League of legends general /lolg/

E-sports edition

So now we have:
>CIS - Virtus Pro
>JP - Rampage
>BR - Red Canids
>LAS - Isurus Gaming
>LAN - Finals next week, 15/04 (likely Lion Gaming)
>OPL - Finals next week, 16/04 (likely Dire Wolves)
>TR - Finals 22/04 (likely Supermassive)

>NA/EU - Semis, finals 23/04 (likely TSM or C9/G2)
>LCK - 2nd Gauntlet match, ends 22/04 (likely SKT)
>LMS - Gauntlet starts and ends in 2 weeks, 23/04 (likely FW)
>LPL - For some fucking reason still hasn't ended even the regular split, finals 29/04

last thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Xth for Katarina
best girl

stop they are already dead

no one cares about e-sports you nerd

>Hai throwing so he can finally retire to all that Asian pussy

We need an updated version

comfy bfs~

then why are over 100k people watching NA lcs

Need a strong ADC for my boipussy

Ezreal is NOT gay

>t. aram only player


someone photoshop lemonnation onto the lep photo thanks in advance


LJL will win MSI.

please be in london

new loli champ when





xth for yordle butts


remember when lcs used to average over 200k? lul

Yes lemon
Keep feeding with Lulu
Make Riot believe that she doesn't need any nerfs

Say my name

xth for Syndra

>1 kill and 1 tower

So close to a perfect game.

I want to look EXACTLY like _____!

how does this one work?

also hoping i get jinx or MF!

Save your IP. New champs are garbage. Only troll will pick them.



how can one man suck so hard on every champion except one?

Don't bully the birbs!

and knowing this, how can you be dumb enough to not ban that champion?

how can your coach think its a good idea to test if he's still good at that champ during Playoffs on a team that is known to decline after losing the first game?

Reminder to bully and colonize all Vastayan yiffers.
The only non-humans worth a damn are the spirits.

Seriously, Rakan and Xayah feel like something out of a 90's/early 00's cartoon trying to be edgy

Are you aware that Huhi currently isn't the issue with CLG?

>the entire split Huhi hasn't been the one causing CLG to shit the bed
>it's been stixxay and aphro and darshan and sometimes even xmithie making retarded decisions
>that huhi asol game 12/1/8

did we drop into bizarro world?


Why are yordles best girl?

>21.3k damage on asol
my dick
makes me want to play space dragon of sass now

BR is looking pretty good desu. Red Canids has the best players of every position of BR in their roster AND two subs that are the 2nd best of their positions in BR.

>meme magic working through the entire year
maybe we're even going to have someone that's not SKT win MSI with the power of meme magic

Illaoi QoL when?

Old Trist > New Trist. Fact.



Rakan is fine, but Xayah is a turbo bitch

Stixxay's been a solid member.
Darshan's played pretty solidly this split. Not carrying but not the reason the team is behind usually. It's mainly been off games from xmithie and aphromoo that's been the problem for the team I feel. Also bad drafting for part of the season.


>rolled vi but ended up doing ahri anyways

I haven't watched any BR games and I hold a very low opinion of them in general. Maybe they will do well though.

Aurelion Sol

>wake up
>contemplate suicide like i always do the first 18 hours after waking up
>see this cutie3.14

wat do?

Moth champion when? Elephant champion? Rhino champion?


pull the trigger

>passive works on a charge system so you aren't wasting it fighting in an area that's already been filled with tentacles
>W does actual damage, make the tentacles do W's damage
>make the healing per champion not per tentacle
>make the tentacles invulnerable for the first few seconds after spawning
>give her a more traditional secondary passive on top of spawning tentacles

There are a lot of things you can do to help Illaoi out and Riot isn't going to do any of them until they plan to release the Dunkmaster skin for 1820 RP.

Like I said, the only non-humans allowed to exist are Spirits and whatever Jax is.

NotFurries get out of my game REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

it would be easier to take shots while hes alive

>wanting to kick out Rammus

not okay

How can one item be so based

Lucian will be with you in a second.

Hope I don't have to go outside, it's 10 PM.

>tfw Death's Dance's passive does true damage so I can't filter autos through my armour and my %reduction twice

You wouldnt fertilize a plant, right?

>lets talk about an item that was severely underrated until Korea's best adc said they were good and now everyone has them even though the item hasn't changed in years

Flyquest will reverse sweep. screencap this

I thought he was a spirit. That was the point of that retcon of his lore that puts him as an entity in Shurima.

Well then Rammus gets to stay.

i know esport is a joke, who do you hate the most in LCS now?

>DIG, and DIG fans, especially qtpie fans
>hai and dlift

thats a dragon lady

>the city of europe
delusional fanbase, maybe five likable players in the whole league

>tfw no dragon sorceress Illaoi
would it be the most fertile champ skin possible?

At least compared to other IWC teams, they're usually the best.



>the DOC is out



CIS did pretty well last year.


Man face

>played against a Dragon Trainer Trist for the first time today
>get a kill on her
>watch her death animation
>watches as her little dragon cuddles up to her
>immediately remember this pic
>feel like shit for the rest of the game

Fuck you RIOT...


delete this please


>mundo meme start

is this game less dead than dota or is it dying too? I need a new moba to play

>kennen adc
please stop doing this


Now that a non-joke region is playing kennen ad maybe we can see why it's getting picked

>5th art of Zyra in the exact same position
stop copying the damn splash for drawings damn it

Yeah, but one showing, and it's not HR/ANX/M14 that's going this year, it's VP and I think that they don't have a single player that has gone out before (only RED's toplaner didn't go to worlds/IWC before)

>balls ruins another play
Remove this manlet


I want to go swimming in Lulu.


League is objectively STILL the largest game in the world and has already reclaimed a lot of the players who diverted to Overwatch briefly.

me too

>that balls tp
Fucking retard lmao