>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Tharja a best
Factually incorrect.
Posting in non-early thread. Mods/jannies please don't delete.
Die in a fire, you avtarfagging cuntwaffle.
Every goddamn thread you do this, and every goddamn thread I wish from the bottom of my heart that you would just collapse inward like the dense mass of worthlessness you are. Fuck. You.
Yeah but Tharja is cute.
how did he survive ?
That's a bit of a different insult than normal.
Subnormal wretches like you do not deserve to be treated as a human is.
His powder broke.
>Feign defeat
>castle traps are activated
>everyone leaves
>snort the warp powder
>switch armour
This is my wife.
The the TherjaAnon will not be using subhumans in his upcoming Tellius playthroughs, correct?
What is Olwen good for
Yes TharjaAnon, we know.
Just a fair warning, M'nerva will make a comeback soon.
Cunnilla stands no chance.
The resistance is more organized than you think.
Fuck you Cumillafags.
What's the current standings?
>15 billion vote lead
I feel sorry for Minerva, holy shit.
oh that make sense
I'll be using this one
Also I did use Lethe a bit when I was playing PoR, she was cute.
Camilla: 19,846,786,895
Minerva: 4,723,515,086
Who is else waiting for a Magvel banner so they can reroll?
Got like 10 5* and they're all boring as shit (and I wasted a lot of sp on crap before skill inheritance came out).
I've never once touched Heroes and I have no intention of doing so.
Take the chocolate.
Give me the chocolate Severa
Must be pretty boring having nothing to talk about here huh. I pity you.
I guess.
But I do keep myself entertained.
I want to hold hands with Elise!
If you are playing old gba shit, or anything pre 3ds and mobile, you are part of the cancer.
nice pasta
This thread is going so slow everyone will notice how cute Leon is.
Good night /feg/
Die in your sleep, writhing in agony, you worthless sack of bile.
I need help /feg/. Need to choose between a +hp/-def Tharja and +res/-hp Lilina. Which one is better?
With Def Spd and +Spd he reaches 39 Spd
He's not exactly Sanic tier but it is pretty fast, either that or with Darting Blow and a buff to reach 42 Spd
Give Tharja's tome to Lilina.
Lilina will always be better
So long gay bowser
Making a patched CIA for Echoes was easier than expected. No more slowdown on O3DS.
Neither have optimal IV's but Tharja has the better skill set. Pick her unless you plan to inherit skills on Lilina to take down red swords
Who are you going to marry Alm to?
>fight against an Eldigan in the Gauntlet
>his A skill is Warding Blow 3
Which one of you did this?
No marriage, only supports in SoV.
Alm marries Celica though.
They created a bullshit excuse to bring him back because RD was going to be even more shit without him
Do I 5* a +spd/-res Rein or a +atk/-hp Femui?
So are they banning people for tweaking IVs, SP, and rarity yet?
>Finish Celicas shit on Duma Tower
>Starts Alm route and get to the point where theres some bow knight
>map has narrow passages with archers and mages up the ass
Yeah okay this is easy. Sure. Not frustrating at all.
Typical Gaiden map design really.
Do you have to attack Juda on every 4th turn to damage him or do I need to off Duma to kill him?
Lucina is best and canon.
But Tharja is an easy 2nd best.
Remember, old FE is the best and you're a cuck for liking nu-FE
Side note: I'm amazed at how little art there is of Lucina with Tharja, considering they're easily the two most popular Awakening girls. I guess most people who like one don't care for the other?
>go for an enemy Wrys in arena
>he's paired with some underleveled magicunt and 2 vantage Tacomemes
I never asked for this
Gaiden was Nu FE before it's time
Awakening waifufags are the worst
But fates waifufags are an easy 2nd worst
Is that the manor? Snipe the AoE healing mages/bow knights and warp your best unit inside to deal with the shaman to prevent reinforcements. It helps if Faye has psychic.
My units were already promoted so it wasn't so bad.
I wish. I would vote for literally anyone over Camilla, but it's very clear I'm in the minority.
>all three of my perfect +/- 5* units are red
>8 of my 16 5* units are red
>still want more reds like Marth and Lilina
>want to spend feathers on Xander, Zephiel and eventually Lloyd
I'm cursed and I need help.
who are the best?
Worst part is i only have 1 Dread fighter so i cant simply tank them all. Unless i over do it somehow and train him hard
>Faye use psychic
I went in blind and made her peg. Tatiana would be the one for the job
This isn't /delusions/ general
Over 20 billion points...this puts last gauntlet's final to shame.
Are we getting orbs for the amount of points gathered during this gauntlet like last time?
I think you get her right after you beat the manor.
I really, really want a Lucina vs Camilla gauntlet to wipe the smirk off Camillafags' faces. It probably won't happen for another 7 gauntlets though.
Lucina vs Camilla Voting Gauntlet when
We're supposed to since this gauntlet has beat the 10 billion point challenge.
user I'm way pass that. The map i talk about is far worst
X fucking D game.
>when she sees your dick
Rest in Taco.
We got like 3x the amount of flags compared to the last gauntlet, so it's no surprise.
For every 2 taco or 2 rein team you face they give you one of these.
Why so sad bro?
How can you get the spotpass paralogues in awakening?
I had fun getting that kind of situation.
>position melee just one square away from enemy's range
>have ranged ally break the wall and melee rush in on the same turn
Feels great.
My one solace is that the "You Lose" screen will show Minerva, who I barely care about, instead of the DFC pegaknights.
>This vote
So this...
Is the power of normies.......
Would a ruby sword, swordbreaker, and eventually distant counter olivia be a bad idea?
My only regret is that I couldn't give all my flags to Hinoka.
Best girl.
Someone post the comic.
How's your defense log /feg/?
I would have thought so until you retards spammed 24/7
I've got 5, so pretty good. Last round I only got 1.
2 this week so about the same as usual, 1-4
fuck you
Pretty good
You on about the on with Slayde? That map really works in Faye Cleric's favour.
Outside of that... Warp Gray and kill the mage in front. and warp Kliff either after him, or down another route to kill the bow knight and mage there and push forward, Slayde isn't a strong unit... boy do I hope you're on this map otherwise this is worthless.
Put wireless on and go into the wireless setting on homeworld and then gift box, it's not that hard to find bro