
how bout i move you to the trash

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janny gave up and brought in the mods lol

we bullied him too much and he called his big brother :3

make me a mod too

they cant evict us from the place WE created
it doesnt work like that......

hello friends, we are safe here now. outsiders : FR*CK OFF. this is our safe space. how many h till africa tv gooks?


like 10.....


ugh thats gross


getting bad anxiety from the trash thread... don't want people from there looking at my posts...

getting anxiety from thinking bout what mods and jannys are saying about us....

gook morning~!

come watch avilo stream with kungfu...lisp...and turtling at base :/ i want fellow gooks in chat..


im getting anxiety from my hangover...

wow i heard you guys got moved to trash that's really not cool.

someone just linked you.......

this is all qanorms fault.....

i don't even care since i view them as less than people... feel the same way about niggers... anxiety is an interesting thing
that 162 site was definitely made by them to split up our comm tho... don't fall for it

just leave us alone you meanies


*snif snif*
ugh i smell a lot of fresh 4norms around


*drinks burger king coke even though i know full well that they spit in it*
i'm old enough now that i don't even care

remember this epic song from bw

you guys like peanuts?

ive been posting on 162 recently but i still love all my veegee friends
i promise to post more

theyre ok i guess
not really pistachio level but if theres nothing else they do the job....

yeah but only with the secret shell opening technique

my life would be way better right now if i was able to start playing iidx a few months ago when i tried to get the game going again
it kept me grounded... using my brain and hands... improving... all very healthy.

eating peanuts with the shell is actually quite fun to do

lol pools closed

how do you eat peanuts with the shell..... the shell isnt edible...

the process of sitting there opening them and eating them
they taste better or something and give you something to do for like 10 minutes

im saying rather than eating them with no shell

pistachios are elder god tier but u need a gook slave to peel them open 24/7...i love pistachios hmmm. salty peanuts are good and no effort so fits me very good.

gonna jo

oh yea sure thats true

macadamia nuts are the elder god tier best nut

im more of a legume man myself

failed general
you guys managed to send /sc2/ to /trash/

haha lol!

no idea where you are getting this from
as you can clearly see we are on vg

hmm what should i jo to...decisions decisions...

even blizzard has decided sc2 belongs in the trash

@6 posts up
peanuts are legumes

my character in gook mmo

holy :3333333

@the obvious retard
it has NUT in the friggin NAME

actually theyre legumineuses

that shits like 10 years old

no question about it
its definitely gotta be gook

janny called the trashman

obv you fucking retard its not like tae somehow managed to get 10 years younger in the last couple of days
but i havent seen it before and it was :3

we have ascended above the trash, people cant even decipher what we're discussing. just leave us alone

at this point the only ones that have any chance of deciphering our posts are himaqts
and they fucking hate our guts for whatever reason :/

pretty sure you guys acted like elroys...
cos i never got banned or even noticed when i posted there...