League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!

How would the inside of lissandra feel

>people take TP on Illaoi
These fucking clowns.

holy fuck is that rick foxes house that froggen is in? its nice af

dont know if youre into cucking lissfag but I rolled liss on the mating press roll image yesterday, sorry to break it you this way

>when you encounter someone that builds like you

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums up on NA
PASS vidya

xniJ eldduc annaw I

>pick engage
>full health teammates nearby
>use veigar E
>thinking adc is going to get his damage in while i have them stunned
>get to the point of no return (no escaping) and blow all my abilities
>kill 1-2 people
>adc doesn't think this is a good time to engage when at mostly full build and while they're stunned with the front liner ready to help
>enemy gets my bounty

ignite, right? ive always felt tp sucked on her cause she needs setup and has limited cc and no mobility so she cant assist bot lane ganks as much


do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely

I never have a problem smashing people with her without Ignite. I rather take TP and stomp the fucking lane and keep the pressure up on the whole map using TP to get back to lanes quick.

you'd probably get frostbite on your cock

We old images now

Ignite or Exhaust, hell even Cleanse if you need it for a particular patch up.

TP sucks on Illaoi because her she needs to set up her passive tentacles. You TP into a fight and your only course of action is to land a really good R and even then people just walk the fuck away. Same reason she can't really roam at all. Meanwhile if you take ignite you've basically auto-won lane.

>tfw you have to amputate it to avoid hypothermia

>it's another "you don't need the cs" response from the adc when you're almost ahead enough to fully carry the team who lost every other lane

I want to CUDDLE lewdly/ Kog'maw!

I love how "karthus counters" are listed as stuff like shields, GA, ect ect. You know, stuff that everyone in the game has to deal with?

Karthus ult isn't an execute, and it's not even including the fact that late game he'll 100-0 a squishy in three Q's and can't be bursted to negate his damage like every other damage champ in the game.

>old images

>"elo hell doesn't exist"

Okay so; I play over 350 games in silver 1-3, constant back and forth, every second game, at least, hard trolls and tilters, abusers and int feeders. People who cannot calm their shit down, ever.

Finally get a bit lucky and get normal games one day.

Gold 5.

In the 50 games give or take since, 75% winrate. 2 games with trolls/int feeders, otherwise really balanced games without the tilting child syndrome I had for literally months.

I'm sorry, but facts are facts.

I'm not buzzing myself up, I don't think i'm hot shit. But elo hell exists, that's just a damn fact.



do i just push and look for 1v2's? do i group?

>Grouping as Illaoi
>Nothing dumping on the lane and bringing the whole team to you

buddy, there are a buncha nips on display there
you have to be careful

I want to brush her tails and then cuddle with them.

lewd comfy bfs~

Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon

>Pick a snowball jungler
>don't gank for 15 minutes
I want these shitters to get out of my ranked games.

And on eve of all junglers who literally can't be warded against.

Any Zac mains present
I have a serious question

>win, lose, win, lose
>I didn't climb
>win, win, win, lose
>I climbed
your teammates must've been
holding you back

Something similar happened to me recently.
I think the skill discrepancy that occurs in the S2-G5 range due placements starting here tends to create inconsistent games.

Haven't had much clown shit in my climb through gold as I had in silver.

Cosmic Reaver Mordekaiser fucking when?

stop avatarfagging

take a page from king grey's book, he doesn't go out of his way to avoid being filtered


Right, because one of her primary skills isn't LEAPING AT YOUR FACE, AND KICKING YOU SO HARD YOU CAN'T MOVE

Who wants to write for me?
I want to be on the wrong side so Camille can cut me in to pieces and savour my screams!

>Literally an entire harem of Shuriman women feel these slam against their ass nightly.

Every champion in league has just been genderswapped

Is your waifu/husbando still loved?

You realise this is a teamwork based game, right?

Even if I go 20/2 in 15 minutes, if the rest of my team goes 2/45, I aint carrying shit.

A lot of ADC maynes are running the "greedy Forg1ven" page now.

Basically you dont run armour yellows, instead you run flat health, and your blues you take full AS and you take on lifesteal quint, besides that its the same.
You will win most extended fights but easily fall to poke/eating skillshits

Any of you have experience running this page? Is it any good?

why are they all smoking

Because edgy artist who thinks it's the coolest shit in the world, probably.

>no one's written a fapfic of Azir fucking his entire harem
>No chicken tendies jokes
>No "The order is given" references after they suck his dick

It literally writes itself holy shit.

>FP mid
>ask if anyone wants me to pick them something
>no response
>Pick a mage
>Enemy FP and second pick insta lock assassins
>Pick an assassin
>Enemy FP and second pick insta lock CC machines

>ezreal is now a girl

looks like my new husbando is lux

i could do it
but whats in it for me

>so old there's no Quinn

Nigga I just spent the entire time talking about why TP isn't good on her because she neither roams/ganks nor does she group up for teamfights well.

Illaoi is a strong splitpusher and she's a strong siege breaker. That's what she does. TPs into a team fight are largely fruitless and even if you want to play a more hard engage playstyle with Lil Aloha Righteous Glory is better.

Illaoi is strongest in areas where she's already set up her tentacles with her passive, borderline Fiora levels of unduelable and her AoE nature means she can't 1v2, not just 1v1. She is an amazing split pusher because she has huge pressure and demands the attention of several champs, but since she needs to occupy an area for around a minute to really saturate it with tentacles she can't backdoor TP like a Nasus or Jax. The second thing Illaoi is great at is counter engage and siege breaking. Amazing (physical) waveclear means you just Q incoming waves, and her tentacles set up in a tight area like a lane around a turret makes diving her and her team a death sentence.

A lot of people joke "just walk away" but if you set up your passive around an objective that means you've denied that area and the enemy has to either fight in the zone you control or give up the objective. Say a 5v5 breaks out around Baron. You land a good ult, the enemy team backs off, your team takes baron and if the enemy tries to take it back they get slammed.

Is that not kawaii enough for you faggot?

Would your main browse Veeky Forums?

I think Lulu would, shes already pretty far from normies, and kinda weird, she'd probably shitpost all the time

She wasn't even released when this was drawn


I know, that's why said "so old" that there's "no Quinn"


Can't it just be main, or highest mastery?
If Taliyah was a boy she would probably be received by the community better. Instead of being an ugly girl with a big nose she would just be an adolescent boy that could look literally like anything, and no one would care.


>87 average cs

Poppy would never browse this shithole

She would browse reddit

>people STILL think Ahri has 20% damage amp when she lost it in patch 5.2

Its unfortunate that our transaction wont work out. You come up with any new ideas? Maybe a paypal or something?

>exposed nips AND a penis

You better to believe that's a bannu

Can't carry sitting in my own lane, bro. People play Quinn all wrong when they sit in lane 95% of the game.

Not saying cs isn't important, some games I go 200+, especially if i'm stopping a Nasus or such free farm, but most I barely crack over the 120 mark since I just roam, fuck with enemy jgler and etc..

I think Camille found competition for best thighs.

I also think putting literal chicken breasts on Azir makes no sense.

>that cs

jesus christ i thought i was bad at right clicking on minions

anons any build tips for kassadin?

>No foxdick
Oh well, I'd still hit it.


since when?

did we get a new janny or something

yeah thats fine

just gimme a list of what you want with azir and ill give you a half baked ben & jerry's fapfic

>that cs

>400 games to get gold
>everybody else is playing her wrong

I was going roa>lich>situational, but I think it's changed within the past month

This is a blue board, buddy.

wouldnt poppy just browse some girl forum, shes not that reddit tier besides the naive part

Either his harem or just various girls from league.

Evelynn, Ashe, Quinn, Caitlyn, Xayah, Syndra, Shyvana are my favorites.

yeah i guess your team went 2/45 all 350 of those games huh

is it your teams fault you can't cs? you can't even say 'but i roam :DD', you should literally be getting twice that cs

You'd have a lot better success if you learned how to farm. I can guarantee you that's what kept you in silver for so long. The only "hell" you were in was one created by your champion choice. Her nature as a roamer made you feel like you could neglect farm.

If you played another champion you were good with who couldn't roam as well, you would have climbed faster.

This game is 80% about farming and 20% about killing towers.

>tired of ranked
>play a normal
>kog/lulu/graves/ahri/kled on the enemy team

why do people do this

alright and how many tendie and shurima jokes are you expecting

Veeky Forums vs the world bets

Tell me your darkest secrets /lolg/

I build ROA on every mage I play because the scaling health makes me feel safe

Have fun with it user. If there's no comment about his thighs or "The order is given" then the opportunity is null and void

you better imgur that shit

>lux support with a girls name
>goes 1/13/4
>rushes mobi boots and ludens, no ss or income item
>enemy takes bot inhib by 12 minutes
>enemy ADC is ridiculously fed (15+ kills)
>"just play safe guys this is an easy win. farm and outscale them"
lol silly boys, girls are just as good as guys at league xd

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums bets

I tried to impersonate avatarfags to get people to believe they'd post unbelievable shit sometimes and destroy their reputation. Either the avatarfags never noticed or didn't care so I stopped.

ill get around to it when i get my almonds activated
no ETA on delivery but ill see what i can make

>This game is 80% about farming and 20% about killing towers

Fucking this. I would say you could climb to Plat off of just farming alone. Get near perfect CS in almost every game consistently and then you'll be able to do it without thinking about it. After mastering CS'ing THEN you can do the "KEK LCS BIG PLAYS ROAMS." Until you can put out good CS numbers every single game you shouldn't be looking at other lanes.

>shitting on a nautilus

there is no better feeling

cancer picking fuck heads, all of em

>singed spams laugh, level 7 mastery and "?" in all chat
>no one comes to mess with him
>I just farm while he does
>fast foward he tries to split while we ace them
>literally go from t1 mid to nexus, he still doesnt back and hasn't even busted an inhib tower yet
>instant leave postgame

Yo got a request could you guys please recommend me some Youtube channels of MID pro players ?

I rush Hextech Revolver and Sheen on Taliyah because landing auto-attacks is easier than landing her W until they are low, and predictably running for the turret

>Death's Dance blocks more damage up front
While this is a good change am I the only one who thinks that the damage per second should have stayed the same, and the DoT should have doubled in duration rather than DPS?

Scarra is probably the most educational, based one.

Apdo translations are always good too, when he plays mid. Id advice anyone to watch apdo really.

Did that with namefags. I've gotten everyone in a thread to use the same name and talk shit about "themselves"

>midlane literally runs down mid into their tower and quits after bitching about her mouse
>no lane is ahead, at best bot is even
>jungle and adc don't surrender because "ranked"

Im the opposite of you and build morellos on pretty much any AP midlaner

I only enjoy the game when I play with others but I take it personally when they dont invite me so I remove them half the time

i play quinn in bronze 3-4 and i still manage to get over 250 cs every game + roam

team is usually too heavy to carry tho

>game is decided at 6 minutes in
>can't surrender until 20


Do you not see how that's a MASSIVE buff?

There's buffing an item to be more appealing and then there's making a completely busted item.