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>lose game
>player on opposing team says "rape"
>that's all he says
>report him
>find out a day later he was banned

feels good

>ywn racemix with fareeha then honor kill here for disobeying you

Post 'em

I play QP cause I'm bad

>always report shitters who rage in chat

>find out

I want to make babies with Fareeha.

I want to breed with Mercy


>objective time: 21 mins

I can't into these sites
explain this, is it good

>21:00 objective time
The fuck?

>Get 5 gold medals in a team with 6 DPS
>Get a card for obj kills

He didn't

It means you're the 404th best on the site.

>not killing the objective
stay plat

Pharah is hot garbage compared to Soldier


9 days ago is pretty low tier.
You want at least 12 days ago.

Jamison Fawkes!

Who is ready to lose some comp games?

what's the spookiest thing that can happen in a ranked game?
is it when your teammate picks orisa?
or when genji pulls out his weeb stick behind you?


those ranks are based on the overbuff custom metric "hero score" which is heavily improved with just time played

If this player has hundreds of hours on reaper then no, this is not necessarily impressive.

The direct stats like average elims and deaths and such are far more indicative of a player's overall skill than time played or even w/l

Don't we all

Oh lol, I forgot, one match I joined people were just fucking around on the point and chatting, etc. Then they built a tower to heaven by standing on top of each other. It was a magical time, an oasis of brotherhood and camaraderie in the desert of salt and toxicity. The match lasted about 30 mins, amazingly nobody ruined the temporary utopia we had made by attacking or otherwise ruining it. I actually made a leddit post about it if you want proof

For gifts Reaper would get McRee and genji linkin park merchandise

>enemy team has a mercy
>check her profile
>500 hours on mercy on QP, second hero is symm with, like, 3 hours
>as usual, does nothing but get focused by us the entire game
>manages to get one 4-man ress, but everyone still dies because of the nano visor we had saved for that
>watch as her team flames her on the match chat. calling her a boosted shitter (it was a high master/low grandmaster match)
>she leaves the match even before we switch sides

>solo Q flex all the way to masters
>basically try to play whatever I can to force my team to have a cohesive strategy
>whenever by luck both DPS don't fill out from the first 5 people we fucking dominate as I clean up with pharah/soldier/tracer/widow
>that rarely happens

Should I just give up on solo Q and join PUGs or what? I'm sick of trying to hold random teams together.

>pharah can one shot rat's ult

every day this bitch finds a new way to make me rage


>mercy main
>in high SR
Unless they've got a ton of hours as a widow or soldier in comp they're just a pocket for someone good on a team


>tfw outhealing mercy as zenyatta because he only pockets his queue buddy

>rein can one shot rat's ult with firestrike

Yeah rat's ult sucks in general, it's not Pharah.

God I hope she gets something this event. Even an emote or highlight intro would be great.

>tfw nobody ever gives a lucio main shit
>can play the worst game of your life
>people will still blame the mercy

This is why I only play QP, all the golden weapons in the world couldn't make me endure one comp game with the immature, toxic, salty shitpiles in comp.

Just you wait, your comeuppance is coming

Right now all you have to do is exist and use speed boost

Soon your area of effect will be 9 times smaller and you'll have to git gud

>tfw you remember you didn't record the best POTG you had after closing the game.

You're a baby. That isn't the real reason why you should avoid comp.

The real reason is that comp doesn't matter because it's a boring display of only playing 76, tanks, and supports. It is not a true measure of skill until tanks and supports get nerfed into the ground.


>It is not a true measure of skill until tanks and supports get nerfed into the ground.
lol what the fuck are you talking about

tank meta died aeons ago, it's all about that 3dps and 2/2/2 dive now.

Phara-Mercy is also extremely popular throughout the ranks at the moment.

>Duo comp for placements
>6-3-1, not great, but okay, still did well in it
>Silver 1760
>Okay thats bad but whatever
>Duo goes Gold 2330

What was their final sr last season?

Both of us Fresh

It's not canon, Chu. It'll never be canon.

Pharah is an ult battery.

She can't get into range to ensure kills, so the little chip damages she does the to the enemy team are going to be healed off by the enemy supports and they'll have a fast ult. Also, Pharah in general can't kill any tanks

I mean, I might've given you credence if you said there is more emphasis on supports and 76 than tanks, which is more true than in the past when the game was completely dominated by tanks, but you're silly if you don't think the game still revolves around tanks and supports.

I know that I can just play strictly tanks, supports, and 76 and go far and I don't want to feel obligated to do that.

Similar thing happened to my two friends when they first did their placements
I placed higher than both of them and got to plat and I hardly played any comp with them

>That isn't the real reason why you should avoid comp
Matches are longer till i get my xp. That's enough reason for me not to play there. Do my 10 placements, take the stupid spray and return to quicks.

QP has a mmr system as well so it must've thought they were higher than you.

Imagine if the Blackwatch Genji skin has different vice lines for interacting with Hanjo or Zenyatta

Whats a good way to play WInston I feel like all the squishes stick to close to their tank to kill

*voice. Fuck me I can't type today

>I know that I can just play strictly tanks, supports, and 76 and go far and I don't want to feel obligated to do that.
then get gud with someone that isn't an easy mode platinum pick bruv

>Pharah can't get into range
>Pharah can't kill tanks
I'm assuming the Pharah/Mercy combos you run into are just floating above a ball of chaos, because at my rank Pharah is part of squad and dive comps that have absolutely no problem taking out targets and moving tanks out of line.

It sounds to me like your problem is that your teams are focusing tanks when there's a mercy/ana right behind them.

I need art of Reinhardt being FAT

I need it to piss off a friend of mine

your moms a slut

>want to play rein
>only """""""healer""""""" is lucio

am I better off just picking Zarya

>tfw outheal lucio as mercy because he's just wallriding around all map in speed mode


Winston is dependant on your own supports, otherwise you will just die behind the frontline. Try to follow your other flankers. Do not go alone. You can also play him defensively, by protecting your own supports from Genjis and Tracer.
Winston without teamplay is sadly most of the time useless.




3 dps dive meta is the best meta this game has ever had so far

lucio changes should shake out hero composition even further for dive comps

blizzard should have made the game 7 vs. 7 or something, would have helped tremendously

Should I use the reverse wallriding as lucio? I feel like it just makes things clumsier and less controllable.

wasn't the game originally 8v8 but the servers they had worked out with cloud instancing weren't strong enough?

Here's Jeff talking about team sizes

Sure if you're mad cause you're bad

>that retarded healer whos queing for someone else and wont heal anyone but them

>designing team sizes around the maps, not the other way around

And Anubis was the very first map so imagine 8v8 there, especially at the time when places like the very first choke looked like this and had no cover.

If anything, it'll push Lucio even higher in the ranks, with his new healing that is on par with Mercy. I want to see how the reduced aura size will affect it, though, I think 10m is way too short, but I don't think it's enough to push him out of the meta.

let me translate this moron

>experimented with 8v8 for quite some time.
>so we didn't like it because it meant divecomp all the time, and we're bad at actual FPS so we don't like that high risk/reward style
>we built this Reinhardt shield and it's fun to play barrierwatch, so here's your 6v6 tank meta for a year
>I'm good at game design look at my title (Game Director)

you're welcome


>tank meta outside of season 3
>lucio nerfs
>ana nerfs

So I just watched most of the Overwatch Animatics. Holy shit Alejandra's voice is terrible.


>and we found ourselves dying a lot from seemingly random encounters

That's literally the game right now




After seeing what he posted why are you trying to point out that he is an idiot?
It's obvious he is trying to parrot "cool opinions" and can't comprehend simple things, let alone arguing.

me too, i played 160 hours in nearly a year

>we found ourselves dying a lot from seemingly random encounters

that's what happens when you have the game revolve around oneshots and the only thing able to survive it being tanks (who get twoshotted instead)

take the phatpill

When you're at 1600 trying to get out of the hole you dug yourself into, and three things happen. First, team select screen, four dps instalock. Two people unlock. Then go back, but now hanzo and widow.

this image is everything that's wrong with the world right now.
this and terrorism.

>i've got food in my sight

>play QP Widow Illios for funsies
>get a 3k, at least 2 headshots
>coveted Sharpshooter POTG
>Shadowplay shits itself and doesn't record

feels bad man

Please rec cosplay/fanfilms vids.

Duo que. that way you can play dps evey one in three games


But she is cute! I want to kiss her!

call me that in game and I'll get you banned for hate speech too


>23k healing

What is the best way to initiate on attack to get the first point on Volskaya?

The thing is, it is very easy to -eventually- get it due to respawn advantage, however what is the best way to get it done in one attempt? I'm asking because getting the second point is such a fucking struggle, and I'd like to allow our team to have as much time to capture the 2nd point as we can possibly get.
