Can someone red pill me on how the fuck I am supposed to hook up my hose to this air compressor?
Can someone red pill me on how the fuck I am supposed to hook up my hose to this air compressor?
These are the connections I have
Red pill is becoming a very loose term now. Epic memes.
The top right looks like the normal pneumatic connector, attach your hose to it an push it in the compressor's socket
You mindlessly parrot of the opinion that only your brand of air compressor is good
its a famas!
the best way is to research and find a well reviewed one on sale
>OP comes to Veeky Forums instead of reading the owners manual
Holy fuck
take your garden hose and cut off the end
cover it with jbweld
shove it in that metal fitting
add more jbweld
let it harden and you're good to go
plug it in here
serious answer: unscrew this and put in the female connector that maybe came with your compressor kit
fuck you dont spoonfeed the otards
b-but its rare that i know what im talking about
OH WAOW you are one of literally billions that have used a tool before
sort youre life out m8
Yeah I just use them I don't act like one.
very reddit of you to spoonfeed retards then get butthurt when told your a fag
15 minutes to come up with that? Pathetic.
Thx guys it used some meme sliding lock mechanism I thought it had to be screwed in. I'm returning it anyways it's too loud I think it's broken
Yeah, air compressors are typically quiet tools. Should be no louder than a small desk fan.
>it's too loud
It's an air compressor you tard of course it's going to be loud
ask your dad
Those compressor designs are always loud and useless to work on cars. You can take off 5 lug nuts with an impact gun and it will have to turn back on constantly to build pressure.
The key is airflow. I can't remember how they rate but most tools require 5 gallons of air at 90 psi. Also if you want one thsys quiet, don't buy anything that says direct drive. Basically buy one with a belt that connects the motor to the compressor and it will be quieter
If you want quiet air for occasional use, get a 20lb CO2 tank and a fixed 150psi regulator, and all appropiate fittings et cetera. Otherwise just man up and get a good 25+ gallon tank/compressor.
top right connector
Dude just return it, someone like you would end up getting himself killed anyways with equipment like that.
Oh and do us a favor and never fucking breed.
Oiless compressors are always loud.
Lmao so this is the intelligence level of people who demand that you " redpill me on thing that I can easily Google or RTFM"