Perfect male, perfect ship
Perfect male, perfect ship
1ho is h3
Huhi stealing cheques
post cute
>aphro not on lulu
you betrayed us
By the way when flyquest drops balls for good they will improve a lot.
>fugly cosplay
>give up camille
>pick a champ that only is good versus her for 2 items
>don't shut camille down while camille's team camps the enemy top laner
>you're now going to lose the game because you did not shut down camille
what was FlyQuest's plan
> you scared so you're camping me graves? Noob team ff20
those are all normal looking girls, how are your standards so high lulu poster??
Fugly champion, so it fits.
for who? c9 isn't letting go of Ray
post your face and cosplay
>tfw no cute redhead loli to fill with cum everynight
life is pain
The Lulu is pretty cute
>450 IP champion
>probably strongest late game carry in current meta
>theres people that unironically hate the idea of magma chamber in this thread RIGHT NOW
how do we find these people and kill them, lolg?
They are preventing our growth
>let camille through
when will these bronze C9 faggots learn this?
Two infernal drakes
invisibility as a mechanic actually tilts me so hard
can't play comfortably for the entire game because the enemy jungler could be RIGHT BEHIND YOU and you'll never know
i'd fuck the left chick.
we get it
you like magma chamber
holy shit.
fuck you and your mememap
get double infernal punish so it doesn't matter
whom'st'd've is Twitch and Kog'Maw
id cum inside that bittersweet lulu
maybe hex too have to see face though
what the fuck am i watching
>That fucking fight
Jesus christ. .
Brand is my favorite champion and mid laner
>Flyquest is losing
>have a shit game plan
>get lucky with RNG dragons
competitive game
bring back gold dragon
or even the other stat dragon was better
you could even just still have elder spawn at 35 anyway to still be there to close out games
> Huhi paying to get a free remake
Those gents art more leof.
AP mid galio is my favorite champ and top/midlaner.
Why doesn't Sona walk?
what did dragon use to do? I know they changed it around early s6.
well, my malzahar is finally going to be kill this next patch
who do I play now?
Would you walk if you could hover all over the place?
To powerful to touch the ground, like Syndra.
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a moment to swallow your fear if you asked nicely
would lamb take a moment to swallow something else if you asked nicely
How do I get good at Illaoi, I feed my ass off on her every time.
Is it worth learning her both mid AND top?
>Implying it was a bait
why do people hate the idea of more maps
this game has an extremely large playerbase, and if the map is shit you dont have to play it and riot can stop funding resources into it no?
>no frelordjian map with 3 teams fighting eachother
>no piltover vs zaun objective control map
>no kumuungu jungle neutral objective focused map
why is life so cruel familias
Yeah I think infernal dragon needs to be nerfed. Basically a free win if you have two or three up on your opponent. Three is insta-win. Same with mountain except less so if you only have two.
You made this post so someone says "THEY SHOULD ADD MAGMA CHAMBER HURR DURR" don't you
Riot ruined what could have been a great 5v5 map and turned it into a shitty copy of SR midlane with red textures and didn't even release that after promising to and shilling it a lot on Allstars 2013
of course people hate on it with bad memories on it
Your spoilers are getting weak user, stick to hug/fug nap/fuck
is he even good mid? I feel like he gets dicked on by most mages
>only ONE single way to access the gap between the T2 and base towers
"lamb I have one last request"
"what is it"
"kill me"
"is it trying to humor me, wolf?"
Who could carry harder? Ekko or Kat?
thats where you are wrong kiddo
One he probably made it in response to seeing people asking for Magma Chamber, and two, why would he want Magma Chamber when he's talking about maps with alternative focuses and game modes and Magma Chamber is a second 5v5 3 lane map?
more maps splinters the really dedicated summoner's rift playerbase. that's part of the reason riot doesn't really support 3v3 and removed dominion. however 3v3 has such a large playerbase compared to dominion had that if they removed 3v3 they'd lose lots of players.
they no have rotating game mode for new maps, how do you still complain about this? riot made the weekend queue for people who want new maps, because they do make new maps and game modes every year for rotating game mode.
>Ravenous on Camille
well up until pre season 4 it gave global gold to the killer's team on kill as well as a bit of local gold to people in the pit
then they changed it to what originally the elemental dragons used to be, where the first time you killed it you got +8% ad and ap, 2nd kill was +15% damage to structures, 3rd was +5% ms, 4th was 15% minion and monster damage, and 5th was doubling all bonuses and the elder dragon burn. these stacks were seperate and didn't change if the enemy team got a dragon, so your first dragon of the game even if the enemy killed it 2 times before yours was always the +8% ad and ap
and now they decided to just say fuck it and make it random which is retarded
> HU
> HI
ye, i'm trying to switch it up with every post but it's getting hard
like me hueheuheuheuheuh
hell yeah it is
i actually think that huhi is tired of the game and just wants to get kicked out of the team
Which one would you fuck /lolg/?
ARSR is by far the most cancerous game mode ever released
Because Riot sinks all money in eSports and rest goes to their overlords in China.
Very little % goes into actual game, notice how weird it is that company this huge only releases 2-5 skins each patch.
top 10 anime fights
> not even a fucking icon
Didn't play yet, not gonna play.
Xayah won't eat my soul in the process.
>they no have rotating game mode for new maps
which new maps exactly? they all take place on summoners rift with some sort of gimmick
there have been zero (0) new maps since TT
So Xayah is just bad!Sivir right?
Instead she will chop your dick off and wear it around her neck.
Xayah by far, she is more thight and underage than Ahri
Shouldn't it be a Titanic Hydra on Camille?
"LoLG, come for the _____, stay for the _____."
It's still better than death.
Id fuck Xayah but only because ahri would kill me
Ahri is probably more based to hang out with actually talk too
Butcher's Bridge was great reskin of Howling Abyss, no reason why they won't bring it back. Last time someone asked they made up bunch of excuses like they always do.
Come for the lolis
Stay for the salt
And I don't even play Lol
game discussion, gay ERP
>horse face bittersweet
>hamplanet default
>some curry indofugly winter wonder
>can't see wicked
not yet
it's fine to have low standards, but a pig with lipstick is still a pig
>are you split pushing?
>are you teamfighting?
traps arent gay
butcher's bridge was the last map but riot has been working on the new client for the past year. that's their excuse but i'm sure they've tried other maps but scrapped them early. we'll see event maps or something like a 1v1 map eventually.
post is in every thread itll become funny eventually