/rsg/ RuneScape general

Documentary edition

The RuneScape Documentary - 15 Years of Adventure

Previous thread: Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years
>Latest Patch Notes
>Previous week Patch Notes
>Mining & Smithing Rework Design Documents
>Luck rework documents

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Augment your equipment and get 99 Slayer
Aside from finishing up your combat skills you'll gain a bunch of invention levels in the process which is an essential stepping stone for most current and future content

Consider looking into daily money makers if you're short on cash

>click on video
>first few seconds and I already want to close it

Is the augmenting more important then T90's? Money isn't that much of a problem I average around 5M at QBD which I do 1-2 hours a day

In the long run augmenting your equipment is definitely worth it, yes. An augmentor costs like 300k to make and once you get access to the good perks you'll be able to kill bosses such as QBD even faster which in turn will help you generate more gold per hour.

Get both

If a Australia couldn't defeat a flock of emus how could they beat Runescape's playerbase?


Stop wasting your time at qbd and learn rax

who is the cutest rs npc?
my vote is either ge clerk or ariane




xth for comfy eternal nights

Can I rax with my ranged set?


I miss lady keli being katrine's sister

>watch video
>reminded that i will never enjoy an mmo again
God damnit

>see chat on the rsc footage
>''this **** is lit senpai''
aww, I was hoping it was old ass footage and not recently recorded.

>training farming by using rumberries to trigger slisgay's memeknowledge
Someone stop ne from being dumb

>got pk'd by a fag with P_v_M in name while abyss running
i feel ashamed

Trying to find Law legs is suffering.

Just craft them you fag

I've got no fragments left.

Then get more.


I saw someone mention zulrah in rs2 footage




The swamp looks cool/good especially on 1440

What should I focus on doing RN?

I have all arma, bandos, subj armor, drypoors, nox scythe, nox bow, and chaotic staff.

Forgot pic related

Obvious waifu choice.

Remember if you're going to host a bossing event, you should do it when only Australians are awake and not announce the time more than a few hours in advance.

Is the documentary kino?


I can't understand jack shit of what Paul is saying, even though I can understand his 2 brothers perfectly.


He said:
"Me and my brothers are complete retards, recently we were offered a chance to create a new quest for modern day runescape and instead of creating something "old school" we made a joke instead,"

Has Zezima ever actually shown his face?

Also I thought it was pronounced Zezeema all this time, what the FUCK

Are there any poorfag perks for scythe?

precise 5 equilibrium 3

Poorfags shouldn't own weapons they can't afford to perk properly


>get 92 Prayer
>get Overloads
>get tier 90 weapons and armor
>QBD still kills me

how bad could you be.

Did you have any super antifires?


>then git gud

Get dragonbane

He's got t90s, bane isn't necessary accuracy wise if you've got them IIRC, and it's damage is less than t90 ammo.

T90 is only 100% accurate on task with supreme sharpshooter or reckless

without a slayer helm, dslayer gloves, nihil, or acc aura you still need bane with t90 weapons.

So if you duo araxxor, will the drops get split up between both players? Or does each person get their own individual loot?

the latter

Is it worth duoing? I've only ever soloed it (have ~220 kills).

yeah but you need to have someone autistic as you

its only worth duoing top and bottom. middle has mechanics in duo that make the fight longer instead of shorter.

Hello, for a while now I've been looking for an artist to make me a 'custom' af avatar of my runescape character, mixed with some of my passions. I've tried a few places and no such luck. Since I've seen many artists post on here, I thought I'd give it a try. I don't have a preference on the style; cartoonish, chibi, or realistic. I just really want anything.

Anyway, I want him to look like this; imgur.com/a/djtet Vanguard Chest, Legs and Gloves. Steadfast boots. Master Attack Cape, same hair, and same skin color.

With a Zamorak halo floating above his head. Chick'arra in a flying, attacking stance. imgur.com/iYMxaie (Or regular version)

Here comes the custom af part. I want a Sharingan in his right eye. imgur.com/Jt0mocw I want him in this EXACT stance, dual wielding these 2 guns. imgur.com/aJwwZ0S (Project Lucian) Also Dravens Axes sheathed on his back. imgur.com/xzUvUma League of Legends

So if anyone is interested in taking this challenge, comment or point me in the right direction. Thank You, and I apologize if this isn't rules appropriate. Desperate at this point.

Like what?

>you will never be this low functioning autism
I am glad I was raised on lego, books, and how it's made sometimes.
Better that than sonic or something like whatever caused this.

you play runescape dude, you're already on the same level as Sonic OC makers.

you require 100% acid saturation to dissolve the ramp instead of 50%, meaning phase 2 takes at minimum twice as long.

just pay someone jesus christ.

why are faggots always trying to get free art from people? theyre spending multiple hours of their own free time for you, and you expect them to do so without reimbursement?

theres a reason that furfags are called artwhores; they _pay_ for art. thats the only reason theres so much of that shit, people support the creators. if you dont have money then either get a job or figure out some kind of trade with them.

>imgur links on an imageboard
Is this the true face of autism?

Not really m8, runegame is my off-autism game.
I play more autistic shit normally.
Good example is children of a dead earth, a spess warfare game with such autistic levels of detail the creator ran into issues for nukes because some of the calculations he wanted to put in were classified.

this isnt fagchan where you can post 5 pictures at once.

though to be fair, 4 of those links are deleted.

says the guy who can't tell it's obviously a copypasted post.

seriously? not even the sharingan part gave it away to you?

>why are faggots always trying to get free art from people?

because there's like 2 artfags in this thread and one of them does shit for free

not that they should do that autists request, that shits gay

>steadfast boots

So I heard that Jagex wiped out all information on and connections with the guy who made Salt in the Wound. Is that true? Why would they do that but not do the same thing for even less popular updates?

>less popular
salt in the wound was so hated there's even memes around it.

Yes, it's true.
I think he was actually memoryholed for something else though.

>tfw salt in the wound is my last quest on my ironmeme

people hate it for shitting on the lore, not the gameplay.

No, they hated it for both.

More than Sliske's meme maze and EOC?

Bullshit, otherwise the first dungeoneering saga would be just as hated and their author fired, if not more because it stars the completely unlikable signature heroes.

is salt in the wound the one when the npc gets a hexhunter and dies

It was like 6 years ago so all I really remember is the pillar crushing Mother Mallum.

Sliske's meme maze was pretty terrible, but it had some redeeming qualities.

Salt in the wound was just all around shit. Although I kinda liked how you got to interact with the queen's mouthpiece host at the end before she died off too, got some feels


ana is gay


>runescape could definitely take australia
there's only like 4 jmods who are capable of beating araxxi, who do they expect to take 8.9 continents filled with them?

Australia couldn't even beat a flock of emus.



How to Survive taught me that I couldn't either.

I really liked the documentary.

I really like you.


I learned that I've been pronouncing Zezima wrong for the last 11 years.

how does it feel knowing that a blurberry special drop could have been a hazelmere signet ring


I liked the part where zezima talked about how playing runescape for so long has made him virtually immune to shit talking both in game and in real life, reminds me of Veeky Forums.

there are people out there who ACTUALLY let her die in vsb

He's a horsefucker, they get as butthurt as furfags, he's lying.

All the old mods seemed to be well adjusted and social young adults that turned out great in their older years. The few current younger mods we saw were just fucking cringe.

But Mark and Osborne are old mods and they've always been cringe.

Excellent service as always, Surula.

check mod timbo's twitter
also: runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Hazelmere's_signet_ring

Isn't Raven pretty old?
That just says they're vaguely related. What if it's a rare drop from the gnome restaurant or something?