IT is a lucrative, dynamic and interesting field to build your career

>IT is a lucrative, dynamic and interesting field to build your career

if you fall for this meme you're an autist. enjoy spending the rest of your career with smelly pajeets and getting 0 pussy.

should've gone into banking or consulting instead :^)

>enjoy spending the rest of your career with smelly pajeets and getting 0 pussy.

Everyone where I work is white and I've had several girlfriends...

Been with the current one for two years.

Sorry you weren't smart enough to pass the required math classes.

>"didn't pass math classes"

Literally everyone on wall street and MBB would like to have a word with you. Enjoy your no future dead end job you fucking loser. What's your ceiling, in the 100ks? Cute.

>I'm in cyber security figured I would mention some of the shit I have to deal with
>Have to take a client call from an escalated case because something doesn't work
>Tell the client I need to investigate first before I can come up with a solid conclusion
>Tell them not our issue, and something on their end doesn't work
>They want to argue, I have no time for this shit, tell them no it doesn't work that way, there just is nothing else we can do or change to "make this work"
>They figure it out and fix it on their end
>Wasted an hour of my life on this escalation

>Client calls in for us to do something completly non-compliant and demands I do it because he is so- and so.
>I explain, again I don't work for you and I am employed by an advanced cyber security company, what they are requesting is something I can not do and will not proceed.
>Guy is screaming, at me and I am just like do you not fucking get it how this... is not secure etc..

>Take a call for someone at some IT company and the guy on the other end doesn't know shit about layer 1-4 troubleshooting and is wasting my time on this call
>Have to do their job for them, even though they are IT support and I'm a cyber-security engineer...
>Start to learn, that those LAN desk specialists really are just comptia students and aren't worth a damn

>Working on a large project with another company
>They are blaming our services, towards the end of the call found out the servers they are using don't even work properly/expired or just poorly implemented
>They want to use another one, turns out it is a 2003 windows server and that won't work at all
>Waste another hour on this call, explaining to them not our issue, while they couldn't give two shits who I am and I have solved many issues for them
>Thinking of moving to another company in Texas, but they are more into virtualization and I don't have that experience at this company

>Terrified of studying, labbing and advancing for the next 6 months of my life as I will be wasting every day learning new tech, new strategies, troubleshooting, implementation etc..

Wow wallsteet neato

Must be worth working 90 hours a week lmao

It's a small price new grads pay for the power and status that will grant them a ticket to success inside.

Do you want to work a 9-5, save up for game tickets and play WoW, or do you want to get your dick sucked in Dubai?

exactly, If you have hustle you can earn bank in investment banking.

"Its a small price to pay to work for min wage and have a heart attack later on"

Is cyber security really a bad field? I thought you could make bank if you just did pentesting or consulting on your own.

yet here you are.
on Veeky Forums

a board for autists.

Posting about nothing.

post proof of wealth.

Can someone explain this IT meme to me?

It actually seems like a lucrative field here in Denmark and it seems like many people earn a lot doing it + the gov always talks about how we need more IT people.

>tfw considering getting a CCNA R+S cert by unsure if I should

People think doing something autistic like engineering/dev/IT will make them money. It won't. At best you'll be middle management with a beer belly with a

It's pretty good, I intern and am planning to sign with a major fortune 500 company's security department. The money isn't amazing but its solid with a lot of room to move up over time. I pretty much just learned everything on the job but the people in my department actually enjoy working with me so they can overlook some of my CS knowledge gaps.

>You won't make shit being a dev
>Going to law school will make you rich
>doesn't fall for the STEM meme
>falls for the law school meme

Clearly you just have something against people who can pass math classes.

$130k sounds pretty good to me

>passing math classes isn't required for high finance
>sticks head in the the sand like a liberal

Just accept that nobody gives a shit about your ponytails and hackathons, dweeb. Lose some weight, learn how to talk to girls, put on a suit, and join the dark side :^)

230k sounds better. So does 330k.

Have fun sending your children to state school

I've worked in finance. It sucked, so I switched to IT. Now I make more money and am happier. Since I actually have good people skills, I control the autists. Keep telling yourself that working in finance is the only way to make money.

Nobody cares about gathering requirements for your office's printing system. You will never not make a massive impact, roll with the elites, and become high-status. You probably wear running shoes with jeans too gtfo

>he thinks that the parasites at Wall Street stealing pennies off millions of tiny trades contribute to anything
>he thinks he won't have his intestines decorating the trees like garland after the purge

Took a business/data analyst job in tech because I couldn't find a job after my business masters, pay is bad but the place is fun, so stayed for two years.

Now I want to get into finance and make bank, but don't want to do a cuck IT function.

What do? From what I hear, iBanking is out if you don't have a number of internships leading up to it.

Private Banking? Trading? I just want to make bank, I don't mind technical work

>You will never not make a massive impact, roll with the elites, and become high-status


It's funny how people in finance believe that because they talk about big numbers all day, they think they're important. You're just another brick in the wall kiddo.

Tech new monies are the laughing stock of the actual elite. You're out of your league kid, go drink some milk and take a nap.

>considers himself "the actual elite"
>posting on a Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum

>Even close to that league

Absolute meme-tier startup

Amazon is a better comparison

what did you say about Mongolia?

drinking milk is not good for the digestive system

>tfw working as an IT consultant in finance
No complaints desu

>IT is a lucrative, dynamic and interesting field to build your career

It was at first -- until I realized that I wasn't any good at it.

>>tfw working as an IT consultant in finance
you're literally the back office cuck


Let's see my back office "cuck" software development consultant position
>outrageous pay because you know the ancient system they have
>7.5 hour days with flexible hours, meaning I come in sometime between 0700 and 1200 depending how I'm feeling
>that is if I'm not working comfily from home
>once per month on call for a week with 50% pay running when not working, 75% during Sundays and public holidays
>can bill 4 hours minimum if the phone as much rings during that time
>hardly any calls because T3 support and the system is solid
>no stress because said solid system and no insane schedules for new deliverables.
>only competent colleagues who are all bros
>superb atmosphere
>wear shorts and T-shirts to work
>with the reasonable hours have time to take care of my body
>also have time for hobbies and gf
>can travel the world with all the time off I can't take

Meanwhile you're working in the front office thinking you've got the better job with
>16 hour days at minimum wage level hourly pay because it's part of the career before you "make it"
>maximal stress levels because if you fuck up at all you'll at best be stuck in your position for longer, though probably just let go
>extremely competitive colleagues who will undermine you at every opportunity to "make it"
>corporate hell with all that it includes
>no time for anything other than work, eat, sleep
>potential gf is riding the cock carousel waiting for you to "make it" before cashing it all out
>even if you "make it" the stress doesn't go anywhere and you've still gotta perform
>expected to not take any time off while trying to "make it"

Yeah keep telling yourself how you've got the superior position. I constantly see new recently hired guys like you who think they're hot shit only to see them turn into husks of their former selves within few years while trying to desperately make it.

I'm doing Finance/Minor MIS, is that a good pair if I decide to go IT later on?


I'm making 100k working in flyover country doing software. Manage 5 people. I'm 24 with a bs from a small cheap private school.

Also i work 40 hours a week and can take as much vacation as I want.

Explain to me how shining the bosses shoes and making spreadsheets is so great if i get to live in a shoebox in manhattan. I do finance stuff at my job too relating to my software project. I also trade options in my free time.

Tech startup

Blowjobs are great, but I have zero interest in going to Dubai. Fuck the middle east


The next meme career.I'm seriously considering starting a "consulting business just to ride it to the fucking crash.

I swear to fuck for 6 months everyone online became a consultant and makes 4 million a month

One of my buddies does cyber security for big time companies. I could see him schooling some retarded cucks here. If your initials arE JB I will kiss your ass.

I'm showing this to my law school buddy as this is litteraly his plan.

This pretty much describes why every IT job I've had fired me. I had some of the best metrics in every other category except I could only average 93% customer satisfaction metrics which was derived from about 3 negative survey responses out of 40 returned per month. The negative surveys where from people like this.

>be ibanker
>60 hour weeks
>10x as much money
>IT guy's girlfriend wants to bang you and your friends
>"sorry we don't bang back office broads"

Yet why did your colleagues keep their jobs? Learning how to handle upset clients is part of most jobs and you evidently fail at that

>Got into IT since it was the only thing I was half good at, no other passions
>Recently got into investing and personal finance
>No other skills outside of IT, dying to change career.

System admin making £28k which isn't too bad just out of uni, but the support aspect of my job is making me miserable and stressed. Can someone help me?


>tfw a CAD technician
>everybody tells me go IT

I knew there is something phony with it, tho CAD sucks too.

What is better? Having without stop something to work on any time is grueling

>information security
>work with well educated internal teams
>have fun finding vulns and breaking shit
>never asked to do IT things
>no customer calls

You should look for a more technical role somewhere else, bonus points if they don't use the word cyber.

What are the job titles to look at?

Not that guy, but work in similar field and agree with him, probably stuff like penetration tester etc. Run like shit from the cyber meme.

Do you have to go to client sites as pen tester? I'm socially retarded

"Cyber meme" Can you elaborate

I've worked for Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Salesforce and Vodafone.

Oracle was the best. Was easy to clear over 6 figures, commission was uncapped, and they had kickers and accelerators for going over target.

Used to clear 10 to 12k a quarter regularly. Could literally vanish after 2 weeks into a quarter if I hit target and no one gave a fuck.

World class training was available, paid education and multiple trips abroad to party every year.

IBM were the absolute worst. I left after 6 months. Capped commission, awful corporate culture and didn't really care about your development.

I work for an ISP now as a solutions architect making 6 figures, including commission. I basically get paid to design networks and explain this to director level retards of other large corporates.

Commission is capped out at 200% but you can clear between 30 - 35k a quarter in commission on top of basic with kickers. Happens about once a year when I close a blue whale.

Generally the payout averages about 15 to 20k per quarter.

IT grunt work is a meme. ICT and IT sales are highly lucrative.

Never went to collage. Just did CCNA then CCNP, but have social skills to go with it.

information security engineer and what said

cyber is a stupid marketing buzzword to attract clueless customers
it's usually a red flag and I bet 's company has cyber splattered all over their website

>10x more money
$2250/h is pretty good money, I'll have to admit that much

They didnt, for example I was one of the last four remaining from the newehire group I was in. This place had a revolving door, every few weeks had a new group of hires.

>140k salary
>unlimited vacation
>show up to giant glass skyscraper office with panoramic view of water
>greeted by secretary with catered breakfast
>catered lunch
>get paycheck
>go home to two story penthouse apartment
>10% bf, ottermode
>fuck 9&10 qt's while drinking gin and eating like a king

if this is a meme sign me up for ten more

What was Pooforce like to work for?

I have to use SOQL every day and I swear it's making me more retarded