>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Peri is the best and her pussy is SO TIGHT
Was the typo what got the other topic killed?
I wouldn't be surprised.
Just pointing out glorious Zigludo has been posting some translated base convos recently. This may have been mentioned earlier in past threads, but I just noticed them...
Zigludo calm the fuck down
Azura a best
Best thread
Will ask again: What are some good skills for a -atk/+def female Corrin?
that or because it was early and mods took a while to delete, i've seen that happen before
>Ike thread with bad spelling - nope
>lucina OP - nope
Ok we got it, 3rd time is a charm thanks OP
>deleting a 100 reply thread over a typo
that would be fucking stupid
can mods/janitors not edit posts?
I like that the risen map sprites have the skull masks on them
>that would be fucking stupid
>Mods not being stupid
Are you new?
honestly surprised my thread even made it before the other thread
funny enough I actually like Lucina but yeesh the Lucina threads were getting overused.
probably mass reports
>People hate Ike now
why? Mercenaries are awesome characters.
No it was early.
An Ikespic thought the English word for "Fire" had an O in it, like in his native language of Spanish.
>bust through a wall
>hey here's a fuckin fire dragon lmao
He's more popular than Lucina
Lyn is love!
I think Lucina's okay, but she's been the OP far too much.
I know that I shouldn't visit reddit, but why do the idiots there keep thinking that lowering the amount of supports means more quality?
Have they not seen Echoes' supports?
Yes mercenaries are awesome characters, just Ike himself is a little shit. Ogma is boss, I'd be glad to pull him over Ike.
End the curse of dragon riders with axes
He's a Knight's son, and thus a noble. He's also a Mary Sue.
Lucina is actual literal SHIT
yeah what the fuck is ISIS thinking
Lucina/Royfags hate him.
gibe luciana skillsets
Did a spic cuck you or something?
"L: It's kinda late fussing over this but, you lost your entire family didn't you?
V: Yeah I did.
L: And yet you are fighting for the sake of the world. That's amazing. Sure you might say you're
indebted to the priestess but usually people wouldn't care about that.
V: You might be right...it's true I've suffered beyond measure. However I've also felt absolute
happiness. So you can't say it was completely unfair...Anyway, I defeated my enemies so I don't
intend on hating anything any more.
L: Aniki..."
Goddamn that's tragic. Valbar is my favourite character, even when he was in Gaiden.
I hope his A skill will be Fury
I'm a Lucinafag but I like Ike
Don't let the shitposters confuse you
You are right, its just the gba era players are accustomed to less supports so older way = inherently better. Period.
>Art is so shit, names need to be put next to the characters so we know who they were meant to be
Are Royfags actually a thing?
It was a typo. O is right next to I on the keyboard.
The "less quantity = better quality" theory's always been bad but Echoes supports are fine
They're short because they're fully-voiced and you're reading awkward, rushed fan translations which gives them an unfair impression
Would you take a trip on Bartre's Magical Mustache ride?
>Ashnard gets added
>Gets Silver Axe+
How mad would you be, /feg/?
Well. VenomRoy is, yes. There's one Royfag.
Then theres like, two people shitposting Roy with all their might every thread.
>B-but Lucina!
You should find another scapegoat, this is getting desperate.
I would appreciate names next to characters if I have never touched the franchise the characters are from myself personally.
But I guess that's too much for some people.
Did I fuck up by not using the first heart seal on Mozu?
The class change I did do has been a big help (Princess -> Wyvern)
I just don't get why non-whites like Ike so much. I mean, I get they all like Smash, so they know him from there, but it's not like anyone played FE9/10
Absolutely furious
Because supports became noticeably worse when there's a lot more that need to be written because of marriage between characters being near-universal in Awakening.
What about
>Defiant All
>Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 at start of turn if unit's HP ≤ 50%
I wouldn't care since this game will be dead long before he is added.
I like Hana
They only surface when Ike takes up all the swag.
Fuck this girl
>tfw no worthwhile greens
+def/-spd Nino
+hp/-def cherche
+spd/-def bartre
+hp/-spd Minerva
Only actual decent iv set is Camilla.
FE9/10 are well-regarded. Tellius had a lot of characters do well on the CyL poll, in fact when merged it had more than any other continent aside from Awakening/Fates (and even then it wasn't exactly far behind Awakening) in the top 100.
An early Wyvern rider is leagues more valuable than a level 1 archer.
Yeah the gae will be long dead by the time they add that mage knight dude from Thracia and that guy from FE4 who gets Camus'd
I did.
It's because he is a huge liberal.
And they get stuff from liberals.
>her pussy is SO TIGHT
you know she's taken a lot of cock before
don't be delusional
Fury would still be better
>Fury but worse
But you get two already. Camilla and Beruka. Femui can't use the Yato as a wyvern either.
no, you're fine, but if you do want to use her as well it's harder if she's a villager
>People in a Fire Emblem "community" have played every Fire Emblem game
I just meant in general, dumbos.
But major non-final bosses have been added quite often into heroes.
How exactly do i find or get Emperor's Lance? I fucked Rudolf the red shield reindeer and now i just got on ch 5
More people than the Fire Emblem "community" voted on the poll, dumbo
talk about unobservant
If it was just for minmaxing and not flavor, having Fury wouldn't matter since you can just get it from Hinata
Mexico here. I own PoR and played RD. He just reminds me of Ogma.
But a wyvern rider is very powerful in chapters 8 and 9.
You only messed up not making Odin a samurai.
So, is she Useless?
I plan on using her as a wyvern for early game then class changing into a sword weilding class towards the end. Yato's only REALLY good in the endgame, until then it's just an above average sword.
>supposed leak has Tharja in Warriors
If only it were real, at least my hopes can be crushed in a mere two days.
>/feg/ chose this over the Lucina thread
Good taste, /feg/
Also lolservermaintenance in
>But a wyvern rider is very powerful in chapters 8 and 9.
So is Archer Mozu at level ~6 in both those chapters. I mostly use by chapter 9 Strategist Elise promoted level 10-14 to ease it up.
I mean, it's cool as a reference, but slapping Fury on him has the same effect and works the same as a reference, maybe even better as he was already the Mad King before touching the Fire Emblem
update tomorrow
Update so big it's taking the servers down.
The biggest since 1.1.0 that added grand hero battles.
There haven't been new heroes in a banner for almost a month now. This is going to be big, I can feel it.
>Ike triggers Tharjaspic
>Ike triggers Venomspic
Is Ike literally / o u r g u y / ?
How dare you.
This basically means Alm is in Warriors right? Promotion and whatnot? Nice... This also means Duma as a boss in Warriors.
Seth for Warriors.
I just hope we can get some more free orbs
the drought has been a real interest-killer for me.
No a second archer is quite unnecessary in chapters 8 and 9.
And you assume most units can take the paralogue on lunatic well before beating chapter 8.
>Ability to swap Faye, Kilff and Silque to Celica
What are some possible advantages to this? Silque could be Celica's only Warp user for one.
Tharjaspic likes Ike and hates Roy, though. He even got upset the other day when he say Roy paired with Sue, who he apparently likes, in an official artbook.
You fake hedgehog.
>he still manages to fuck up the tripcode in his name despite the spic being around enough to shit up the threads on a daily basis
Nice going.
Are characters you get from special maps always neutral?
Where did you hear there's going to be an update?
April Update is a lie.
Just habeeb. She's popular enough.
>just got my defence against a Klein-sama
Kinda nice.