World of Warships General /wowsg/

France edition

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>Newb guide

>0.6.3 Live patch

>0.6.4 PTS patch Tioga060

>Plans for 2017

>Captain Skill caculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

[HOTEL] on EU - Rex1121
[BOTES] on SEA - contact benlisquare
[BOTES](full) or [HOTEL] on NA - Precisionista

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>it's another cvncer episode




Is that Perrine? Reminder that no one likes Perrine.

what warship is that

You're Wrong!!

I like her.

>French BB line still not released

I'd rather have a Russian one.

wow did i get a special offer or is this just an ad


Which channel is the most current Tioga060's or?


It's just an ad

Hotel: Literally, the QTest.

Is very special off for you our friend ))))

>QT Hotel271
What the fuck. Who has 271 of these?

Fucking stupid autists. If it was up to me he wouldn't be in BOTES.

I'm not even Hotelposter and I have way more than that.
Though I can't be bothered to number them.

and who do you think it is?

>when you cant carry hard enough
We lost because their scharn survived with 1700 health when i rammed their amagi. I wish i had gotten the 50% more xp from this game.


Is your mom proud of you, Tioga060?

Is the contents of a super container totally random and independent of anything, or does its contents bias towards certain things depending on the crate type you chose?

ie am I more likely to get oodles of dosh from a SC if I chose a credit container?







CV rehaul any day now!

Maybe if someone posted something other than hotel for once.

>play Fletcher
>enemy Taiho perma spots me
>friendly Essex is strike


Tioga is a the gym.

Probably not with the amount of time he puts into counter strike surfing videos he makes, like anyone gives an actual fuck to watch them.

So he's turned his mic off to go wank off again. Got to work out those arms huh?

But user! CVs revolutionized naval combat, it makes sense for them to be powerful, it's only historically accurate-
>Fires happen fucking constantly despite historical inaccuracy
>DDs don't have torpedo detonation (like torpedoes detonating on board) despite historical accuracy
>BBs have to have crippled maneuvering otherwise DDs would cry that they could never hit them
Historical accuracy isn't an argument point anymore. It's just a buzzword class mains stick to when they don't want their special privileges taken from them
>DDs can't invisi-fire anymore
>I-It's an arcade game! N-Not a simulator!

I like you guys. Not enough to leave -POI-, but I still like you.

BB's were slow and couldn't turn in real life you fuking mong.

I want armchair admirals to go.


Alabama- Is she worth it?

Also should I run a secondaries or tank build on the GK?

>Alabama- Is she worth it?
Its a worse NC.

Do you brawl a fuck ton? Like get really REALLY close? like under 10km?

Also do you get hit by torpedoes a lot?

then yes

>He doesn't spec his Fletcher with flyswatters

>The ships were so unhandy that the captain of the Volta cautioned in his log that "great care was needed when operating in company with the battleship Strasbourg, because the latter ship was far more maneuverable."[5]
t. Wiki

Well I don't see you posting something other than Hotel for once. Why don't you go ahead and show us how it is done?

>There are still people who actually believe Hotel_a_QT is the Hotelposter
>There are people who still don't know the identity of the real Hotelposter

>actually thinking he's Hotelposter

>spec for AA
>no CVs ever

Big boat for (You)

>Mission accomplished
and all it cost you was a meaninglessly small decrease in accuracy and your speed boost.

wtf I love mini boats now

should i buy the Roon B hull or New Orleans?

But I dont want to get bullied

Roon B hull.
Why have two stock ships when you can have one functional one?

Then why do you bully the hotelposter?


>play cruiser
>do well
>play DD
>do well
>play BB
>nothing but shit games all weekend
really makes you think

great point


Because you're a faggot.

I wasnt the one who did it though. I was just suggesting why he did it.

Brit Battleships WHEN?

Why are they so obsessed with adding fucking useless Frogshit while ignoring brit DDs, BBs and CVs?


Fuck you thats why

But I'm not the hotelposter.

Yes, goy! Only 1/1000 of wowsg got that message. Buy it while you can.

Hey guys, gaishu isshoku here, anyone wanna join my Veeky Forums only SL team?

So far I have

Please let me know in discord thanks

If you want brit Battleships, an Battlecruisers, find another game.

So who thought at Wargaming though that a fire should stop CV's from servicing planes, yet does nothing to BB's? If they're going to do that fucking make it so that a BB cannot fire/secondary/AA if they're on fire or flooding.

No, then bbs wouldn't be OP and they must be OP

I really think they should give BB's realistic reload times, and cut their AA down to realistic levels, and double their dispersion (aka 1 minute reload, and half their AA) And then they'll finally be balanced

nobody in the game would ever play them then and you'd have the same problem with another class being the OP one that people complain about

>The one class who you cannot effectively respond to in any way has a downside once you get close enough, which you really shouldn't in the first place
oh no

BBs spend more time on fire than CVs

literally not an argument lol

wow its fucking nothing.

Which order of things should I get first

I'm thinking of getting the 2/2/2 upgrade first but trying to drop on a tier X with tier VI torp bombers is fkn impossible

No they do not. They have TWO heals that they can ignore it with.

>BBs aren't on fire more than CVs

>press healing potion
>lol I can ignore 3 fires
>press DCP
>lol I fixed all the fires instantly

>No they do not. They have TWO heals that they can ignore it with.
>CVs firebombing them
>CA/CLs HE cancering them
>DDs HEing them for impunity since most BBs can't do dick to a DD
You must have some special kind of brain damage. They spend most of the match on fire you idiot. Most BB players just take the damage until there's two or three fires because it's just not worth it for how soon they'll be on fire again.
Wow, it's almost like-
Was fuckin' spot on
>M-Muh realism
>but please don't make any other class realistic or apply those factors to them either but do give BBs minute long reloads.

>press DC
>wow I can launch planes instantly and am not as likely to get set on fire again before DC comes off CD

>people actually bitching about BBs not being weak enough to fire

the fuck is wrong with you people? How is it that youve latched on to this of all things as something to whine about?

They're upset that the tank class can be a tank to some degree.
For as long as fire cancer and skill wall kills don't get you, which is inevitable.

They aren't weak enough faggot. Fire should stop a BB from moving or doing any damage you dense cunt.

>Be an RN Cruiser
>Slow down to pop smoke
>Get removed in 1 salvo from a BB
>Be an RN Cruiser
>Slowing down
>Pop smoke
>Stop right on the edge and still spotted
>Get removed by a BB in 1 salvo
RN Cruisers are fun.

Fire should kick the player from the server and force them to restart the client and log back in.

So basically you're saying that BBs just shouldn't be playable at all? Because they spend most of the match on fire by far, so if we went with your idiotic system the players would be sitting there waiting to play the game on a timer.

the first hit a BB should take should detonate them

he was clearly being srcastic

BB's should be removed. they server no reason to be in the fucking game theyr'e op as fuck and need to be gone

This game is trash, how can anyone play it?

It would be extremely painful

That doesn't make sense, you fucking retard.


>2 (Two) Golden Eagles have been deposited into your account



They've spent money and so feel compelled to keep playing so as to make their investment seem like a good thing and not a waste despite the nerfs, grind extensions and 'balans' that keeps dropping the quality of the game.

>Sunk Cost fallacy

>Sunk Cost

>Nerfs inherently degrade the overall gameplay experience
This shitty self-centred attitude is what prevents us from having balanced games.

And why is a third party hanging around a general thread looking to do nothing but denounce it? Could it be you're also a victim of the sunk cost fallacy in the other direction?

Is there any point in playing this game if you don't have premium time

Yeah if you're good

I've played it for over 2 months without premium and have gotten as far as T9 in US Cruisers. I don't intend on ever paying, because fuck Wargaming. Everything is so goddamn expensive in this game and it's just not worth it, especially premium ships that cost more than a AAA game. That shit is absurd.

If you see a capitankelvinxD from MAD clan. Report him for aimbotting.

>he doesnt aimbot