/hsg/ - Hearthstone General:

Corrupted Game edition

>Deck lists, news etc

>Open Tournaments

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Should I run 2 fire fly's or 1 fire fly and 1 tirion?

Thoughts/constructive criticism on decklist is appreciated.

>implying anyone watches female streamers because they want to see the terrible gameplay

>implying anyone who watches female streamers is a decent human being

>Paladin's ungoro deck recipe costs 6000 dust of epics and leggos
>New players don't have even a tenth of that to play it
>Old players will never play these awful decks

I just wonder for who the fuck these deck recipes are

I watch dog cause he is hot and I hope he takes his shirt off

Anyone else get a version of the Tetris effect because of this game?

I always check bottom right for mana. I'd be doing something and I have the urge to count mana.

How much do you weigh?

sniff me

It happens to me with the discover mechanic, always feel like choosing between 3 cards just before i drift off to sleep.

Thankfully, I play this game a much more reasonable amount than other games.

I definitely have used MTG speak in other settings though. Bad habit.

And lately, I have been looking for stuff to climb.



You and dragon are ruining the game, fuck off
Elf is the only good class

One firefly. One gives you two, and it doesnt give you synergy with Darkshire or anything in your deck
Tirion is a useful finisher that works in multiple ways

I've had the music stuck in my head for days. You know which part, the chill one.

Unironically miracle priest.

Mountain Giant exists, they could release cards with similar effects. Also "if you're holding.." is a thing, there could be synnergy with handlock-related cards in the future. Demons or just generally good cards.

They are completely different decks.

Does anyone get scared of playing more after win streaks?
Won about 6 games and i just dont want to continue, i get a knot in my stomach which could possibly also be hunger


sniff my phantom howl nerd


Did Water Rogue get anything useful in this expansion?


Yeah that's what I figured, thanks for confirming. Sea giants have been really good to me in this deck but fitting tirion in gives me a nice backup plan in case shit goes wrong, or just a finisher in general and a 5th weapon. In that list it'll be -2 bilefin for 1 fire fly, 1 tirion.

Also again if anyone could give me feedback on the list in general in regards to the meta and climbing the ladder to rank 5, that'd be great. I've been tweaking it all day and it feels pretty perfect now after this last change, idk if there's any other way I could improve it.

>reynads set review delayed due to """"file corruption""""" and will be uploaded tomorrow

I 100% guarantee he researched the meta and re-did his video because he was wrong about some of the cards in his review and wants to look like some kind of genius/not be mocked for being wrong

Get roached bitch

Definitely put in one Tirion. You have enough 1 drops.

Is pally still garbage

Please don't bully Reynad. He's that retarded kid in school that ALWAYS lied and cheated and was ALWAYS pissed when things didn't go his way. He'll always just be a retard and no one will ever like him, so just don't bully him, okay?

Murloc Paladin & Midrange are both excellent right now

No one is gonna feel bad and give you attention out of pity Reynad, fuck off


Now that Dirty Rat showed us the true power of giving your opponent free stuff prematurely, is it finally time for the mighty Milhouse Manastorm to shine? Is the meta ready, /hsg/?

For my digits?

>"The Coin" counts towards the Mage quest

Midrange paladin is really good right now. Not sure this is the best list but it's working well so far. Ravasuar runts and primordial drake are probably the most iffy cards. If I had Tarim I'd try to work him in.

Stonehill, Hydrologist, and stegodon buff are all insane. Curator and Nesting Roc also super good.

The coin is the dumbest fucking thing team 5 has ever put in the game, and thats saying something

One thing i can say is put in a god damn humility in, at least one
If they ever build a big board you can clear anything with humility + your low cost minions
and if theyre bubbled, you win the trade. Its always a favourable card to have

> opponent rogue plays quest
> well, i can just concede this one
fucking broken game


As a long-term card game player, I think it's brilliant and elegant. Probably the best initial design decision of Hearthstone.

Look at what Jackiechan was playing before
That sort of token-based midrange is really strong right now, with lots of room for tech choices
The deck is basically carried by how nutty Tarim and Lightfused are, and should be built to curve well whilst enabling them

Why does Kripp have such few viewers now compared to his past peaks? Have his viewers finally grown out of the 'LOL babyrage so fun' stage?

Just play aggro.

Seriously, user? What the fuck are you playing, Basic Mage?

>Tokens count toward Shaman quest
>They don't count toward Hunter quest


As a long-term card game player I think its awful, tt shouldn't count as a spell

It shouldn't give spell matters decks such a huge advantage

Any suggestions for miracle priest ?

I think it's fine. Having the card and coin advantage doesn't 100% cover the drawback of going second, so the coin being a spell is a nice touch. It also can create interesting situations and combos, which is a plus.

>no Little Green Man of Infinite Draws

Right, but it feels amazing when Lyra comes into play

>zerina is streaming

how does this literal 45 year old have 1.5k viewers

imagine how amazing it would feel when you fatigue yourself off of the spells Lyra gives you

Is your ass ready for Dirty Rat's Dirty Dick?

>No Elise
>No blinding heal
>1 (ONE) board clear
It is shit

Would this make Demonlock viable?

>rank 2, 30, and 40 arena avg NA gameplay

Nice little raptors.

Who's bright idea was it to make blazecaller an epic. ffs

I've noticed a huge drop-off in the number of quest rogues facing against me since yesterday (i.e. I played five in a row). Are people losing faith in it due to inconsistency?

Oy vey

What did Priests ever feel good about entombing beside Tyrion? I guess like, Rag/Sylv? I think the bigger loss was excavated. It was kinda weak, but 3 damage is a pretty important threshold.

forever rip lightbomb

>not sure if I want to craft Cavern Rogue
>not sure if I want to craft Pirate Warrior
>not sure if I want to craft Handbuff Pally
>not sure if I want to craft Elemental Shaman
>not sure if I want to craft Miracle Flower Rogue
>not sure if I want to craft Discardlock
>not sure if I want to craft Taunt Warrior

can the meta just settle already?

> what is arena balance

What does it mean if someone adds me and doesn't say anything?


Why did they make Chris Pratt a Draenei?

is there porn of this yet?


for what purpose

Priest is LITERALLY the best it's ever been.

I can't believe you retards were actually shit talking Lyra.

Cavern Rogue is cheap as fuck and very effective.
Pirate Warrior is cheap as fuck and very effective.
Handbuff Paladin is expensive and trash.
Elemental Shaman is expensive but okay.
Miracle Flower Rogue isn't expensive, but is trash.
Discard lock is complete dog shit.
Taunt Warrior is expensive and just okay.

Get fucked metaslave, I'll be playing the game while you do dailies for the next 3 months.

I dunno
but I want it

>crafting Handbuff Paladin

Literally the worst flavor of Midrange you could possibly give a fuck about. Go recruits or elementals.

Is this control or quest Priest?

Made some art but not many paid attention to it. Would you like more?
rent's been a bit tight, could use some paypal ameribucks

>They thought Lyra was bad
>y-y-you can't outvalue Jade Druid


Play Shadowverse

What's a good replacement for Wickerflame in these midrange decks?


>Still seeing Dragon Priest

One time I was playing against Exodia Mage and I smelly rodent his Ton, then executed it


>Made some art but not many paid attention to it
Can you guess why? Go to /ic/. Also spoiler that shit, holy fuck.

Wickerflame is insanely good, unfortunately, so replacing is hard. Best replacement is Tar Creeper for the insane anti aggro value at the same part of the curve, but Tar Creeper doesn't have Divine Shield.

>Love priest since beta, but warrior has always been better control except maybe when lightbomb was arround
>QRogue and QMage will never let me kill them as Elemental Paladin, Beast Druid or Jade Shaman
>Give up and craft Patches

Welp, can you really blame me? I was rank 15 an hour ago, fucking Blizzard.

Yes but i hate black bars

I crafted patches for my pirate warrior today, played for literally TWO HOURS, went from rank 20 to 10, and now all of the sudden am "better" than 92.5% of the entire playerbase

Fuck this man.

>has to censor ass crack

What has this world come to?

Lyra is dank

Okay guys. I need some help. I have 16K dust and I want to craft Elemental Shaman. But I don't know which elementals are essential. Should I add in Kalimos and/or WIIIIIINDS? Also what about firefly? I'd appreciate the advice.

It's not because it's easier to win it's because it's so much faster

and you are, nigger tier players who play "muh fun" decks at rank 18 are absolute shitters

Just opened this meme.
Do you think he has the potential?

If I don't do it, the nigger below gets triggered.

>Go to /ic/
Just like /v/ hates videogames, /ic/ is full of contrarian faggots that will tell everyone else their art is bad and opinions are wrong.

I drew this by request from this thread, I'm sorry I hurt your sensitivities so much that you ask me to spoiler a non-explicit drawing.

Kalimos, Stone Sentinel, Blazecaller, Servant,

throw them all in (except for WIIIIIIIIINDS)

but seriously don't craft anything

pretty good in mid-range paladin

Stone Sentinel
Kalimos, Primal Lord

>it's an other faggot artist gets assmad when someone calls their art shit episode

How long does it take pros to hit legend?

I've been stuck at ranks 3 and 4 for like 3 days

Winds is shit. Kalimos is core.

He's nuts in Midrange Paladin

what are the safe crafts? i've waited on my dust long enough, I want to make taunt warrior