stickers.

Same price, Yummy's is better quality, AND he delivers earlier. Bad Decisions indeed.

Panty and Stocking stickers? I want some demon waifus to remind me of the the RURUS OF THE ROAD

Someone should sell this

Can't use a stolen vector. I'm actually working on something like this right now.

Yep. They'll be up later tonight.

I fold it to fit in the envelope. The envelope is 9". The sticker is also 9". This doesn't work out well. I'll give you my shitty shipping times though.

This is fucky. I'll look into it. The new maintenance plugin I'm using must be trying to kill itself.

>tfw people keep selling stuff for limited time
>tfw don't have car to put stuff on so can't justify buying stuff just to sit
>tfw coming in late anyway so missed all the good shit
Don't know how to deal with these feels

holy shit nice paint my dude

So can someone update the pastebin to include Instagrams?

Thanks my man, I try

i had a custom kneesocks made by an artist, still waiting on it to be printed

the tubes on that jdm '85 norco are too thin to put stickers on and have them still legible

>order one
>sends me three
Realest nigga, thanks dirty drive

If someone made some persona 5 slaps, I'd buy in a heartbeat.

And don't tell me there's a guy selling some already, because I know. I got one and they're dogshit. It didn't last a week before the edges were shriveling and peeling off. I've already removed it so I don't have pictures. Be warned.

I would also buy them instantly

is it just me or did we break it

restock on wide club

I'm a sucker for kind notes, glad they're in safe.
Dont confuse everyone though, I only gave you those because they were misprints/damaged, i didnt have anything else to do with them, and absolutely no other reasons.

>buys 1 bad sticker
>gets 2 bad misprint stickers for free.

yeah user thats something cool... shill him more!

>in a heartbeat.

Incidentally, he just released a couple of those with the designs he used for his itasha.

there are vendors on here that will sell limited, but will give the file for free to use for one offs if you ask. LM, MNN, and LC have been the ones who have done this for me. too bad most of those guys don't come back on /osg/ anymore.

just ask around and see if anyone will be willing to do that for you. most stores wont but its always good to ask.

>actually caring about sticker pics for Instafag

holy shit I cant believe how much of a fag Dirty drive is

How about you just give out the discount code anyway you fucking shill magnet

>he wont give out discount codes anyways. even imouto does it. wtf is wrong with you. do you actually think any of your stuff is good?

if the other /osg/ stores can give out discount or free shipping codes why cant you? iv seen new guys on here that sell their stickers for 4 or 5 bucks that give out free shipping for all orders no matter the size.

you are just a shill whore.

I think it's my maintenance plugin killing itself. I have no clue. The website goes back to normal once the timer expires.