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Old thread


nice meta shadowbabs

Sad that it probably works better than actual Forestcraft now

Is this the chosen thread?

Eris is ____

Of course.

confess my love

I need more Rowen edits. Post 'em.

Oh shit guys
Just pulled some animated eggs

is the bowman kel deck worth crafting or should i just wait till i can craft aegis?

needs an edit with rowens in the background instead of eris

Rowen is serious now

>Ten minutes! For a whole ten minutes the hole in my soul was filled.

only as a huge meme

craft storm haven instead

what does it look like nowadays? just old storm with octopus thrown in?

Roland is fucking bad even in T2.

roland cucks forest and haven pretty hard

Post storm ramp dragon decks I can't find any that actually look good

the same thing but some builds add the banish draw guy

97456, need a win i can play it out if you want, if not just concede

roland is op as shit if they cant remove the amulet, hes a 2 for 1 easily and most of sword's followers has more than 5 hp wat r u smoking bruh

Who /ropeshadoweverymatch/ here

Roland is actually a nice 1-of in every non aggro dick. It's not a hueg impact lego like all others in sword, but it's like a safety belt: you probably don't need it, doesn't save you all the times but that ONE time you will be glad you had her.

thanks vania chan~

Roland is incredibly situational.
She wont see play other than a tech card against DShift/Forest/Aegis

I'm convinced Midrange Shadow is the best deck the game has ever seen. Nothing beats this shit.

no that award goes to pre nerf ptp forest

Reminder that Forest has been nerfed in every single expansion

My last sword run in T2 was 3-2, one loss was from getting fucked by Ouroboros then Blasted, the other was cucked by 2x Khawy and died by a thousand zombie cuts. She didn't actually help me win, and instead just prolonged my suffering.

>luna is finally tier 1

So who is yet to be tier 1? Hagcraft?

Every time

Blood? Unga bats was T1 at the beginning of RoB I guess though.

Haven was T1 in DE though? I would say it's Blood who never truly took the spotlight.

I think Storm Haven was T1 during DE.

Aggro blood was t1

ptp forest at its peak literally had a 70% winrate, kill yourself treefucker

Currently playing this. I honestly don't feel like I need the burst from the Cerb-Howl combo. Thane and Princess feel really good to slap on the board and make it hard for your board to ever be really clear.

No it didn't you drongo. Post proof.

For 2 weeks, after that Blood fell to almost bottom of the barrel.

>ptp forest at its peak literally had a 70% winrate
Completely false and one of the most repeated lies in this general, it only had 70% winrate against certain matchups and had an overall winrate of slightly above 60% (not unlike midragne shadow now.) This was also during a time where a couple of classes were tier 4 unplayable garbage that existed only to inflate winrates.

No, it just became t2.
It wrecked rune which was 33% of ladder

I understand getting rid of phantom howl, but why Cerberus? Huge cost especially if you have a good board up.

Howl is very good to clear the opponent board when going second in mirror, it also fucks kys Blood very hard.

to all newplayers.

don't roll for blood this craft is bad

t. Newplayer

>bottom of the barrel
Are you trying to take Shadow's whinging crown?

Just go back and check some of the old Shadowlog data, anons.

aggro blood is still one of the best/cheapest decks for new players

That's the first iteration of the deck. I never had Cerbs in the 5-slot. I may experiment with it but I need to craft her. My mindset is that the deck is looking for board presence over burst and a 5-mana 3/3 doesn't really help with the former. I do want to try her though. Should I just play 2 or 3?

>Previous poster didn't specify if the 70% winrate was in general or against a certain matchup
>No it didn't have a 70% winrate! But it actually had a 70% winrate!!

Lmao the damage control of these fucking Fairybutts

>when your opponent misses lethal and you kill him the next turn

>play unranked to do dailies
>opponent plays skelly shadow
lmao you literally can't be this pathetic

Blood han't yet had a true t1 deck.
Even aggroblood during early RoB could be countered handily.

I underestimated this card
It is actually pretty powerful

Two could be acceptable. For midrange, Eachtar is probably the more valuable legendary anyway.

>opponent starts emoting after his turn
>topdeck lethal


Yeah, he's really good for ensuring board control early or for getting that chip damage in if you're running burn.


Bullshit. Only 70% against suicide blood. Shadow has higher vs dshift now. Ptp forest was one of the decks with interesting mechanics and hard to pilot optimally. There was a saying among the nips that it isnt ptp unless it is piloted by high master.

Well I guess midrange shadow also has a 70% winrate then :^)
See ya on the day of the nerfs friend

Eachtar and kill them.

I'll try it. It's just that I've never slapped down Gob Princess and wished it was Cerb. Princess has really surprised me with how good she is. I initially thought it was just a T2 card.

If my house is getting fucked, mind as well fuck everything with it.

you are shit if you think cerb is bad or any card is better than it in shadow.

>when your opponent plays shadow for free wins in T2 and heaven rebukes him so hard he ragequits


>Haven sets up Aegis + ToS
>Thinks he's safe
>I drop Thane and suicide my board
>Thinks I'm a retard since that wasn't enough for lethal anyway

Why does this happen.

But I don't think Cerb is bad, I've just had a lot of success without her and I haven't felt like I needed it. I'm not Masters so my opinion doesn't matter anyway, but people asked why no Cerb. The main reason is I only have 1.


For impregnating.

Butthurt loser exits the game instead of just surrendering

>when your opponent has 10 health and they concede right before turn 9 because you have an evo

This comes from someone who doesn't play dirt rune, take it as you will.

I find that it's pretty annoying in the early game, as a 2 drop that can't be killed efficiently with low mana, especially when played with 2 earth rites as a backup (thing scrap iron and teaching of creation/red hot ritual). But the later the game goes, i think it works against the dirt player, because it consumes rites that would be better used for professor of taboos or calamitous course.
But I guess the more aggro oriented dirt decks don't run in those kind of problems?

New to the game, liking it, thinking of buying a few prebuilt decks to jumpstart my collection. I like blood, shadow, sword and dragon, which of these prebuilt decks are the most worth, considering the usefulness of the cards they contain?

Pic related are my legends

Of course
Control Dirt does not need early board when it can just run removal
Illusionist is stick 2 drop that keeps hitting face and does not go away

Forest>Shadow>Blood>everything else

shadow is one of the best crafts right now and you will use almost all legos and golds from the prebuild so go for it.

take a look at the aggro shadow and mid-range

>plays Otohime to Walfrid next turn
>opponent plays Phoenix Rider Aina
>I lose


I kinda feel bad for forest. It feels like I'm just literally burning the fuckers especially when I use dragon.

A winner

you fucking loser bitch

it's a cute tech against shadow if they don't see it coming

shadow and dragon is ok cos of cerb and forte, forest is the most worth in terms number of useful cards but then u arent interested in it

>Recommend Forest for newbie when it's @ 6.5% play rate
No, just no.

He is talking about prebuild value. It's the only one where both the legendaries are meta.

is because dragon players have a pure heart with honor.

We are in the top now but at least our honor is intact.

How do you get Royal Banner? I've encountered 2 decks in my last 3 matches with it and it's not in the craftable list.

You have lots of good Sword legendaries but it's not doing too hot right now. On the other hand you no good Shadow legendaries but Shadow is the best class right now and fairly cheap to build if you just buy 3 prebuilts.

>is clearly a girl

Forest prebuilt has the best value out of all but buy the shadow one if you can. It's tier 1 right now and almost all of the golds in it is usable, not to mention Cerberus.

>aww fuck que into some shadow dick
>fuck this shit lets waste an eyfa
>didn't managed to remove her since running out of removal and skellys can't suicide into her
>oh fuck now they fucking flooding the board
>come on dork
>draw Aina
>+6 to attack
Aina seems a nice tech if you're not going ramp route in this meta.

>Play rate equals quality of craft


The one thing I like about Hearthstone is how every follower you play doesn't immediately get removed next turn.

Story mission.

is a basic card just level up famalam

Someone who is tired of shadow's shit

Will he ever be effective?

1st Sword story mission

The guy that beat you that's who.