I just started a $200 account for fun and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I literally just looked at the candlesticks on all the chart times and made a call on whether it would go up over the week or down. How do you get more knowledgeable about currencies/trading them? It would be nice to know more, and when I did a google search most of the hits were trading websites trying to sell me shit.
I just started a $200 account for fun and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing...
>for fun
>real money
fucking retard
It's not very much tho. I like gambling.
Visit tradingview.com , u can chart and get the basic idea from there
Put it all in RNVA.
You're gonna triple your money on Tuesday.
You make the call based on what? Guessing? In that case it's simply gambling.
Be careful, I made the same mistake. I loaded up an account with 2 grand, and in several days I made $700. Thought I was hot shit. Then in a few more days I lost it all.
This sort of day trading only works if you really know what you're doing. And even then it often doesn't. To be honest you'd probably be better using your $200 to buy BTC or a pump n dump coin like TRUMP or PUTIN. There'd be less chance of losing everything.
>based on what
Whether it looks likely to go up or down based on the general trend. Also what % of traders are selling or buying at any given time/
Okay I invested it all, mostly based on the 1 week/1 day charts so I'm planning on holding most of them until they either double or triple or hit my stop loss which is 100% on all of them.
How soon until I am bankrupt or rich Veeky Forums?
>I loaded up an account with 2 grand, and in several days I made $700
shoulda got out and never looked back
what site
Etoro, lol. I heard it's good for total scrubs.
>playing forex as a beginner
you're fucked m8. Do you even understand how currencies work?
Not really. Where can I learn that?
Wtf man ?
Do you realize that you doing shit brow ?
>trading forex with $200 and no experience
you are going to sink quicker than the titanic
>shit brow
What does that mean?
I don't see why. At worst it's a 50/50 with the broker taking a small fee, so almost exactly vegas odds. No reason I should just get wiped out immediately. But we'll see.
Is this site a good place to buy Trumpcoin? I don't want to deal with all the virtual wallet shit.
Oh oops, wrong thread lol.
>cucks in this thread saying OP is a retard
i did the same as you did, OP
I lost it all pretty quickly, but I learned a lot from that loss
The next set of money I put in, i was able to use properly. Made a slight profit but I dont trade often
Whatever you do, dont keep cancelling and starting fucking trades, let it run for a while. use low leverage and try to earn a little money over a day or two instead of trying to be a yolo 10 minute trader, cause you will die
I regret doing it because I think I realised that im technically self employed so i dont know if i have to do a fucking tax return and register as self employed or someshit? even though i stopped because i shit myself when i realised i might have fucking tax wankers tracking me down
Ya I'm leaving mine overnight/overweek. Like this one, I'm actually optimistic I'll make a $70 profit on my $25 investment, so I don't want to cuck myself by taking my $15 right now. I figure I'll definitely incur losses so I need my actually good trades to make as much as possible.
If you make money doing small time stock trades do you have to pay tax?
on my first time i made like £200 then fucked it all like a retard
what do you plan on doing about tax cause im genuinely concerned about it. i want to keep trading but i dont want to deal with feds. i still have money sitting on my account
i know were different countries but still helps
this is what im wondering, im no pro and i just do it for a laugh so i can pretend im the wolf of wall street when the fed changes rates and i call it right
Damn lol I have no idea. I have to think it's not a big deal until you start moving a lot of money, which I probably never will.
yeah, i dont trust tax men especially with so much internet surveillance
id rather sleep at night
So I think this'll go up overnight/over the week but I think it will go down in the next thirty minutes/hour. Is it ever correct to hold a buy position and then throw down a sell at like 400 leverage for a 30 minute gain? Or should I not fuck with this kind of thing for awhile.
What the fuck? Who says fun has to be free? 200$ is not that much to piss away
why don't you have an ISA? no tax up to 15k
This is Veeky Forums m8. Worst board on the site. All youll find here are stale memes and baseless criticism. No help. Try investopedia that should give you the basics and a general path to follow
i do have one and its bullshit
i filled it up with the max 15k amount and theyve literally cut my interest rate to fucking 0.00000001%
But see, you're already helping me.
Brokerage takes note of earnings, reports to fed at the end of the tax season.