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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Tharja a best
Best girl.
If you are playing old gba shit, or anything pre 3ds and mobile, you are part of the cancer.
Story Xander
>Blindly follows slime daddy
>Le justice is an illusion
>Suicidal for no reason
>Dick to his siblings
Xander everywhere else
>Good brother who legitimately cares for his siblings, consoling them and humoring them with bunny outfits
>Good prince who legitimately cares for his people and goes as far as dressing as a bunny and hiding eggs to cheer them up
>Extremely strong, reliable and reasonable
>Badass enough to kill people with a fucking carrot
>Smart enough to see through Charlottes bullshit but also compassionate enough to understand her situation
moral of the story: fates' story ruins everything and everyone involved
Best daughters
>That mouth on Lucina
I want to go balls deep in Silque's butt and blow my load
Which one has cuter feet?
>give Lilina Speedwings
>now literally everything dies
I regret nothing.
>that fucking mouth
Go home Clive.
She kind of started falling off a bit for me in the end, Zeke is probably my best Gold Knight. I never even promoted Faye to Paladin
Tsnuggle a tsuper tsun.
Samurai or Wyvern for Conquest Lunatic?
Who is Selena's husband?
Damn it user. Now I need to fap to some balls-deep anal nutting.
>shit unit in all 3 games she's been in
Ophelia. She's a mage, Soleil's a mercenary.
Lyn is cute!
Lyn is _______!
What are the best promotions for the villagers in Gaiden and in SoV?
In Gaiden I generally recommend Kliff->archer, Tobin->mage, and Grey->mercenary but I'd like to hear other opinions.
hey fuck you Selena is an amazing pseudo-tank in conquest if you stop using only xander and camilla
Hector's wife
Axes and Bows are king in Conquest. Also being mounted > being on foot. Go Wyvern or if you want to experiment with Hoshidan classes, pick the Oni talent.
>What is LTC xd?
At least she's in three games :^)
They have to have already been good friends being part of the time squad, alone in a new world with only each other and Odin.
I wish the supports would have played on that more, instead of Selena acting like a cunt like always
>fingerless gloves
am i the only one who doesnt rely on overpowered prepromotes at all
like xander is the only one i ever used and even then i used him sparingly
These two.
unless you're playing for efficiency (and (lol at playing for efficiency in Awakening), how can she possibly be bad in Awakening?
Mating press.
>There are people that picked Deen over Sonya
Silque is so sexy.
Takumi in Fates
>Apparently a big meanie face who is not nice to you so /feg/ hates him (wouldnt know, didnt play)
Takumi in Heroes
>Incredible art, among the best in the game
>Really good VA, amazing by normal dub standards but awesome otherwise
>Pre-inheritance was a meta defining pillar of the game, post-inheritance still great
>Is totally cool and bro-tier, maybe not the most graceful socially but still nice and his snark hides his insecurity but never takes it out on you or others
3 Str water to mage Kliff yes/no?
>With anyone not Peri
Umm I don't think so sweetie.
I have not used prepromotes much pre-14, mostly because I savescummed for good levels on emulated games so they were often worse or equal to the units I raised up. But I stopped that, so I'll probably be using Pent and Percival and shit more often.
>Already married Felicia twice, don't want to be boring
Who do I marry now
>Am I the only one who has never played Fates on harder than normal
>dude boobies lmao
her sister
>he cant beat lunatic conquest without camilla
get fucking good
Sakura since you seem to be into moe
I like him in both.
>with anyone
mentally ill
would kill you
her childish demeanor makes you feel like you're doing something seriously wrong during sex
I like that one too. Good thing there are two routes/files you can get Laslow in, hun.
Over on reddit the discussion threads suggest merc!Gray as always, and Tobin as a mage/cav. He's apparently better than Kliff as a mage, since he learns excalibur faster. And Kliff is pretty bad apparently.
Of course, what do they really know
>Thinking it's just because she is a girl
Deen is fucking useless for Celica's party aside from getting his sword. Mae and Boey aren't good at their job and Sonya's spell list is really fucking good. You can always leave Kliff behind for Celica to have an actual Mage if you want to use Deen.
What;s the next banner gonna be /feg/
Trip back on, spic
Mark's wife!
I'm so happy for Mark!
I cant believe I felt happy because we got two orbs today.
>not picking Sonya for that extra final chapter dialogue
>not recruiting another dread fighter
Echoes banner most likely
What extra dialogue does she get? I had her attack Juda but nothing happened.
Lucina in story
>muh future
>muh dad
>muh future
>muh sword
>muh dad
Lucina in everywhere else
>Very naive and curious about many things since she didn't really have a childhood
>Adorably bad taste in fashion and design but blissfully unaware of the fact
>consistently an amazing unit
>a good friend, relateable leader and great sibling
>worlds best daughter to both dad AND mom
>also has great chemistry with robin in the hot spring
She's happy to have such a pretty wife too!
I went with merc!Gray, archer!Tobin, mage!Kliff, cav!Faye, and merc!Atlus. I wish I made Faye a cleric instead though because she gets rescue and psychic. And I guess again too, but that one comes really late.
Wish I rolled him, really like his hunting sprite with the yumi. I've been using a friend's Takumi and he is really fun because of close counter and vengeance
$5 bucks says it's not an Echoes banner.
Thanks obama
I like Hana
This gave Roy further shock.
>Roy has godslayer.
>Ike doesn't.
She only gets dialogue with Judah in the swamp chapter. Doesn't even want to comment on killing her sisters for some reason.
They made it a little weird; Mara and Heste's battle convos (trigger on first battle with anyone) are directed toward Sonya.
Does not getting all the kids in Revelations in any way fuck up the story?
Do I NEED to get them all to have a good story or is it fine to just have one left out?
And if so who should I leave out, like who is the most boring child that nobody likes?
Echoes or Sacred Stones probably. I'm leaning more towards the latter since Echoes will be out around mid-May internationally.
dont FUCKING start this again you god damned autist
Maybe now she won't hog all the popularity.
No fucking way they don't do an Echoes banner to commemorate Jap release and another when it's released in America.
I hope that if you register Echoes on Club Nintendo you can get 40 orbs or something.
How can anyone hate a small fang. Those things are adorable.
The kids are effectively completely irrelevant to the story outside of the heir of fate dlc. And that uses its own premade set of kids so who even cares
If the Sacred Stones Banner doesn't hold Seth, I will punch a pacifist.
Also, wanted a better Cavalry unit than my 4* Peri, rolled 1 blue and got a 5* -hp +res Abel... any good?
Nobody likes Hisame, so him.
Oh ok I did notice those
You best be ready for Celica and Delthea to be top 2 and get bonus DLC content.
And Faye gets screwed over again.
You guys do know that making early threads pushes our slower generals off the board right? There's currently 3 /feg/s in the catalog, only one of which just now hit the bump limit.
Please do the rest of us a favor and try to stop making all of these early threads.
Make the mods actually delete them when they're reported then.
Siegbert is an ugly loser that nobody likes.
Uh, back the fuck off?!?
We can't stop shitposters.
>no blood
Doot is cute!
Fuck off to your dead general and bump it then.
Thanks boys, also question about the Beach Brawl I know it has premade characters as well but do I get special conversations with any of the Royals if I married them?
Like if I married Camilla would I get any extra lines with her since we're married? Or is it all just the same?
The question is not who will let them but who will stop them
Hisame's the cutest grandpa. Don't bully.
Who did you give the stat-boosting water to /feg/?