Vampire-chan edition
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Vampire-chan edition
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
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Best giant.
I will not betray you
Will today be the day?
Pike and shot.
Day of what?
Let the feast begin.
proud daughter of athel loren > dead fat sacks
The old friend or the unnamed dlc.
>tfw no vampire chan lord
>tfw in dow3 beta
>tfw havent lost a single game
cumon step it up
>DoW 3
How is it compared to DoW I and II, is it fun?
Is it as much of a moba as /v/ is saying?
lizardmen cold one
Dark elf cold one
I will partake
cold one more like gold one!
Give me my flags CA.
I hope they have a more heavily armored version, similar to empire and chaos having the warhorse that upgrades into a barded warhorse.
DE version looks better desu
It's much less of a moba than dow 2 was
t.Filthy and faggy elf
>Nagash still not announced
t. biggest failure of the old ones
reminder that there are no Wood elves in the Southlands
I honestly don't care
and thanks to sigmar for that, no more faggy knife ears
>Max Payne: [narrating] Life was good. The sun setting on a sweet spring's day. The smell of freshly mowed lawns, the sounds of /twg/ shitposting. A house across the river on the Jersey side. A beautiful hotpocket waiting for me. The NEET Dream come true.
>Max Payne: Mom, I'm home!
>Max Payne: [narrating] But mods have a nasty habit of going bad when you're not looking. The sun went down with practiced bravado. Twilight crawled across the sky, laden with foreboding.
>Max Payne: Devs? Devs, when's 1.5?
>Max Payne: [narrating] I didn't like the way the show started, but they had given me the best seat in the house: front row center.
>*ring ring*
>CoW:BotET Devs: Is this the player's residence?
>Max Payne: Yes, the testers said the version is stable, you have to relea-
>CoW:BotET Devs: Good. I am afraid we cannot help you.
>Max Payne: When's 1.5? Hello?
>Quit game
>1.5 didn't release yet.
>But I was too hyped to go on
Daemon Prince will be a generic lord for the Chaos Daemons race, that's why they won't make it for Chaos Warriors
I don't know what they are going to do with daemons. By themselves they are kind of underwhelming in terms of options especially if divided by god
They're not going to divide it by god, only retards think that will happen
Daemons have a full roster, you'll choose a lord based on the four gods and choose any daemon you want in that army.
Looks about 20 times better than the down syndrome afflicted ones from tabletop
>even though that youtube compression it still wont look that good ingame because these are all massively downscaled
You know that people think theyll be divided by gods because of the leaks right, and so far everything followed the leaks
>tfw no mad charges across No Man's Land
Are you retarded the russian leak is wrong
Stop playing Fantasy.
Stop being boring
>calls people retards
>is retarded
Parts of the leak are "outdated". By that they mean they're adding more DLC and Skaven will no longer be a DLC you retarded monkey.
>it's a "the AI actually attacks your city without three or four stacks" episode
>daemons won't be four races
>they'll just be four factions which heavily discourage if not outright ban recruiting units from the other gods until you research certain techs
wow so different
>leak is wrong
>its 'outdated'
Kill yourself retard
Go play Verdun, WW1 is wrong for TW.
Dont spout too much bullshit you'll blow over that strawman you're building.
That leak comes from an insanely early build of TWW, which CA stated was outdated, and which they didnt even follow now they're in the second expansion. Not to mention they've now said they've changed their plans and intend to make the series even bigger than it was.
If you still believe its reliable you're either Russian or an idiot.
Fucking Gogs!
Man i loved that show as a kid.
>russian leak is wrong
It's what CA originally planned, even the DLC from game 1 shows this (with Wood Elves being numbered DLC_05 although it was the sixth DLC).
So it's outdated and from now on obviously wrong.
Alright friendos, I have recently gotten Warhammer and installed it. My toaster runs it alright on low and while it looks crappy, the battles are fluid and I am having fun. Now, I've not played a Total War in ages and y'all are masters it seems, since you keep playing on VH, so I've a few questions.
Any suggestions for Empire start? I'm playing on normal, as I want to get into it, but two starts on normal and I keep getting fucked over by one or the other. First time beastmen came with two stacks and ruined all settlements aside Altdorf, second time a bitch agent killed half my sieging army and then I got valiantly defeated. Aside from that, is there a mod that removes those uglyass arrow trails? Are there mods worth getting even for first playthroughs?
dope screenshot my dude
I played as Empire on my first try too. Two beastmen stacks though? Really? I thought it was just one, thats what I got. But anyway, one strategy could be to lure them close to Altdorf, with your army and the city garrison reinforcing.
You can turn off the arrow trails in the options menu.
And on performance, have you made sure advisor and user models are 2D and not 3D? I heard that it helps performance somewhat.
Ah hell, I overlooked that in options. Yes, it's virtually all low and 2D. I won't complain though, I can comfortably play the battles with medium sized units without stuttering and similar shit. I couldn't run Rome or Attila at all on this toaster of mine.
Yeah. One-eye and another. I did get some event beforehand, about beastmen on the move, it could be responsible for it.
By the way, is there merit to confederacies and like? Or can one play it old-fashioned way and just conquer everyone in sight? I mean, I know that you can't conquer everywhere in Warhammer, but is it better to confederate with some of these shady bastards around me or just conquer them all outright, returning them to Empire's rule?
I'm a total history fag, though Warhammer Fantasy is probably my favorite fantasy setting, and I keep trying Attila or Empire or Shogun 2 and while they each have their charms or whatever, the refinements to the gameplay, the engine and the UI that Warhammer has makes it so much more of a pleasure to play, I find all the others a little lacking.
You can play it old fashioned way, yes. There's pros and cons to it. On the one hand, you wont have to waste time, money and troops on conquering them if you confederate. But some are friendlier and easier to confederate than in others, I found. Stirland was the first I got and on my Dwarf campaign they were again the first province to confederate with the empire.
But then you have the negatives. Depending on the quality of the province in question. It's possible your economy will be negatively affected if they've managed themselves poorly. And there's also the negative public order (-8) and diplomatic relations effect you get when confederate. The public order one last for, I think, 4 turns. You can see how long is left next your income at the top.
Oh, and one tip: retake Marienburg. Don't bother with Gorssel and the Wasteland, just get Marienburg. It'll help your economy and it's rightful Empire clay to boot.
>it's rightful Empire clay to boot.
*mercantile shrieking*
Post more Glady
I wish it were mine, homedog
>changed their plans and intend to make the series even bigger than it was
>so instead of have 4 chaos factions, let's make just one
there is just 1 retard in this thread
I see. Thanks mate. I'll take your advice to heart.
It's battles like this that make me love this game.
Skaven detected
Choke a humie.
One more thing, user, in case you don't know. The End Times, when Chaos comes down from the North to destroy the world, is triggered by *your* expansion, not by any number of turns. So it might be a good idea to, when you feel its appropriate, take a breather and upgrade your city buildings, try to get trade agreements and allies, and build an extra army or two. On my first campaign I got sort of caught off guard and though I manage to turn it about and destroy Chaos, it seemed pretty bleak for a time. Also, try to destroy Chaos Warriors and Warherds of Chaos in one or two turns, when you have all other victory conditions. That way, you wont have to hunt them across Kislev for almost ten more turns, like I had to.
So be prepared for that.
Skaeling are the smartest and most handsome Norscans.
hasn't the leak been almost 100% correct thus far
>No gloriously mustached captain advisor of the Empire
>No grumbling, always pissed off Longbeard who bitches about the old days
>No sniveling and devious Goblin advisor
>No savage orc advisor who just goes "WAAAAGH"
>No Sindri sorcerer who constantly monologues
>No seductive and clingy vampire-chan advisor who constantly flatters and grovels at your feet
>No snobbish noble for Bretonnia
>No Bestigor advisor like in the mini campaign
>No aloof Glade Lady advisor who gradually warms up to you for Wood Elves
>No Tree Hitler advisor
Should Slayers actually have 0 armour?
I was under the impression that armour in TWW represented a mix of toughness & armour save on tabletop so it seems odd to me that both Flaggelants & Slayers have 0 armour when 1 is a lot tougher than the other
>russian leak
Would you brainlets stop using terms you don't understand? It was literally datamined info from the released game.
I mean, if you're level 30 and they only have tier 1 units battles like this shouldn't happen because the AI should know how to upgrade their shit.
>The most heavily armoured beasts in Lustria, Bastiladons are walking fortresses. Covered in rock-hard bony skin and further protected by massive, iron-like plates, they can thwart the bite of even the mighty Carnosaur.
Steam Tank 2: Dino Boogaloo?
>tfw no Skaeling sword-maiden wife
Why even live?
How am I meant to use Great Weapon rangers?
Can they volley over units in melee like xbows & blasting charges?
i declared 'surprise' war on Tobaro, after razing every Tilean city. Thought they'd be more prepared, but they have about 5 stacks of these guys. Don't know what they've been doing the whole game.
just as planned :^)
Are Azhag and Wurzag the best lords for GS in multiplayer?
Both are great lord snipers, and have a lot of utility.
don't crucify me for linking to reddit, but damn that's some fine retardation:
All the games so far involve four base races that hate each other
Why would the 3rd game be "daemons, ogres and chorfs" when it could be four groups of daemons that hate each other? It's literally the simplest fucking explanation and the simplest way to squeeze the max amount of cash out of customers.
One can hope, Alternatively it might be good to compare the statline of a bastiladon to a steamtank stegadon too now that I think about it.
Because Daemons have about three units per god and Ogres are actually a proper army?
Instead you get a tzeenchian advisor
Does Valve make you drink a gallon of lead-based paint every time you release a mod on the workshop?
Why is it that every modder that actually has some sort of presence or persona is a complete insufferable retard?
Because demons and chaosfags in general are fucking SHIT while Chaos Dwarfs + Ogres are actually interesting
Would people really be willing to pay full price for reskins of all the same units, with like 3 new units per army.
Daemons as their own faction with unique starting positions for each lord makes more sense, just have them be green, red, pink or purple and its done.
That has to be a hijacked account.
I refuse to believe anyone could be this much of a parody of themselves
>you will never embrace her when she returns home from a long raiding season
>What are Foot Squires, Grail Guardians and Hyppogryph Knights
After the success TW:W had, I'm perfectly willing to believe GW is letting CA go full ham on TW:W III, maybe giving them some unused artwork or something
your kidding yourself if you think daemons have enough units for 4 different armies.
Making the last game only add 1 new playable faction split into 4 would be the most lazy shit ever and CA knows they couldn't get away with it.
Last game will most likely be Ogres, Chaos Dwarves, daemons and finishing off chaos.
If it needs a campaign simillar to the vortex one they could easily do one with the north & east parts of the warhammer world & include Kilsev in it.
An entire game of only chosen spam no thanks.
>bloodletters of khorne
>bloodletters of khorne (great weapons)
>bloodletters of khorne (halberds)
I found three khornate units right there :)
So, what, CA does four Daemon factions and makes up 50% of the units and completely ignores Ogres and Chaos Dwarfs who have a full roster?
It's a stupid idea, sorry.