Fighting Games General /fgg/
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first for I'm the best player on /fgg/
Braindead Gorilla
nerf necalli
haitani is fucking nuts
I don't play fighting games I just post about what I see happen on Twitch streams and repost memes from Reddit
under the radar
Play Waku Waku 7
Play Rashid's game (scuffle outside the house the fifth)
Japs win again
USA could've stopped this!
Reminder that cukgod is the worst trip /fgg/ has ever had.
>mash dp every wake up
>"the right guesses haitani with the reads"
>worse than birds
>worse than pisss
Haitani is a god why are people surprised he fucked Itazan?
persona 5 arena when?????
fchimp so mad lmao
under the radar is an fgg homecooked meme son
fchamp look shook
Yamazaki makes me wish I was good at KoF.
If it works, why change it.
hopefully soon!!
*blocks your path*
kill yourself twitchkid
Why isn't Logan banned? Didn't our boy Ian get him banned?
Implying they'd let the 2nd round of a fight be streamed
he didn't even do it 50% of the time, retards are exaggerating as usual.
That Haitani play was disgusting. Itazan didnt seem to adapt too.
you don't even play fighting games though, nice try diaper
I want to main Potter-kun.
itazan didnt find the answer to haitanis counter to vskill until the second to last round
3/5 is not good for sim
no dude, haitani wasn't using good reads waking up with dp maybe 30-40% of the time playing against a guy he has literally played thousands of rounds against, he's just some scrub masher necalli, the 6th meme character people are going to beg gets nerfed.
dont worry in season 2.5 they give sim an assault rifle
Nerf DP again
So is there going to be an announcement or something or is it over? I've got games to play.
I do play and don't use a forum as twitch chat.
Now kill yourself. You parents are waiting for you to finally pull the trigger.
WTF is up with Sherry's teeth?
Is she wearing braces or is it just a shitty veneer?
Women rarely have good teeth
sure you do diaper, sure you do
It's over.
They announced Sagat, new stages, and several new costumes are coming out next week along with a reramp of the CFN.
>switch over to WCW from UFA
>sherry is on the mic AGAIN
>immediately mute
necalli should have 950 health
She busted her teeth munching on BBC's, those things can get hard as diamonds.
Don't expect announcements unless Ono hypes something up on twitter
>a new close c.MK
>assault rifle
>next week
probably obvious but i just got illuminati confirmation that the april character reveal will be next week
I wish they made a fighting game with only the dolls + twins, would buy it day 1
are you allowed to give us this info...
Next week or """next week"""
/fgg/ could have told you that if you had just asked...
at NCR
I could have told you that
>necalli no longer under the radar
delete this tournament
>putting sherry on the comentary
It's like they don't want people to watch.
and vicious is just as bad
>wife probably only wants Haitani because of sf fame since he's ugly and emotionless
>will dump if he doesn't win every tournament from now on
>he will have to work two times harder now
stay strong Haitani
nah, he should take slightly more damage while in vtrigger
i think both necalli and akuma should have infinite vtrigger
it's ok i'll marry him if she leaves
>tfw got my wife's son into sfv a couple months ago
>he picked balrog
>now he beats my high IQ character everytime
>doesn't eveb take sfv seriously and plays smash primarily
>infinite double air fireball
this is why we don't let super bronzes balance fighting games
Akuma sucks as is.
Akuma has one of the best triggers in the game.
Dont do that.
>character who gets oki off every knockdown and has massive damage output
and alex
No one likes your kind dumb new york gorilla
>getting hits when your neutral is that bad
Not to mention demon flip and dive kick may as well be non existent, Dan fireballs, and useless air fireball. He's bad.
SFV honestly needs a better anti air game and a better high-low game. The whole game is just frame traps
how to fix SFV
- remove everyone that isn't ken or ryu or akuma
>my wife's son
Good job anglo
>wife's son
this is where you screwed up
You're joking right? Demon flip is ridiculous in this, you just aren't using palm enough
>Giefs entire existence is guessing
>Guess wrong and you die in 10 seconds
>Keep guessing right and you spend a minute taking down his godzilla healthbar
>Meanwhile people want others characters nerfed because Gief is LE HYPE xD HONEST GRAPPLER
>use tablet to check sfv frame data while practicing
>always ends up dropping too much dandruff on it
why the fuck won't Capcom just put the frame data in game
>fix sf5
>keep ken, akuma
pick one and only one
the only way to fix it is by enforcing only ryu mirror matches
If you can't react to demon flip you have Parkinson's or something. Do you see how slow everything he has is?
you don't need that shit
Wash your fucking hair you dumb hippy
Do you play melee
I used to, why?
I do and even use dandruff shampoo. I don't know how to get rid of this shit. I gotta tilt my head back when I eat cuz it falls in my food.
Itazan got fucking robbed
Haitani has anime powers
>put WCW
>Sherry is commentating
>close tab and put the faggot floe instead
What the fuck is Valle doing?
I get the same problem from time to time and i have no idea why. I shower and shampoo everyday.
But when it happens it sucks, it feels like it just wont end
It's probably because your scalp is too dry. You especially shouldn't be washing your hair that often if you have a curly texture.
Moisturize your scalp
Doing lines
didn't you see his tweet?
he won with the power of love.
Deadpool and Rogue for mvci!
how far did ltg go in wcw? ever on stream? did he even make 64
Is this pairing canon
>sherry's face
Jesus fuck what happened