Riddler Edition
Riddler Edition
Ahri offers to ride you for 5 mins exactly. If you cum, she takes your soul. If you manage to go full 5 mins without cumming, you get to fuck her any time you want, without losing your soul, for the rest of your life.
Do you risk it?
Thoorin was 100% right general
>lowest damage on team
>lower than Allistar
What's your favorite memepick, /lolg/?
well i want to die anyway so i let her and cum after 30 seconds
I am going to murder every Syndra main there is
same with Orianna mains
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums when?
i wanna cuddle Jinx
How do I improve this, lolg?
Xth for Katarina
Best girl
What are you listening to, /lolg/?
What's the downside exactly?
pantheon to built
shaco to ottermode
gp to builtfat
olaf to bearmode
draven to athletic
God Damn when the thigh highs are smaller than her thighs WEW lad
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
pass vidya
>two fragments in one day
sorry for bitching
So...are there anymore wrestling team Sej pictures? Not that I care if there's any.
Getting your soul sucked through your dick and dying when you cum after only 2 pumps of tight foxpussy.
Silver still
I want to get a single, long, warm hug from Nami!
Is there some unwritten rule somewhere that says you must have at least 1 part of bronzodia in every game?
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb take a nap with you if you asked nicely
would lamb sleep with you if you asked nicely
Too many whos.
Still silver?
Still silver
I MISS dubs on vg
memepick: xin zhao mid
memebuild: max E banner nasus
I love being in gold, why even climb if you no longer know such joys
you're implying I value my life enough to think about not risking it on a chance for my permavirgin ass to get laid
I take the deal and let fate decide whether I survive the encounter, I win either way
would lamb just hurry up and take my shitty life if i asked nicely
bard is great
>it's a god fag lee sin does nothing all game besides feed episode
i hate this fucking game
am i retarded or is graves not in the body type graph
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
lulu more like doo doo
>get to die after having ball draining sex with ridiculously sexy fox
>if you by chance make it the full 5 minutes then you get Ahri for a sweaty nonstop pump session until you die of dehydration anyway
wait when did primal udyr get a splash update
that's nice
i think she'd do that quickly if you just accepted, no need to ask nicely
are you okay user
Would Lamb promise to visit me in the afterlife regularly as I have nobody there.
Hmm dawg on anything other than tristana vayne or Janna nami hmm
years ago
It's a win win situation so why wouldn't I?
I got in trouble for not being able to ban in time? I couldn't find darius right away and we now we have to wait what the flying fuck
>people who try and use E for harass on Illaoi
Harass with W, it's the most mana efficient. E is an anti/counter-engage tool.
Few men understand the pleasure of skindentation
Why the fuck do I always get these faggots on my team?
I'm the Nami, notice the Vi.
>tfw you stupidly pick a tank support and are reliant on your adc knowing how to autoattack
>get an ashe who's roleplaying ezreal and only throws q for damage
>someone with a 38% win rate can be plat
there's hope for me
oh fugg
this is my fetish
my girlfriend broke up with me two months ago and i'm literally counting down the days until i kill myself (june 23rd or what would have been our 6 year mark), i've lost my job, my family are estranged and i literally spend all day doing nothing
not banning or not locking in a champ = a dodge
dodge = time penalty because you wasted people's time xd
yeh, it's called boosting
I'm sorry friend.
If you wanna chat or play games you can always add me
french kris me
>4.5% max hp + 10 + 220% AD
>versus% current hp
It's the most mana efficient but it's definitely not the strongest, E max Illaoi means people can't be in your lane bro.
Weeeeeew lads do NOT keep posting this my heart is going to freaking snap knowing I will never get fresh pics like these daily
That's why you mage support.
You can't lose your lane if the enemy support is dead. (Ban Blitz or Thresh so your ally doesn't feed.)
>72% win ratio
>61 played games with that champion
>still gold1
Does this count?
How is Brand mid these days?
Is it good or is he too shit to mid, and is just a support?
good game
>Memepick that works.
Veigar support.
>Memepick that doesn't work too well early.
Bard jungle.
>Memepick that doesn't work out of normals.
Taliyah support.
Pretty good. Get CDR.
10/10 analysis
Still same old thing, you need to land all your stuff while someone can pick zed/talon into you and just explode your face
This isn't my main account, it's my OTP account.
>3/3.5/4/4.5/5% max hp damage
>its a midlaner feeds katarina and you are an immobile adc episode
Master Yi is fun.
doesn't count
What should i do as Illaoi if the enemy knows how to MOVE?
>titanic hydra with no bonus hp
Is it purely for the auto attack reset
I don't play him enough to take him to ranked
and normals are more fun
>it's a silver shitter blames his team for his ass-tier positioning episode
Extra AA damage and just so I don't explode if I get CC'd
I wanted an IE but no way I'd be able to survive in fights with that build
but im plat :^)
In lane or in general?
If it's in lane, just farm. The enemy can't really engage on you because they'll just eat a point blank E and it'll be bad times for them.
After that? Just loiter around the objectives you're taking next and create a huge area denial zone. Remember, if your counterplay is "don't be near me" be where the enemy wants to be and they can't anymore.
>silver and plat are different
Help me build an Aatrox playlist /lolg/
I'll start: youtube.com
Hard mode: no linkin park
How best to utilize Aatrox in the year 2017?
I've been trying the builds from op.gg korea
that would be very nice of her
i'm very sorry to hear that, buddy
please don't do it, you can always find someone else
i know love isn't something light, and that it's going to take a long time to mend yourself
but please hang on
here's a cute image instead of a lewd one to attempt to raise your spirits
>years later someone finally made a version for guys
God bless you user
whoa coincidence aatrox brother
what item make first
Is placing a shitton of wards really good idea?I watch some games in Korea and they just seem to give free money to the enemies by placing a thousand wards that will be destroyed in 10 seconds.
6/7.5/9/10.5/12% max hp true damage
what champion should i play if i want to quote jojo references in /all for the whole game
yeah koreans are idiots, just ignore them
what are we talking about
>Giving them 10-30g
>vs. giving them 10x that amount for killing you because you didn't ward
yes one is green
Even though they may get instantly destroyed it still gives your team a second of vision or so which allows for a rotation or maybe a pick.
After lane, actually.
I didn't even let the enemy laner breathe, but once the laning phase was over and i tried split pushing and setting up my tentacles, their jungler, their support and sometimes someone else knew they had to disengage after my E + Ult, even though most of the if they weren't mobile they either flashed and left with just the smallest bit of health or i only managed to kill one of them.
I wish Icy gauntlet didn't give 20% CDR since i already get my full CDR out of BC, SV and DD
bork cleaver tank is the best imo
poke them with E, always trade with blood price, don't be a pussy and just dive them if you can get away with it
It would. Not holding my hopes up high for that, though....
Can some silver surfer enlighten as to when TP is better than ignite for top Tryndamere?
Living well is the best revenge.