Philosophy is dead and should stop being studied. It is an infinitely recursing rabbit hole of questions that will never lead anywhere
Can a question be posed whose answer you could not ask "why" to again?
Philosophy is dead and should stop being studied. It is an infinitely recursing rabbit hole of questions that will never lead anywhere
Can a question be posed whose answer you could not ask "why" to again?
If that's true why did philosophy not stop at the presocratics?
Philosophy was concluded by Descartes. Everything since then has been nothing but pointless circlejerking.
> Philosophy is dead and should stop being studied.
So is math, because for any set of axioms there is true statement that can't be decided in it.
>Can a question be posed whose answer you could not ask "why" to again?
Why tho?
Philosophy does not result in utility
Math does. If there is a philosophy it is deciding which of those propositions are true, but for which a program to calculate a proof would be undecidable, and since you will never know for sure you just have to trust yourself
Fuck off, Hawking, Tysan or Dawkins.
Stick to your fields, instead of embarrassing your whole field with the usual "smart guy thinks he's an expert in everything beause he's an expert in one thing" act. It's really cringeworthy, when people do this, especially with mathematicians and physicists.
This. Our "celebrity" scientists are little more than sophists, selling "knowledge" and "utility" to the world with smug satisfaction while neglecting to point out there is still plenty that we are nowhere close to understanding.
So again we fall back to "I know nothing"
> implying abstract non-sense has any utility
What are practical applications of large cardinal numbers again?
What does "I know nothing" get you?
it's funny because not even many actual scientists hold this view. Veeky Forums is friendlier towards philosophy than the fucking humanities boards. Why do you guys hate yourself so much? Did you let the New Atheists get to you?
Mathematics is dead and should stop being studied. It is an infinitely recursing rabbit hole of axioms and interference rules that will never lead anywhere
It does lead places though because the more questions we ask the more useful, actionable, applicable, practical information we receive. With philosophy there is none. I feel they are opposite topics.
Veeky Forums is probably choke full of crossboarders who just want to have a quick discussion about a specific topic that riled them up.
I doubt that there are many people here who actually study humanities, and people who don't study it tend to not appreciate it.
Then you're still supporting my point: Philosophy is dead because we know nothing. So move on and focus on real world shit.
>With philosophy there is none.
Science is a philosophical school of thought within the discipline of induction and empirical reasoning.
You are uneducated.
Any formal axiomatic system containing basic arithmetic will always be incomplete. That was the response when a philosopher tried to logically prove 1+1=2.
Yeah, it's pointless if you actually want to accomplish anything. But at least it's fun, if people want to spend their time doing it.
Philosophers don't really deserve any more respect than anyone else, though. They have nothing to contribute that anyone else doesn't.
Talking about how much I hate philosophy is probably the biggest reason I come to Veeky Forums. There can be other interesting stuff too, but it's a need to shit on philosophy that attracts me here most frequently.
Philosophy is garbage
Let's say there was a God, and He Himself literally whispered in your ear "Do you want to know THE secret?"
What would you choose? I'd say fuck off fag no thanks. I don't want to be truly and utterly alone. That is what the first philosopher to determine any secret truth would feel.
It gives us a starting point and something to reflect on. Human understanding is limited, and every individual has a different perspective of his/her world. Every act we do in every day should be considered carefully; take nothing for granted. Contemplate and understand. Don't take everything for blanket fact.
There's a reason philosophers talk to each other and write books
To me it doesn't even look like philosophy wants to find any secret. If that's its goal, it's just even more worthless. It will NEVER find any "the true solution". I choose instead to see it as a system to find arguments that can help you convince people your opinions are the right ones. At least then you can use it for something. Alternatively, it can be used as a pseudo-religion for people who can't believe in God but also can't deal with an existence without being dictated by someone elses rules.
If you want to use philosophy to learn anything, you are doing it wrong, because it won't teach you anything, you could use your entire life and never get anywhere.
>tfw lurking and there's no counterargument to read
>Philosophy does not result in utility
Nope - none at all. Never had any impact on humankind and history at all.
You know, philosophy and science were once considered the same thing. Philosophy really reached its peak with Descartes, Hobbes, and Spinoza - the early moderns. I do not know when exactly the definition of philosophy was swapped for new age spiritual skepticism. Post modern philosophers are indeed a joke. Just pretentious know it all know nothings.
Philosophy centres more on social questions are concepts now
>Philosophy is dead and should stop being studied
on what do you base this
When natural philosophy split off from philosophy proper, philosophy was left with mostly metaphysics, given that physics fell under natural philosophy.
Fucking quietists should follow their own advice.
Tell me what did a philosopher did in the last two hundred year that improved my life?
Dawkins invented memes.
What would you consider an improvement in your life?
Philosophy drives the social world-views of an era, so if there are any social aspects of the last two hundred years you find beneficial then you have logically benefited from the philosophy behind it.
is it your philosophy that this is necessary
>Philosophy is dead and should stop being studied.
Can't create the Overman, the greatest human on earth, without it though.
>It is an infinitely recursing rabbit hole of questions that will never lead anywhere
This line of thought comes from not reading enough of it, by the way.
>Philosophy drives the social world-views of an era
It does not.
Not him, but in a sense, yes. Philosophy predicts how world values will transform over time, and makes clear how they should transform, by understanding present values and their roots. Individual men with this wisdom of values from philosophy then in turn influence the world. Philosophy is a game most participated traditionally by the wealthy / social elite, who do have strings attached to certain parts of the world.
For example, if you don't think things like modern globalist thought or capitalist thought, or even scientific thought, are ultimately propelled by value systems revealed and understood by philosophers, you are overlooking a big aspect of what makes the current world spin as it does.
Ok, but this isn't true
They are fun.
Does anyone know what the cardinality of the set of all permutations over the integers is?
The statements Godel created were of similar form of "This sentence is unprovable". They were hardly "interesting " statements.
Philosophy is more about applying a certain thought process or set of ideals to broad subjects than it is finding an answer to anything.