Can I ask why the only warrior Madti does jump runs with isn't even in the guild? How are warriors supposed to afford consumables like this?
Tyler Diaz
I wanna see more manlet wipe-webms
Camden Gomez
good taste
James Fisher
shit taste
Elijah Fisher
Ok seriously though no memes, Pouncy. I shouldn't have promised you choker and then changed my mind on the basis of "your raid attitude is poor". I get that. I fucked up. I'm serious.
But I stand by my choice. Your raiding attitude was terrible, you reacted to things like a baby. You wouldn't buff people, you would instigate things on disord with puddi. You blocked Samfu on voice. The fact was I couldn't trust you with one of the most powerful items in the game for healers.
I was hoping you wouldn't overreact about it. But you did. This kind of proved my point your attitude was all wrong. I understand why you reacted the way you did however, as I somewhat mislead you to believe you were going to get the item.
Regardless its a fucking meme item, I have accepted I dealt with you in the slightly wrong way - can we all just move past it and accept that I'm not some ninjalooting evil guy?
Cooper Edwards
Erodeas - Last Wednesday at 11:09 PM They were screaming for guild heals now I know why lel "why is your mana gone?" >tanking in pvp gear and taking 2k bursts >forced to Holy Light heal constantly to keep them up due to randumb scrublord paladin with mob greys equipped can't heal for diddly also constant quick pulls with nary any mana breaks sometimes none Its fucking awful to heal their runs And I'm not surprised no one helps them out anymore Dads constant asshurt with Eyelash made it worth it though too busy laughing to get miffed
Owen Murphy
What did they mean by this?
Nathan Johnson
t. butthurt femhuman
Christian Williams
Alexander Howard
A person like that should be kicked what are you doing? You might think you're being fair giving them a chance but you're fucking the 38 other people that actually behave themselves. I know MoH isn't a poopsock guild but seriously have some standards.
Connor Turner
Why would you wipe in UBRS?
Adam Sanders
it's ironic
Carter Lopez
You see Dads there? That's why.
Anthony Russell
>tfw just want a Veeky Forums guild with chill people, who actually know how to play, doing quick and clean 5man farms while doing MC/Ony on one evening in under 3 hours and BWL in one evening on the other raidday
>instead get drama, ERP and bottom tier trash skilled people who are literally too shit for the easiest version of WoW
and I dont even mind the ERP...
Jack Gomez
TLDR: It's really hard
ok family here is your answer, check the spreadsheet for how long it will roughly take someone to reach r14. around 20weeks from starting unranked i guess.
The amount of time depends on different things, are you in the best premade on your faction? If so it will take you less hours to reach the honor needed. Do you have a shit premade or have to pug? It will take you much longer, you won't be able to hit 12+ without a premade.
I also assumed you would start off slower then start pushing and entering the brackets at around rank 10.
Regardless of how fast you reach rank 10, you'll always have to spend near 2 months playing 12hr+ every single day.
Tyler Sanders
I rolled a rogue. I have never played one in vanilla before. Did I screw up?
Luke Roberts
Lot's of guilds like that on anathema
Gavin Reyes
>good gameplay >access to the most unique mechanics in vanilla >decent demand (inb4 le everyone is a rogue meme)
no you did okay
Brody Robinson
Adrian Ward
>he didn't stay on /a/nathema with me and joined NOPE
Isaac Jenkins
What are the best pvp guilds on horde on Elysium? Would it be more efficient to rank up while leveling or to do everything at 60? Like the 19 bracket to rank 3, then max out at 49 bracket for people who want cheaper mounts. Then maybe doing r10 at 59? Apparently horde wins like every time in that bracket.
Warrior is only 17 now.
Also many thanks for the info. Didn't realize my rank 7 60 mage was so babby tier, but tbf I was only doing like 10,000-30,000 honora week lol which was nothing. And I got r7 in 3 weeks I think doing that, having started to seriously rank up when I got 60 to get the bis set. Believe I was rank 3/4 or so at 60.
Josiah Evans
Gavin Price
>NOPE >allowing erp sluts
Aaron Wright
ranking at lower levels is pointless, you're gaining rank slower and get less honor per kill
Michael Wood
the 45-59 population is negligible and isn't the same as the 60 population which is a much different realm entirely (also the much more relevant one)
Jack Foster
You shouldn't glorify NOPE
Alexander Reyes
Jeremiah Brown
>Madtii, date of Heaven
you did that on purpose you colossal faggot
Xavier Anderson
they got him
Caleb Morales
Good to know
I'm on my phone so I can't click that accurately on the stupid slider
but back in the day, NOPE was as elitist and stuck up as it could get... hardly believeable some anime erp slut OPENLY practices their slut-being in such a guild
Noah Mitchell
stop bullying the bart
Jack Morgan
because he wasn't in the guild, its just some roleplayer
Asher Collins
...that was... kinda the point of my first reply to him, duh calling him out on bullshit
Brandon Kelly
he comes in here periodically, he also pretends to be slipry lol
Lucas Mitchell
Kawaii as heck desu
Bentley Ross
>NOPE was as elitist and stuck up as it could get. stick to tranny posting horde nigger
Gabriel Johnson
Is everyone on Anathema a cute anime girl?
Daniel Hall
No, not everyone but there is a healthy portion of anime players, both boys and girls. Real animes tend to be shy so they are hesitant in revealing their status as anime players. Fear not though, with a few tricks you may be able to catch an unsuspecting anime of your own!
Oliver Myers
was Luthien wrong in doing it though?
Matthew Myers
Hey guys, I'm a 36 druid, never done any real PvP before so I want to get good at it now What I've been doing is play AB, stick to any non-retarded push, try to "support" people until I OOM and then go catform and try to melee something. Now if you ask me what I mean by "support" I really haven't the foggiest clue and that's what I want to improve on I try to heal people, stay away from everyone else, and 2 more things: >if I see a warrior I root >if I see something else I moonfire How do I improve from here like what the fuck Also, how to use bear form effectively in PvP?
Grayson Myers
>tfw will never experience an NA vanilla server
so sick of chinks and euros and russians
Michael Wilson
I wish they'd at least make a server set to north american times for once.
Having it be the middle of the night during NA prime times is annoying.
Angel Martin
whats you spec?
>if I see something else I moonfire
pls no
Jordan Cooper
Feral because I don't want to level on resto and balance is a meme
Leo Flores
I hate this ERP tranny guild but I'm not geared enough to join a real one
fuck my life
Owen Taylor
>level 60 rogue ganking people who try and get on the boat and then hiding any time a higher level comes along >spams laugh at the lowbies
Is it really that fun to inconvenience people?
Dylan Garcia
>Is it really that fun to inconvenience people? Uhh, yes? What kind of stupid question is that?
Thomas Torres
But I don't really find that fun. I'd much rather fight people at level. Unfortunately, I play a Priest, so I usually get nuked.
Andrew Jones
>>if I see a warrior I root >>if I see something else I moonfire i'm not sure what you're asking you seem to have perfectly figured it out already
Jordan Long
Cmon senpai.
Charles Morales
rejoice, at 60 you get to shit on every single class as shadow and most importantly even as holy pve spec you shit on mages
James Parker
>Unfortunately, I play a Priest Try mind controlling someone off the boat just before the loading screen. Only then will you understand.
Angel Murphy
I am no one's senpai.
I'll probably be Holy specced, so I'll be fairly helpless against most people then.
I know that's a possibility. I just don't think I could do that unprovoked. I like helping people, hence why I rolled a priest.
Ethan Roberts
>it's attentionwhoring again
David Ramirez
please pay attention to me i heal in the world of warcraft
Henry Morgan
if you feral you shouldnt really worry about healing others i mean sure sometimes when you see someone low on hp, but in general just stick to dmg mostly against clothie of course. people will complain about no heals but whatever.
use bearform against warrior and rouges or to interupt caster
dont moonfire everything since it can ruin cc
flagcarry if you play warsong
Jacob White
I don't know much about horde side sorry.
Forgot to mention that you don't have to play that much to reach 10, I just assumed that whoever would go to 14 would starting pushing hard before reaching 10. Decay starts becoming a real bitch from 9/10 onwards.
About leveling, I would focus on leveling as fast as possible but picking up some honor on the way, dont stay for ages at a cap, but a day or so to get some honor for weekly progress is fine.
Logan Richardson
Go play a different game you beta piece of shit.
Nathaniel Wood
Its the makeup/matingpress priest!
Henry Moore
>dads is healslut posting again
Blake Williams
>dads goes to "sleep" and logs off >suddenly a nelf priest that tries to be cute logs in MMMMH....
Oliver Lewis
Even as holy theres no reason you should ever lose to casters besides SL locks. Rogues, Warriors should be your biggest problems.
Brody Powell
I play a few different games. I just wasn't interested in rolling a warrior again. I might make an alt that's more selfish though, especially one not so reliant on grouping and on wands. It's so annoying to try and go for specific wands.
I assume this Dads person is an obnoxious poster or something? I get the suspicion.
Angel Wilson
epic namedrops guys
Noah Roberts
I don't get why people gank in wow anyway. 99% of the time there is literally nothing punishing about dying in PVP in this game. Unless you're fighting some summoned mob or a rare or waiting for a boat it isn't even an inconvenience.
Seeing a ?? UD Rogue just makes me go "eh I I can just auto-run the corpse run and go take a piss"
If you want to cause actual mental anguish it's better to go PVP in Runescape.
James Perry
Maybe I'm just shit at this game outside of healing. I haven't PvP'd in live since Wrath.
It's mostly just a bit of time, and if you're in a bad spot a horrible spirit run. But it's nothing like NexusTK or Ragnarok Online which I played before WoW, where gear would break, you'd drop several items and gold, and in RO you'd lose 1% EXP. Which could be hours of work towards level cap.
Jordan Mitchell
you haven't been corpse camped when the corpserun is 200 fucking miles
Adam Allen
>?? huntard camping the flight path in stonetalon mountain >he didn't actually kill the flight master >he didn't kill any of the questgivers >there's a spirit healer literally 20 seconds away from the spot where he killed me Oh no I've been ~INCONVENIENCED~
Jaxon Murphy
>corpse camped
then I just log off and play an alt for a bit
Charles Walker
Robert Powell
I don't even know what I want to play as an alt. I don't fancy the idea of playing through the same zones again, either, but I know I want an alt of some sort.
William Peterson
good, that's what he wanted
Julian Brown
>wishing you rolled healer but are already too far to reroll
Ayden Peterson
salty dogs is dead, this thread is now full mandate desu
James White
i saw a red orc today
how do i make a red orc?
Sebastian Sullivan
It's a hack
Brody Foster
your face is a hack
Ryan Williams
umm he's right. it's a cheat and you get banned for it.
Jordan Rogers
that's great because I want Madti to sit on my face
Brayden Foster
your mom is a hack
Aiden King
>huntard opens on mobs with serpent sting >tag the mob before the first tick, then ignore the mob >huntard gets aggro and kills the mob for me, giving me full xp+loot Creative Use of Game Mechanics
Dominic Price
IF I wanted to download this and start playing it, would it matter too much which class I pick to play? IE, is it like actual vanila where some classes (pally) were unplayable or did they try to make everyting somewhat viable? And does it matter too much if I play a dps or is there a shortage of tanks/healers?
Jordan Bennett
>is it like actual vanilla it is actual vanilla so
Jordan Morgan
It's completely like vanilla, we just know more. Paladins are desired as healers and little else.
There's a lot of DPS already. If you play a Warlock Alliance-side you're more valuable, though. Plus if you play a Warrior you can tank most dungeons even as a DPS spec.
Kevin Russell
roll a druid so you can perform any role
Jace Foster
Every class is useful.
Isaiah Richardson
quick rundown on servers?
Gabriel Gomez
What was meant by this?
Liam Flores
Brandon Miller
So what Faction and Class should i rr on Elysium while i wait for the server merge?
Luke Wright
ud rogue
Tyler Green
alliance druid for sick flips
Andrew Carter
if you want to be horde i'll play with u i want to be a shaman or warlock hehe