/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1413

Dark is saved

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>Baha HL Blacklist

>Sky Compass Guide

>Anime Live Air & Rebroadcast times

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

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>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

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>whale dark is saved

Shit is this for?

This. Nothing has changed for non-Hades/Zeus builds

>powercreep between magna and hased grid becomes larger

Good work KMR.

Where are these drops from?

>Doesn't know about Warrior/Mage Creeds

if u dont have gisla, it's good to use the dark bow it'll increase your overall dmg quite a bit, go calculate it
but if u have orchid, it'll render your orchid shit

Some golden dragon I joined for shits

I'm not so sure about light actually.

How saved is whale light?

the golden tokens are for the new Huanglong weapons
I'm guessing you DO know about the creeds and blue sky crystals

You're trying too hard.




So you only get the good seals from red boxes? Fuck.

No really it was just there and I joined beacuse why not

Not as much as hades build by the looks of things.

Fuck off, Hefastus.

Just because no one replied to you there doesn't mean you need to screencap your post and post it here.

huh, im playing magna with 5* six and i need those dmg cap up so my six can hit even harder than before maybe 700k per hit

>tfw have to get 120% zeus friends now

I do, thanks

>dmg cap up
>not huge
name me one weapon that have dmg cap up and not gated by on element retardation

Okay then.

8.8x is max contribution, right?

good for you akarin

>it's possible that you have to do 3 of them to get 1 skill
this is so fucking dumb.

9x is.


Kirin and Huan raids insta full still

what a fucking surprise

because he's to weak to reach dmg cap
and so the upgrade is useless

Does KMR play this game or not?

Post Djeeta

Mainwheel is 5%. Qiling Bow is 10%.

Did the turtle have reflect? What class did you bring.

No, he has a life

No, why do you think he so much more fucking retarded than HRT. HRT actually played the game.



>44% atk boost
>10% cap boost

LOL fuck dark

Unlike /gbfg/ he probably does play the game.

I am, the middle one was meant to be swords + an unknown but I fucked it up.

Sure thing.

Less than 4 swords you don't want to use Zeus.
4-5 swords Zeus is equal to Chev in damage with sl10 katanas but lags significantly in HP.
6 swords is the only point you start beating the magna grid and the next step is to immediately start kicking your katanas out for more swords.
Magna grids never run katanas.

If they have a 4*, or the healing skill fires when anyone in your party heals and stacks up to something significant, they're usable. Otherwise they only show up at 6-7 swords and disappear again once you've finished your grid.




Used gao. He shits out damage at 25% and his ougi hurts a little. Reflect does next to no damage.

Jesus fuck that was fast.

so what's harder? trials or the EX+ fights?

uh why would you get that many swords when gungnir is better on element.

>tfw can manage to solo extreme


So they don't have sl15? RIP light



>non-hades dark is more dead than ever

golden giraffe

Leech Huanglong like your life depends on it.

Leech Huanglong until you die of frustration.

It looks easy with Warlock
The earth head resists to earth?

>it's true

Oh, thanks user.

wtf who pubbed it

thanks senpai a lam.

It doesn't matter, the first weapon to leave the grid is always a katana.

>massive lag only when I try to join raids like this
>some fucker pubbed it


Anti-light bias?

Info on celestial weapon new skills?

so much for getting in

maybe you should disable calls retard.


no i joined when there were 4 people. then suddenly 30.

Yeah because someone requested backup most likely.

he did. it just filled up real quick.

Redditors and people from various discords lurk here. There are a lot more people watching than just the posters.

this shit filled up faster than Qilin

Does the 3rd gold nugget reset go up to 20?

when does the mission reset? I want to go to bed but I don't want to miss out on a nugget.

>implying it's possible to join huanglong
are these weapons even good? they look kind of shit.

>No one's joining Celestials or Ex+ because they're trying to leech Huanglong and Qilin

I wonder how all of the people who panick hosted their Kirins the other day feel now.


>kirin pops
>14 people
>mash start button
>"the raid is full"

fuck this bullshit

Perfectly fine because they got crystals out of it, and these weapons will be here for a long time.

Good. More pendants for me.

Good, got a lot of crystals out of it. Now I can just farm back seals and then join trains for the weapons.

Damn that KMR, making us grind in a game centered around grinding.

>actually tempted to skip my job today
I fucking hate this game


Thanks m8

Thanks for the Talismans!

Thanks for the Talismans.

Without a connection from japan you're fucked anyway.

>Xuanwu flips a chest
>Earth sword
I thought they would only flip their own element weapons
Oh well, saved me 10k seals to get the skin.

11 hs

HRT gave us stuffs to grind for and crystals.

5AM jst. Do it now, you can host your own raids

What should I search for in twitter for Hong and Kirin raids?

The spear is a good mainhand, and the fist is a good unknown if you don't have the ST gun.

Why would you buy it with seals when it's a free reward from pendants?

Thanks for the giraffe user