/ndg/ - NieR/Drakenguard General #57


ThANk you for... foR the FLOWErs edition

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>[Official NieR:Automata page]

>[DRAKENGARD/NIER COLLECTION ARCHIVE] - World Guides, Novellas, Lore, etc.

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>[NieR:Automata Unit Data & Fishing Encyclopedia] - Untranslated, use Chrome

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>[Nier Automata Lossless OST + Bonus HACKING TRACKS Disc]

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2B9S best cutest-lewdest couple!

>you will never give relationship advice to O6

I would assume that she never had skin there as those parts were originally supposed to be covered by clothing and she was a one-off prototype anyway.

Friendly reminder that 9SxCommander is the best and most erotic pairing.


9S is a very nice and sensible boy who unfortunately descended to terrorism as a coping method

>tfw you fap to A2's taunt voices and damage moans
pls rip A2's model and make SFM bullying porn


Machines aren't people so it's not terrorism

>"Commander in charge of YoRHa. Consequently is privy to a myriad of top-secret information. She is the only android within the Bunker that is not a YoRHa model. Strict in her commands, she shows little emotion out in the open, but her worries over 2B and 9S are apparent. Has a tendency to be careless with her own personal effects; her room is in such a clutter that other personnel are prohibited from entering it. Seems to have a connection with a past military operation involving A2."

>but her worries over 2B and 9S are apparent

Hey that is my phrase :( just kidding, we love 2B9S

I want to force her to clean her room!

Why scrap was attracted to 9S after he hacked into Eve to a point he could mimic his attacks?

So anons how do I go about that become as gods stuff? I want to be god

Hey is there any 2BA2 out there ?

2B should be on a role of older one to be honest.
She's the most mature of trio.

Those are boyshorts, not hotpants.

Single mom A2 sounds like a really cute thing actually

Lewd mode activated (but they are still cute)

Thought it was a fitting for them, so I borrowed it. :)


...while I cuckquean her with 9S!

I've seen this posted in the last thread, where's the second letter from? I know the first one is in the artbook

It's like the fight against Engels, where he took control of the mech's arm by hacking.

A2 is the oldest. 2B and 9S are no more than four years old.


You do that, as long as that place is clean in the end. Gosh why are androids such pigs?


Is this from the world guide book?

>2B is undergoing maintenance so she's not in full control of herself
>allows herself to flirt with 9S and even let him touch all over her
Looks like a clear indication of how she will behave after ending E to be honest.

she's not a single mom, she's a responsible older sister!

>all these pictures that have 2B half naked while 9S is fully clothed
This rustles the fuck out of my jimmies, and I'm not even gay. They're lovers on equal footing, not a man and his whore.

Fuck White must have really hated making 2B kill 9S or sending A2 on that suicide mission

Both are from the artbook.


Good-looking couple.


>be android
>want to try some kinky shit with your android boyfriend
>have him put all of your motor servos into stasis mode
>but leave on your sensor array
Fuck that's hot.


All I have, I think.

Can their hair grow? If it can't I will get fucking pissed at A2 for cutting hers

Here you go.

Pods restored her original hair in ending E. She seems to be ready for activation as pods are focused on 9S.

I don't think it can, but A2 did somewhat manage to get her old hair back
though it was most likely pods finding either an older body or her hair unit

Oh yeah forgot about that thank based Pods I bet 042 also likes her hair long

I'm pretty sure that pods managed to save their latest bodies. They simply restored her original form because i doubt there's any backup bodies of A2 left.

Where do you think he touched her?

Judging by his reaction he was pretty embarrassed by the act so he probably groped her at the very least.

Now I want to be an android

is there more story stuff in the artbook or is that it?

Her hair

Her boobs or thighs.

Yup. imgur.com/a/spkqr

9Sxlazystorageworker you mean

>route C
>do all the storage quests
>go back to the box crates area in city ruins
>see the lazy guy laying on the floor
>machines all over the place
>I freak out thinking he's dead
>kill all machines
>go to the guy
>he's just asleep
god damn it this game made me paranoid about more deaths and despair

>go to commercial area with android girlfriend
>hack into her sensor array
>use skin status subroutines to create anomalous sensations in areas with high tactical value
>she starts sweating and walking shakily
>"H-Hey, is th-that you...?"
>"Heh. Don't make any lewd noises or everyone around here will know what you're doing down there."
>a moose eyes you both knowingly but continues eating grass
Hnnnng so hot

CommanderJackass is the true final patrician-tier ship, isn't it?

I want a doujin where Jackass femdoms the Commander

Continue, user.

Yeah, JackWhite is otp. Someone on here wrote White!dom/Jackass fic on AO3.

So I'm one of those assholes who didn't know this series existed before playing Nier Automata, and now I'm curious:

How much of Nier Automata is influenced by Square, and how much was Platinum Games or Taro?

I'm noticing a lot of... well honestly awful sidequests around the mid-point of the game, and it reminds me of a lot of the typical mind-numbing fetch quest stuff in most final fantasy or kingdom hearts games and seems completely out of character for the rest of the series. Especially since that sort of reliance on rpg tropes isn't present in the rest of the main story. Is this common in other Taro games?

I really love the way the story is told and the combat and upgrade mechanics of Nier: Automata, but these sidequests and some of the minor characters are really breaking the immersion.

Can someone compile the fanart and make a zip?

Commander and Jackass lightly bullying 9S' penis!

Only 2B is allowed to bully 9S's penis.

Yeah, you totally can. No worries, dude. Go crazy.

It's refreshing for a character that actually lives up to their name

>breaking the immersion
I can understand not liking the objectives of the side quests but the details, dialogue, and narratives the side quests have if anything should attach you more to the world.
As for side quests being fetching and the like, that's always been there and it was worse before. Well Square has always been the publisher for the games but I think it's the fault of all three in general either way.

Check the pastebin in the OP.

Any sidequests in particular? Most zones have multiple entrances and exits. I had a lot of fun stringing together sidequests and objectives along back routes and shortcuts. Try to keep fast traveling to a minimum.

I mean just think of how many different frames you have floating around out there, just collecting dust inside save points. What a waste.

Did White know that serving on the bunker was basically a death sentence from the start, since it was always going to be disposed of in that fashion?

No. She did not have SS clearance so she did not know.


No, that part was classified. She knew that Humanity was a lie but not that she was a sacrificial lamb to make the lie convincing.

When I wrote that oh nines comment, I was still in the ending argument part of the thread. I had just been thinking about it and wanted to share my thoughts.

I'm impressed that it managed to line up with the thread narrative when it was posted.

The sidequests pulled me in further. There are sidequests like the Amnesia or The Wandering Couple ones that are more or less a mirror of the plot, but there are also those where you're just helping random people like the villagers or funny stuff like the Romeos and Juliets quest and the Game Maker one, in addition to those that form their own little stories like the Sartre or Engels ones.

I'd agree that in raw gameplay they tend to be rather homogeneous, because they all more or less boil down to hunting and gathering, but taken as a whole, not just the base activity to complete them, I still liked them a lot for fleshing out the world/narrative.

>Continue, user
Oh I will, but I don't want to force it. 2B9S is the cutest thing I've run across in awhile so I have no doubt I'll be thinking of more lewd android activities.

Sorry guys I had to do it (they are fucking cute)

God damnit. I need to stop reading background info, it just makes things worse.

I thought they were fabulous. Best side quests overall in any game I've played. Only a couple of them were annoying, and only because the desert music didn't stand up with repetition as much as the other zone themes. except that scanning quest, that was pretty terrible

I went back and played the original Nier and the good/bad ratio in that one was reversed.

I read that thinking I wouldn't like it but fuck, I loved it, didn't know I was into that.

Oh god, yes. I ended up looking for the locations on YouTube because I got tired of randomly walking about the damn desert. It didn't help that there are a bunch of items not related to the quest that always disappointed me when my scanner picked something up.

And all just for a little nod to Nier 1, which you see coming from lightyears away.

That's lewd.
>tfw there will never be art of them humping.



oh my

Hopefully the user who wrote it is still here. We need more JackWhite.

Speed stars, the box moving quest, Jean-Paul's melancholy, photographs, the various item fetch-quests.

These are all quests that I've played (and didn't enjoy) in prior JRPGs, and this game does them identically, but the spin here is at the end the characters do the exact opposite of what is expected (like the speed stars guy blowing himself up, I took that as meaning that the writers didn't like the quests but found a way to put tongue-in-cheek subversions on them.

Granted, I'm not finished with the game (just got to flooded city) so I'm hoping that this was the bulk of them and the rest of the game will return to normal. The unique sidequests that have to do with the actual plot/world (like the revenge one, or the Yorha deserters) were all pretty great.


Got a Toobie into Blender. Time to make wholesome things.

What are you going to do to her?

you need 9S too....

Where did you get this model? I need it for other wholesome things

rate my bossfight out of 3


Oh come on 2B, you like it, don't put that face.

2(b)/3. you skipped the cutscene.
see me after class.

Not much, actually. The model is great, but it's not even rigged for posing and I'm still too shit to do anything. I've bought a udemy course to learn modelling and animation a few weeks ago and I've been working my way through it and thought I'd pass the time looking at some Toobies.

Sorry to disappoint.

Indeed. Some guy on DeviantArt actually has his model, but it's not released yet: theforgottensaint47.deviantart.com/art/9S-Swords-Just-static-models-670577083

It's the .obj one from the dump in the last thread, there's a link to a pre-baked .blend file in the comments too

I'd rather leave that to the lp'ers

im gonna bump you up to an a2/3 then

>upgrade from 2B
This post is not canon.

Thanks a lot, man!

Gritting your teeth through Jean-Paul's interminable globetrotting nightmare quest has a bit of a delayed payoff but my pinkie promise to you is that you won't regret having spent time on his insufferable quest later.


In all seriousness though, I actually thought it flopped here. Was thinking maybe I'd lost my touch, or that I might have played myself and the twist ending meant most didn't read long enough to get to it.

GUys,guys, what is this inside 9S pants...? You said they had no genitals!!!!