Power Rangers edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
>/hsg/ general & tournament discord
Power Rangers edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
>/hsg/ general & tournament discord
Other urls found in this thread:
first for murloc paladin
>every fucking match is now shamen murloc
>Black guy is the black ranger
so how is this for a budget zoo deck?
Post and discuss Hunter decks
Should I replace Bite?
any other anons who get legend regularly ? got it with a bunch of decks + freeze mage in the end.
Reynad's killing it right now, why aren't you watching him?
>shit loads of cool Warcraft related mobs/npcs to use for Un'Goro
>eh, lets throw in a whole load of shitty Dinosaurs XD
Meh... fuck Blizz, where's my Linken?
>implying anyone plays standard
Come back when you get legend on wild loser
wheres your bow m8, one bite is probably enough.
usually at the end of a season
is this the shortest honeymoon period ever?
im already bored as shit of the game
>eh, lets throw in a whole load of shitty Dinosaurs
Nigge ryou sjut your fucking mouth!!!! Dinosaurs are the only decent part of this shit expansion.
Lol @ Druid quest
Just lol..
thanks r****t
>loses to pirate warrior
>loses to egg druid
>loses to aggro pally
>disfavored against taunt warrior
>not even a guaranteed win against priest
>not even a guaranteed win against its counterpart Plant rogue
>tfw you fell for the Quest Rogue meme
no regrets, most fun and unique deck since Miracle was introduced
Can Quest Warrior beat Quest Rogue?
fuck timber wolf, fuck bite
-crawler +dire if you dont face pirates like me
+2 mana 2/2 adapt when 2 others on board
+ 1 freeze
+ 1 snake trap
Nigga I got bored on the first day
>shamen murloc
>shamen murloc
>dragon preist
>shamen murloc
>Paladin murloc
>shamen murloc
Only a mad man would enjoy this
So Mage and Paladin are dead right
Mage just seems unusable without reno and paladin is paladin
And the hearthstone subreddit is back to positive threads only.
Must be convenient having an 'ex' blizzard forum mod to be the head mod of that place.
Post your favourite memes
It's a boring game. They think they're being clever by making it so you have to play for fucking six months or spam hundreds of dollars before you can build even two decent decks, but it just makes the game shit.
But muh Exodia and tempo elemental!
yes in one of two ways
>dirty rat pulls out the guy he was planning to complete quest with
>rogue overextends after completing quest, gets brawled and runs out of gas
but rogue is very favored
Is this because you can kill him faster?
yeah, it's pretty bad
but it's the type of card that gets better the more new cards we get
druid is bound to eventually get more card draw and big minions, so not everything is lost
>Sherazin is actually good as fuck
I think everybody really misunderestimated just how easy it would be to revive it with all the cheap card generators there are
>loses to pirate warrior
>loses to egg druid
>loses to aggro pally
>favored against taunt warrior
>not even a guaranteed win against priest
>a guaranteed lose against clock mage
>guaranteed win against its counterpart quest rogue
>tfw you fell for the Quest Rogue meme
The deck is just too inconsistent and weak against strong early game minions. The cycle is nice but in the end the deck does nothing without Sherazin and a good opening hand.
Its slower than Parrior while having weaker late game than parrior. Its only playable because its faster than quest rogue and can beat it consistently
>Druid surely will receive something other than neglect or hate
Which year?
Nice little raptors.
I think I need to change something but I don't know what
Golden alleycat for normal
Or craft another
>all the new adapt cards are so shit that I can no longer win any consecutive arena matches
Making arena standard was the final mistake
This just killed the last fun part of the game which was the only reason i even bothered to grind dailys
>warlock about to kill me
>have the new mage 2 mana 2/1 on the board
>suicide it and hope for a miracle
>it gave me Pyroblast
>hes at exactly 10
>tfw you fell for the Quest Rogue meme
I mean plant rogue, the deck is just a thing thanks to unrefined meta. It will become a tier 3 soon and tempo rogue will die again
>tfw you fell for the plant Rogue meme
I just unhygienic rodented 2 apprentices and they conceded
Felt good
Absolute madman
Draenei would be so much better if they had a good bush down there
Otherwise that trash race is beyond saving
also Hearthstone
Looks like a mix between aggro and midrange with no draw
Either build a bit more for mid game or go all out on the aggro
In Rocket League you can play 1v1's ranked, or 2v2's where if you're good then you can make up for getting paired with a shitty teammate or of course you can actually make friends with people you play against and team up with them, knowing they're good (and maybe even mic up with them).
In Dark Souls you're basically either dueling 1v1 with no healing or you're invading where anything goes but you're prepared to deal with whatever bullshit comes your way. Good people can beat 1v3's with the right build and game/level knowledge, the enemy mobs don't attack you (except in limited cases which I won't get into, giant seed basically but that's why you invade at low-mid level) so you can use them to even the odds.
Either way, limiting RNG as much as possible is a good thing. I just don't want to feel like "well he got that card, guess I lose" or "well I got this card, guess I win". It doesn't even feel like I won or lost, it feels like the game just plays itself and the deck won/lost. Oh he's freeze mage against zoo and he beat zoo, it has nothing to do with the person piloting freeze mage or the person piloting zoo, it's just the decks doing their thing, or sometimes you draw like shit and they god hand you or something. Again, nothing to do with you, no skill involved, might as well just bot because all you're trying to do is win out over a large number of games.
I heard lifecoach recently quit the game because he felt like even at the top level he couldn't get much better than a 60-something% win rate no matter what he did or what he played, so he felt like the game was unrewarding to get good at. Heard it made a lot of people mad. If anyone knows of the video somewhere on youtube or something I'd love to see it.
>play hydra
>opponent plays volcano
>die from 21 hp
yes, bite is a shit card
One bow is alright, one deadly shot is alright, 2 UtH is questionable but not terrible, consider a tracking for consistency and a glacial shards over timber wolf, tol'vir warden is a very good card, one hyena might be enough it's not that consistent of a snowball card
I don't have many cards, what would you recommend for either route? Don't have patches
When there's a reason to I will. Legend was a 1 and done deal for me. I only care for the golden epic at rank 5.
what makes you think they dont
How are people running Armorsmith and Shield Slam in Quest Warrior?
What are they cutting?
I thought the list was pretty tight
>People are playing Pirate warrior again
>Every rogue deck is auto lose against them
I fucking hate this game
Reminds me of Chinese comic porn.
Because all of the r34 depicts them as not having any
Also it doesn't really fit them, I feel
I'd much rather fuck horde females anyway, except for taurens.
who thought this was a good idea?
-Knife Juggle
+Nesting Roc
for midrange
Maybe add Loot Hoarder if you want to play aggro
Paladin is very much alive, but he usually gets worse as the meta is being figured out.
Mage is far from dead, exodia bullshit is always going to be played because there is no perfect counter except pirate warrior. Also there is a tempo/secret list that's doing well on the ladder.
>It's an epic so you have to pay money for it!
Jews did.
oh no a high cost card that isn't useless
>druid received cards to make it a strong aggro/midrange class RIGHT NOW
Go play handlock then, Jesus
saving up for rat pack now. Its ok not great
What's a good deck that runs the new Elise, that isn't the Thijs one?
>Tfw was able to make a Quest Warrior deck without spending a cent
Schlomo on suicide watch
This should have been a mage card.
Please calm down, let me explain: mages would have to decide between running this AND firelands portal, and this way shaman wouldn't be able to fire elemental -> blazecaler -> Kalimos for constant damage and board pressure.
>Why are you called Trump?
>It’s a short and powerful name. I was influenced by watching The Apprentice during my teenage years and enjoying The Donald as an entertainer (which I like more than him as a presidential candidate). My intent was mainly to use the verb form: trump - v - to excel; surpass; outdo.
>Muh netdecking
>Muh netdecking
>Muh netdecking
Fuck it's not even a netdeck at this point. That's the real HS measure of how shit something is. If you're not even able to netdeck with it, you know it's trash.
Good man. I certainly hope you've never paid for this game in the past and had dust and gold lying around because of that?
I only have one roc and am pretty much out of dust, what would you drop to add hoarders?
Yeah because NO ONE would run 4 Firelands Portals in a mage deck
fucking rofl shut up idiot
It's a good arena card if you get eles :^)
"Leave card-kino to me"
Kalimos and blazecaller ALONE make the entire elemental archetype
just toss these cards in with some of the 1/2 mana elementals and you're gonna have a good deck
If you're going full smorc replace the highmanes with stranglethorn tigers, cut the hyenas for cat tricks/snake traps/a crawler, cut hatchling for a firefly, replace 1 houndmaster with a tol'vir warden
Proabably the Fiery Bats
I have spent 0 dollars on this game. I will never give my money to the kikes over at Blizzard. I even have a second account to get more free shit.
>My intent was mainly to use the verb form: trump - v - to excel; surpass; outdo.
Drop the raptor hatchling. Drawing the 4/3 for 1 mana is garbage and a wasted draw unless youre quest hunter
yes because every mage up there runs blazecaller right?
Don't be so upset, people are so worried about muh card slots that they cut good cards to keep the curve. There's a reason this game has been called curvestone from quite some time.
I've seen quite a few art that says otherwise
Also they're a pretty pure and prudish race, so they don't strike me as the porno-shaved-bald type
This is literally the first expansion I've wanted 0 legendaries from. Am I the only one?
Good! Jew the jew!
So whats the best meme deck. Egg druid or quest rouge?
by stand order
>because a deck is worse than exodia means that they wouldn't run it if it was a top tier deck
fucking holy shit you're stupid lmao
I looked at the prices out of curiosity and damn are they terrible "deals". 10$ gets you 7 VIRTUAL packs.
Just had this game
Spot the lethal, mage secret is Barrier
How is non Quest control warrior? I didn't pull any quests and don't feel like blowing my limited dust so soon
Whats the consensus on murloc decks/ shaman quest?
>5 cards a pack, goy! That's a lot!
>another sarcastic greentext and witty remark
You don't even care about the argument right? It's all about the epic moments where you proved user wrong. Carry on then.
kind of. I mean the decks look alright, but I wouldnt want to craft them. If i pull them ill be happy but nothing seems much craft
unleahs hounds
bite on the 2/2, killing it, spider and a hound
unleash more hounds
play wolf between the 2 hounds and kill mirror images
10 attack hyenas kill the mage
unleash, bite the 1/1 and 2/2 to buff hyenas, send the second unleash in with wolf to clear both images?
This is literally the first set where I'm looking at the pity timer trying to NOT get legendaries. Seriously. I'd rather just get epics and rares because I want some of them. I would be disappointed with nearly any legendary I pulled from this set. And the fact that I hate dusting legendaries makes it worse.
what the fuck are you even talking about? The cards they received are just generally beneficial to those playstyles/formerly relevant druid archetypes, and yes many people have reached/climbed legend with druid? C'mon man, just because ramp druid is shit and you have tunnel vision doesn't mean I have to be a mindless "netdecker" to realize what's strong. Hydra is a direct albeit weaker replacement for fel reaver and living mana is the ultimate "oh shit I'm out of stuff but still want to win" topdeck
>killing your own hounds
sure you won the game, but at what cost?
Does grevous bite work on your own minions?
If so, summon two hounds, kill 0/2 with them, kill 0/2 with 2/2, then bite 2/2 for +12 attack to make 4+4+6+6+1 = 21 minion +2 hero power = 23 damage which is much more than 17
What a retarded faggot. THAT'S your argument?
>living mana
Boring shit.
No offence, but how does this douchebag earn money?
Like, he's kind of mid to low tier in terms of popularity, and isn't winning tournaments... so, welfare? Seems like a Yuropoor, so I guess so
I think I found the fun deck I want to play this expansion, shadow visions is fucking amazing
I seriously might craft Lyra too