Is it possible to put an ICE in a rocket and make it go?

is it possible to put an ICE in a rocket and make it go?

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it is an ICE engine, it just carries the oxygen with it.

it will carry compressed oxygen and fuel with it

A rocket is an internal combustion engine, since the combustion takes place within the working fluid (which is simply the exhaust gas)

Maybe the second stage can carry a TEA

>internal combustion engine engine

You're not spinning anything with it though, you're ejecting a shit load of liquid oxygen and methane to make combustion, but it's still the same combustion "concept".

Let me rephrase it since you guys are retarded and can't infer: is it possible to propel a rocket with a piston engine?

>can't infer
>thinking pistons can can propel a rocket
no, you're the retard for not clarifying. time to sage

Sure, you can use a piston engine to power the pump which delivers fuel and oxidizer into the main combustion chamber.

but he means PROPEL

i am intrigued
no idea besides a propeller

Of course a piston engine can propel a rocket. See image.

>Type of jet engine
>Merlin 1D and Merlin 1C
>piston engines
nigga wut

>being an unimaginative female
Well, actually I have an idea. You can use a piston engine to rotate an alternator, which will provide electricity to an ion drive which will produce thrust. So there, it is possible.

Anyone have any other ideas?

I think some spaces probes use Stirling engines powered by the RTG. That's a piston engine, but not internal combustion...

An RTG is a self-contained system with no moving parts. It's just a big thermocouple.

Maybe if you used regular rockets to put it into space the exhaust might move it.

Put a big enough turbocharger on a 2jz and maybe.

That's not how ion propulsion works.

>ion drive
I think you overestimate the thrust output of electrically charged Xenon gas. It's literally wet noodle tier, even with say 2 potent v12 on alternators. No fucking way there's enough energy carriers available to make an ion drive rocket even lift of


The joke

No why are you this retarded?
You can't propel a rocket with a jet engine so why would a piston engine work?

Rockets need ya know... rockets because they are the only engines powerful enough to give the thrust needed to achieve orbit....


hell yeah bro, slap a twin turbo ls1 in a Saturn V and you'll be on mars in record time

lel, haven't smoke in over 10 years but ii know that feel

okay bear with me
cement giant piston to the ground
put a cylinder, wich is actually the rocket over the piston
a big boom in the combustion chamber will be sufficient to luanch rocket
internal combustion accieved

Put 2 pieces of dry ice the size of nickles in a 20oz plastic soda bottle, then poke a hole 1/10 of an inch in diameter in the cap and screw it back on

watch it shoot all over the place

>Let me rephrase it since you guys are retarded and can't infer: is it possible to propel a rocket with a piston engine?

until you left the atmosphere, technically yes

Piston engines just make something spin really fast. Maybe you could harnass the explosions that move the pistons down to generate SOME thrust.

The Bloodhound SSC uses a cosworth engine to power its propellers so I would guess yes but I dont know if a classic ICE can provide enough thrust to fly something like a rocket

Pistons turn chemical energy into mechanical energy, usually rotational in the form of a driveshaft

A rotating shaft does fuck all if you're in a vacuum, at most you can use it to pump fuel into a combustion chamber, and there are better ways to do that.

Rockets work essentially because the chemical fuel expands upon combustion, and that expansion creates outward force. The cone-like shape of the rocket engine is to channel that expansion force into a desire direction, meaning that the reaction force from the expansion thrusts the engine forward while the expanded gasses vent out the rear. A combustion engine is a closed system, meaning the expansion of gasses pushed the Piston, generating mechanical energy that does not do anything for motion, as any vibrations or rotations won't have any meaningful impact on acceleration, save for reducing controllability

No, but there is such a thing a a thermojet. Which is a jet engine powered by an internal combustion engine.

Invented by the japanese during WW2 because they couldn't into jets, and the jet engines germany sent to them got sunk.

A engine just spins a shaft. There nothing in space to mechanically push against. Not to mention there is no air for the engine to breath.

A rocket makes its own pushy shit, in the form of hot particles of fuel and shit coming out of a cone designed to accelerate those hot shitty particles as fast as they can go, thus producing a force the propels the spacecraft.

but it would theoretically provide thrust. Not a lot, but it would propel an object in space.

so a gun?

>some spaces probes use Stirling engines powered by the RTG
An engine PROVIDES power, it isn't powered by an RTG. So it's not an engine.
I'm talking about in space dummy

dumbest post itt in that means something

Are you confusing ICEs for Jet engines user?

>is it possible to propel a rocket with a piston engine?
If the vehicle carried oxidizer and fuel for the engine to run on and the vehicle were in space away from the influence of gravity you could get a very minor thrust effect from the exhaust. Other than that no unless you do something like drive a generator for an ion engine or something. Both are horrifically inefficient methods though.


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