First car buyer

Hey guys, I'm buying my first car. I'm pretty poorfag and don't know shit about cars, but I'm going to need something to commute to law school. I found this. Low mileage 55k but the guy said the dashboard goes on and off, asking $850. I'm trying to spend as little as possible, under 1k. I don't care how shit it looks, just if it drives and is good on gas. So a few questions. Is the Plymouth neon the same as dodge? Is it good or shit? Should I go after this or something else? Pls help

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Other pic. Why is it cut off, what is he hiding?

>Ever buying Plymouth/Dodge

So do they just fall apart? I serioiusly don't know shit about cars at all. I want to buy a Toyota but all of the owners know they are reliable so I can't get any good deals without 200k miles.

My grandpa drives a dodge dakota of the same age. Has been very reliable

Get this

That looks dank af but its probably gone by now.

Plymouth and Dodge Neon's are exactly the same. That's a 99 so it has the good MLS head gasket. They're really simple cars that are cheap to keep after and easy to work on yourself. The cluster dropping out is from the solder on the board cracking. 10 minute job, look it up on or YouTube. At 18 years old id do the timing belt and water pump, yes the WP is driven off the timing belt so do both at the same time.


My mother in law had a late nodel Dodge neon that she eventually passed down to my brother in law. In all honesty it was a great, reliable little car, perfect for commuting. It lasted a long long time around 150k until he wrecked it.Tranny never failed, never spun a rode bearing or lifter tick. Id say go check it out, remember to check all the fluids, check inside the under the carpet for rust for flood damage and if you can check under the spare tire for rust as well. When looking in the engine bay look at the bolt heads that tun along the edges. If the paint on them is broke that means it may have been in an accident. Still a great buy if it shifts well.

Neons are pieces of shit. Plymouth is slightly more luxurious than Dodge but that's the only real difference. I would get a Civic or Corolla instead.

Oh shit no its available

Wrong. There is zero difference between a Plymouth or Dodge Neon. There is no luxury here

To the best of my knowledge the Plymouth had more available options and trim levels. But the base models were exactly the same.

There's a reason they're so cheap, OP. Any car in that price range is going to be a mechanic's special. You'll be working on it to keep it running.

How long is your commute going to be, OP? You might want to think about moving close enough to bike or walk to class and getting some grandma's special that gets crappy mileage but has low miles and wasn't driven hard. Something like a minivan or an SUV.

how gay are you


Those things break down by just looking at them, listen to and get an asian shitbox. You can't go wrong with that, Even a Kia or a Hyundai of the same era are more reliable than that Plymouyh lemon thing.

> Low mileage 55k
you do know that can be modify, right?

That's what I'm thinking. Why are American cars so shit anymore?
Really? I thought that was really hard to do.

Only when I'm in a fursuit, Satan

I bet that fursuit is worth more than half the shitboxes on this board