Veeky Forums, save me

>weed is a waste of money
>weed makes you unmotivated
>weed makes you lazy
>weed ruins your short term memory
>weed ruins memory in general if you smoke long enough
>weed will shape your brain abnormally when smoking heavily in your 20's and earlier

I freely acknowledge these, but I'm having the hardest time ever stopping smoking.

My roommate has weed whenever I don't, so even when I stopped buying I still felt and followed through on the compulsion to smoke with him.

It sounds retarded as fuck, but I have a real problem with weed and can't stop myself... Been about a year since I started smoking regularly, terrified it will harm me mentally as I'm in my early 20's...

Sorry for the blog post, desperate for advice from people who might've been in similar holes. Specifically asking Veeky Forums because I've seen many (seemingly and rarely) motivated and helpful posters here who have helped with more serious drug problems, so mine must be a breeze.


Why would you stop smoking because of conservative (read:alt-right) propaganda?

Oh, and on a more serious note, what're everyone's views on legalization?

Faggots still smoke weed?

fuck off to ribbit

You're addicted and need to get some will power to break your addiction and learn some self control

I'm sure the weed cult will be here to explain how you can't be addicted to it, as they spend their entire day smoking and cannot stop, but promise you they could if they wanted to.

you are weak, your bloodline is weak, you wont make it through the winter.

I smoke weed almost everyday and make 80k/year from my job, not counting the 5-10k I make in investing.

I know straight edge people who work at hardware stores. I know people above me who do hard drugs along with weed who make way, way, way more than me.

>been a degenerate pothead for years
>also alcoholic
>quit alcohol for months, no real problems aside from not as happy as usual
>try to quit weed after being sober for a while
>no motivation to do anything. just stare at computer all day with ZERO motivation.
>cant live like this
>smoke after a month sober,
>motivation through the roof, spend the entire day being more productive then all the days sober combined
>wish i could be this motivated without the weed

i still have hope if i quit for like 6+ months my normal non stoned motivation will come back, but fuck ive really dug myself into a hole

This is what I'm scared of

Smoking this much will mean atleast a decent chuck of time is going to be miserable, especially with the weed always so close...

Sorry OP, Veeky Forums can't help you here.
This is a problem for either or to solve.

let rec happen and let it happen geared towards small biz

One of the biggest things that helped me quit smoking weed was diet and exercise.

Do some cardio + weights a few times a week and start eating healthier. I promise after a few weeks of this shit you won't want weed nearly as much.

as someone with a worse addiction (spice, the fake weed shit) number one: dont quit cold turkey, if i had a dollar for every time Ive heard my friends say the are "quitting" the stuff its a garuntee that they are going to be smoking a ton by next week

when you tell yourself "Im done smoking, never again" then you create a zero sum all or nothing decision

as soon as you have a bad day (and eventually you will, every single human on earth does) and slip up and smoke once, you will realize as you are coming down that well "Im a failure, i started smoking again, may as well get higher again to numb the pain and forget"

and thus you have renewed the cycle

the only friends I know who actually quit where the ones who cut back slowly, until they forget about smoking at all one day
they cant tell ya the day they stopped smnoking, they just know that by such and such date they looked back and realized it had been a few weeks since they got high

focusing all of your concentration on not smoking is still wasting all of your time thinking about getting high

you dont stop doing something addicting, you replace it with better shit to do, until one day you dont even think about it at all

instead of getting high after work, telll yourself you can get high after you get home from work AND finish your laundry

then once thats second nature, start only getting high after you are done with work, finished doing the laundry, AND cleaned your room

then one day youll wake up and think woopse i forgot to get high last night, o well, maybe when im done doing all of this shit today I will
I've learned that my inner me would love to get drunk and high and play videogames all day, and every day I do my best to trick that lazy piece of shit into doing something productive
there was an amazing image/qoute i read on hear a year ago about tricking your inner lazy self, but i accidently deleted it from my old laptop, and cant find it on google

That was shockingly insightful user, thank you for your response

Any more good 'habits' you can think of that I can slowly ease myself into to replace the smoking time?

Try working out or getting into Jiu Jitsu/Muay Thai after work.

Whenever I started jits I completely changed my diet, simply because I wanted better fuel to train and to repair. When you add in some weight lifting and hitting bags, then you can start building a weekly routine for exercise and diet.

I'm a fucking nigger though and I haven't stopped smoking for about 10 years. I mostly vaporize and dab, but I use it immediately before training or weightlifting. For me, since I'm not a noob, it really helps me become more in tune with my body. I am now a black belt at 25.

I would recommend not blazing before while learning, and this would really help you to become immersed in activity where you are forced to concentrate 100%. You're not thinking about anything else when you're defending a choke.

Just a thought.

Since we're already in this subject, what do you think about edibles?

I've so far strictly consumed weed through edible, but I don't know if that's for the better or not.

Can you actually get a motivation spike by consuming this way or should I try smoking?

I feel like smoking is a waste of weed though since you don't get the same amount of thc in your body compared to edible, it's like literally burning money.

Oh sure, because that's reasonable to lump everyone in.

Alcohol is different for everyone too.

GTFO with your CNN propaganda. Uninformed and total lump of non information

In your twenties? You're young enough still that your neuroplasticity is capable of recovering. BUT in the same vein, that same neuroplasticity facilitates permanent changes in your brain chemistry if you have been a heavy smoker. This mostly affects the 420ayylmaos who've been blazing since they were 16.

You should be good. If you started smoking late enough that your brain chemistry ticked into place beforehand, you're not looking at lasting changes. If you had begun at 16 however... yes, that shit really does fuck you up. The sloth meme is exaggerated, but the effects are observable.

Sounds like it was the alcohol that was the problem

>the same people who talk about how bad weed is smoke cigarettes with arsenic and rat poison filters

Wasn't saying for everyone I was just saying I'm one of those people that happens to…

>drink heavily 1-2 nights a week during 4 years of university
>have no problem not drinking for months or turning down a drink

yet I can't stop smoking weed because I see literally no drawbacks. With alcohol, the miserable hangovers would be enough to deter me from drinking like I used to. But ever since I have started smoking daily (started last year of university) my grades have never been this good, and my professional projects have been going great too because of the increased creativity and productivity you get from the THC stimulation (at least for me)