WRX owners everyone

WRX owners everyone


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>fat american with anger issues

yup, never seen this one before

That bitch is so annoying holy shit.

I dont understand why no one got shot.

also 900 internet bux says he's never seen combat

oh look a stupid fat american.

props to the WRX fag for being so chill. If some fatass slapped me through the window he'd be eating rear bumper. then front bumper. then rear bumper. then front bumper one more time.


More like a pussy bitch.

Chances are, dude went to (possibly, even) legally pass and the fart-cannon squad decided to downshift and giggle'n'teehee as the fatshit couldn't get by, then acts astonished when he's pissed off.

i suppose i can believe that, it really is funny how often subaru guys live up to the stereotype to the finest detail irl. But you can't say the ginger wasn't just as much of a shitter.
>kid is half your size
>you're a "combat veteran"
>not even willing to instigate a fair fight
>screaming and pacing like an autist
i guess it's a double win for us because it's hilarious and cringe inducing.

Holy fucc, I'm an actual combat veteran and I would have skinned him for that chin pelt. This made me way too angry, I'm supposed to be winding down damn

Oh I didn't mean to sound like I'm defending that sad fat excuse of a combat vet, I've worked with and am friends with many combat vets who would love to hand this guy his own ass in a to go bag, but let's face it we're only seeing half of the situation here.
>remember, there's always 3 sides to a story, yours, theirs, and what actually happened

he's a faggot but not everyone who drives a subie is a faggot, though.

also if someone hit me i'd hit back. i know it's childish but i couldn't care less.

>these are the people posting in threads about MUH WRX
>WRX is so much better than the BRZ bro you can go real fast in it bro I'm a combat vet BRO
what a fucking pushover the guy filming too, should've beat that fat fuck into submission


he's not even a combat vet. this was posted to a veterans page on FB and his commanding officer said that the only action he's seen is in Hollywood movies

dubs called it

came here to post this

This bitch is so stupid. She's instigating this dude after he hits her boyfriend, like she wants him to get even further fucked up.

Not. Even. Once.

>I'm a combat veteran, I get to treat you just like police do!

too bad he didnt an hero from ptsd like all the other pussies in our armed forces.

The dude is much bigger and weights much more, is a combat vet. And you don't know whether the he has a gun on him... Do not get yourself into a fight you cannot win user. Instead film it, spread it online, ruin the dudes social life, press charges on him, win some cash/ get the dudes license revoked ect.

Also the dude in the Subaru should've kept his girl in check, her hurling insults at the fat ass was not a good decision.

Ginger-tard kind of has a history, bae



>Barely got deployed, yet calls himself a "combat veteran"
>Has a criminal history
>Overtly aggressive
>"Who goes to jail for punching people?"
Sounds like a winner

Ausfag here

He's roadrage game is shit.

What u do is bait them out of their car then run them the fuck over or at least try.

As a neck beard, I would like to apologize for the behavior of this particular specimen.

here in Florida you bait them out of their car, wait for them to walk at you and then shoot them.
>muh stand your ground meme

>bait them out of the car and run them over
Not really
Or this golden oldie

>also 900 internet bux says he's never seen combat
called it.


According to his 1st SGT, he never saw combat.


Where have all the goys defending Ginger McFat-Tits gone?

>Wait for them to come out of their car. You have your small, handy fire extinguisher at the ready
>Tough guy/bitch starts acting up
>Hold your breath and close your eyes, else you're gonna be coughing for weeks, and you don't want that very fine dust in your eyes either. Walk away from the spray
>Big guy(4u)/bitch has ceased aggression, is now coughing and wheezing
>Proceed to spray the whole interior with your high-pressure revenge
>Down the HVAC vents
>The center console/radio (bonus for spraying inside the CD slit or USB port. Do it at an angle, and away from you though. Always hold your damn breath)
>Spray the seats, the roof, the floor
>Concentrate on buttons and electronics though
>Use the bottom of your now-empty high-pressure vessel as a blunt tool to leave a nice reminder in their windshield or rear quarter panel

I walked in on muh indy shop working on one of them once, fucking golden. They had to take the whole interior apart, had to replace pretty much everything electronic in the center console, as well as a few actuators for the air control flaps that got fucked by the dust, and probably were going to replace the blower motor too

Don't underestimate the lil' nigga with a dumb smile, he knows how to fuck with your shit, and is cray

So basically...fire extinguisher dust really fucks up everything in a car?

It's not that the dust itself is truly nasty, it just gets everywhere, there's quite a lot of it, and it jams actuators, gets inside small gears for flaps and what have you, and burns out motors/etc

Now, there are household items far worse than fire extinguisher dust. However, it's already in your car (or are you a nigger with no fire extinguisher? C'mon, it's not that expensive), it's basically a fine dust (which is also rather irritant) shooting out of a pressurized can, although without as much of an effect as pepper spray of course. Also, it doesn't require any "excuse" to carry, unlike, say, actual pepper spray in those fucked no-self-defense countries

If you wanted to fuck with a car's interior (without spending lotsa dosh and/or getting into "must use gloves and respirator" territory), just carry a bottle of brake fluid in the car. Big bonus if it has some kind of nozzle that allows for a jet of it to shoot out when you squeeze it. Spray on anything plastic, leather, buttons, or electronics. If you're a dedicated madman, you could use the brake fluid's inherent hygroscopic behavior to have a nasty mix of water (for the electrics and electronics) and a somewhat nasty, although common and cheap chemical for the rubber and plastics (and leather, of course), that'll do lotsa good in many places

With brake fluid, the trick is to spray/splash on areas where it'll seep in, like the center console/radio/automatic shifter buttons. Unless you IMMEDIATELY do away with the chemicals that are in contact with the materials/buttons/wires/electrical connections, things will get fucked...and you can't just do that with the whole dashboard. The car's owner will be paying for new interior, possibly new wiring, and most likely the ungodly hassle of swapping it all

Nothing in there about his 1sg. Also Lmao at Veeky Forums invading the comments

Why do people pull over to argue like this? Just keep driving

WRX pulled over at his destination, Mr "chaptered out POG with a spec ops beard" had followed them

>Nothing in there about his 1sg.
His 1sg was tracked down on faceberg

>Americans get so angry over public traffic that they follow people home to shout at them
What the hell is wrong with that nation?

>truck owner with anger and testosterone issues

No surprise here. Only people with little dick and confidence problems buy big trucks to boost their ego and confidence. I bet he's never seen combat either. These are the kind of men that purposely go into the stall in public bathrooms so they can piss directly in the water really hard to show everyone how much of a man they are, then don't clean up the piss all over the seat and leave without washing their hands.

Meh, we live with some of the worst kinds of people. Sometimes I get unduly angry when I have to deal with retards, I've never tried to fight anyone though.

I think if I lived on some island with a homogenous population I'd never stress, but some areas in the US are almost like you never left the combat zone, cities especially give me a horrible feeling of violence creeping just below the surface of face to face interactions.

Holy fuck that's glorious please tell me his old platoon is getting together for a fucking sock party.

>named chad

my family is comprised of marines. I do not think they would take kindly to you using the military to threaten and intimidate someone especially over the internet. Not only that, but technically if reddit or whomever wanted to they could call the police right now because what you just said constitutes a death threat. I don't know who you are and I don't care too. However you would be wise to watch your words. This is friendly advice from a stranger. Two wrongs don't make a right and threatening someones life is against the law. I've taken the liberty of reporting you. Have a nice day.

Nigga, I'm a spic and I've suffered that myself a few times. Cunts in Audis and Toyota SUVs most of the time, if not some jock in a Hilux or some other pickup like a Ranger or Chebby

The guys in pickups are really bad: riding your ass with high beams on (because you're not going 20MPH above the limit in tiny city streets), swerving extremely aggressively in order to overtake, and even threatening to "bump" into you by mashing the gas and then an instant later tapping the brakes and diving away; truly the worst cunts ever. I legit did a PIT maneuver on one of them once, since he was so eager to cross my path...my bumpers are black unpainted plastic, his rear panel wasn't. Popped the driver's rear tire, and pushed in the passenger side door a darn good bit. That old imbecile wasn't so tough once he didn't have his big bad truck to threaten others with. Hopefully he learned not to mess with little trucklets driven by manlets

I noticed that small cars are more courteous and generally more patient and prudent, which is nice since those kind of cars are more common, but if they're an Audi or one of those shitty, ugly compact Mercedes that they churn out, they're assholes

And let's not talk Land Rover owners, they exist on another goddamn universe

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

American "veteran".

What part of the middle east did you "defend" American (((bankers))) in?

Afghanistan twice from 2012-14, and then instead of just taking my papers I decided to go guard in 2015, and in 2016 got to go to Kosovo fml.
>tfw the guard actually fucking deploys

I'd have just pulled my gun as soon as he reached in.

Pretty justified, given the situation.


Anyone else most annoyed by that retarded annoying bitch that almost got her boyfriend killed?

Yelling 'byeeeeee! byeeeeeee!' like a dumbass cunt is the most passive aggressive and provocative thing you can do, especially to a raging guy thats out of his mind.

I think they both should have punched her in the fucking mouth for being so obnoxious and provocative, she did nothing to difuse the situation and actually escalated it cause she knew she wouldnt get hit cause of her vagina card. Instead her boyfriend took the beating. What a retarded cunt

what the fuck

Where the fuck did you learn this?

Yeah she needs a fucking beating or something. She's way worse than the fat ginger, he's probably okay when he's not roadraging.

people on bikes do it as well and I'll never understand why.
like unless they actually hit you, just flip them the bird or shake your head at them and move on. you gain NOTHING by following them for 3 blocks and yelling at them.

I've only ever seen people fight over parking spots. SF bay area drivers aren't really prone to road rage but they should since we have a lot of old people here driving slow in the fast lane and they need to move over
Other than that, mustang and camaro cucks get mad when my civic passes them

people from colorado springs are crazy

Some nigger(actually white) was screaming at me through his window and I blasted him with an air horn until he rolled it up.

Is this a pasta?

How can someone be such a cuck? If someone reached into my car and hit me they would quickly see what it feels like to have 9mm hollow points in their chest.