Reminder Shadow only loses if they brick. You can't do anything against their curve.
Cameron Perez
Luna did nothing wrong
Jace Young
Did Mid Shadow reach a refined list yet? there seem to be so many variations and every time I post the last one I came up with it gets shit on here. Pic is my latest. How can I improve?
Juan Ortiz
>You have more draws than them.
True, but I didn't actually had the need to use them, my starting hand was really good and he did use like 3 maids to pull lumious and albert.
Basically I just clean shit up with Ouro and Salamander turn after turn without attacking face until he was in topdeck, then he just played shit I killed it and he didn't wanted to concede in the end.
Adam Jones
I want to bully this orphan.
Blake Barnes
I want Doctor Gil to operate on Luna-chan!
Noah Wood
You can improve it by not posting it in fucking moonrunes ya' git.
Mason Cook
what should I do?
Gabriel Hall
Bop her on the head and say that you don't want to be her friend.
Samuel Russell
Does anyone else faps to card art?
There's some lewd shit on this game.
Andrew Edwards
Luna is doing her best and people are still hating her. It ain't right.
Anthony Moore
This is the last place I thought someone would complain about that, but here, just for you.
Joshua Brooks
>Shadow plays three goblins by turn 3 >play Mad Cyclone >Shadow concedes
explain why 3 pp 2/3 is not overstatted.
Aiden Garcia
could somebody post a link to that statistical site to count the probability to get a card at certain turn?
Isaac Moore
How do you win with Dragon? Seems like a complete fucking casino class. 90% of games you end up with a bunch super expensive cards in your opening hand and all your ramp is at the bottom of your library.
Elijah Watson
Is Lucy still worth it or Isra is better in Ramp/Storm Ramp?
Cooper Bailey
Clarity is your friend in all things, user. Also fuck weebs.
I'd definitely drop Soul Conversion at least. Seriously, what the fuck is it even doing there? It's only one, and the rest of the deck isn't giving you any sort of great benefit for killing your own followers outside of Reaper, and you can usually suicide your own critters into the enemy's easily enough if you need him buffed.
Ian Moore
Dankest brothers, lend me your aid.
Post your strongest budget decks. No legos allowed. No more than 5 golds but less is preferred. We need a mega-pic to shitpost at the newbies with
Kayden Nelson
My waifu is for loving not for lewding
Asher Wilson
>Sword fag playing a ward only deck They're evolving
Jack Cruz
Stop playing super greedy list with 9 2pp.
Brandon Anderson
>not knowing the cards just from the art yeah I don't need your shit opinion newfriendo
Parker Harris
Shadow doesn't give a shit about your 2/3.
Joshua Russell
Hit face as possible.
If something gets in way use spells, scyther or even evolved Zell to clear path.
Owen Bailey
>tiny dark pics with moonrunes over them >expecting people to know what that shit is
Jackson Williams
>being this blind oh im laffin
Dylan Lee
well when you get the god curve of double reaper turn 4 going first. Yeah wards don't matter
Noah Perry
>Same dark pic suddenly becomes readable in English. Just admit you don't have enough experience?
Ayden Sanchez
Give me a good list that doesn't auto-lose in the mirror then.
Joshua Gutierrez
Need concede pls~~
Jayden Scott
I seriously expected a little more from your reply. Since your whole post comes down to "take off soul conversion", damn. Thanks for your input tho.
Jason Roberts
Might need to get your eyes checked user
Jayden Bennett
thank u minthe~
Camden Cox
Any proper storm dragon.
I won't even post a list, since dragon dicks build by themselves. Just add everything that hits the enemy face HARD and FAST.
Mason Carter
Jacob Brooks
Give me the most budget, most poverty-stricken Dragon deck possible.
Ryder Rivera
>Dragon 10 HP >doesn't heal ward >Sky Knights are ready for battle >misclick on Bahamut instead of face >dragon still concedes
whew, I had exactly 13 HP too
Robert Rodriguez
OP is an flaming early thread faggot!
Owen Hughes
is that a man with makeup on?
Kayden Robinson
>Grimnir breaks Mask of the Black Death by himself
Joshua Hall
conceding isn't instant, he probably conceded before he saw your misplay
James Wood
I play a similar list but with Dragon Warriors instead of Emissaries and Olivia instead of Israfil
Samuel Phillips
>he got cucked from making the thread
lol discord faggots are so easy to trigger
Hudson Diaz
It's a qt disgusted Emma Roberts
Gavin Anderson
>Tfw the forest shitter refuses to greet you and you then crush them like the T5 craft they are
Connor Hernandez
did it once dem legs
John Wright
>mfw I try to make a pauper forestcraft deck.
Am I retarded or is it because i'm so used to having aoe that weenie spam doesn't seem like a good idea?
Jason Perry
What craft? I personally never greet back runeshitters.
Aaron Robinson
Just go and stay go discord faggot
Dylan Moore
Nah, don't care who makes the next thread. I don't want this board getting clogged up with handing /svg/ threads wars cause faggots like you trying to outmatch each other so they can post their own super special OP
Nolan Fisher
just hit face for 5 when you have 15HP and they have 7 attack for next turn and can add another 3 - 4 to the board bro
Lincoln Hall
oh I think you can easily guess user
Tyler Perez
So salty, go away cancer
Discord fags never learn their place, get the fuck out
Samuel Foster
Both of you should kys.
Liam Price
pls, i know one of you has the link
Nathan Morris
>Got told >suddendly starts false flagging as a "different" user
No, you're the one that should kill yourself, discord cancer
This is my Gawain deck I use to prey on Luna and it's moderately successful. I use Samurais over Unicas for the 3/3 bane option gives it more health to survive a Orthrus and makes unfavorable trades for shadow. Tsubaki is so useless against everything except dragon, but it's required or I lose to Forte spam.
Jack Morales
Alright but what even is the point of Gawain in that deck?
Gavin Baker
Not on /svg/'s discord either, steambab
Adrian Gonzalez
so that he can post in svg that he's using gawain?
Levi Rodriguez
thank you!
Joshua Thomas
need a concede to reach a pack 21124 ty in advance :)
Liam Johnson
No one wants to entertain a shadowfag's delusions. You're playing that deck specifically because you know it has no counter, not because you want to play the game or get kind emotes. Neck yourself and liquefy your echtars before you do it.
Joseph Edwards
This art is just so top teir.
Joseph Bailey
Aegis seems like the strongest deck. I blitzed through AA2.
Jordan Hughes
How to defeat Dragon as Haven? Nothing works because they ramp to 10 on turn 5 and there is no way to answer to Zell+Ouroboros 3 turns in a row
Carter King
Owen Perry
>no counter >win one in roughly 1 of 3 matches today >playing a t1 equates to not "playing the game" >been playing shadow since DE you sure you aren't the delusional one user?
Juan Hall
>ramp to 10 on turn 5 No they don't. >Zell+Ouroboros 3 turns in a row How can you possibly let them save 3 evolves while they do nothing but ramp for like 5 turns?
Henry Gomez
Pray they dont kill you by turn 8 and they dont have lightning on turn 7
Caleb Bell
>How can you possibly let them save 3 evolves while they do nothing but ramp for like 5 turns? Because any haven deck beside storm does nothing for 4 turns
Robert Rogers
Post dick?
Dominic Bailey
>win one in roughly 1 of 3 matches today >t1 deck lol No wonder you're crying about not getting emotes back. You're a fucking invalid with nothing else going for him.
Robert Price
It's a tough match up but doable. You just have to save your banish for ouro then hope they can't get rid of the test of strength and aegis combo.
Angel Nelson
>Be in Masters >Complete Miko Ramp Dragon Deck >Complete Jhonny Deep Aggro Shadow >Complete Aegis Freedom Haven Deck >Complete Time Shift Rune Deck >I enjoy greatly the game whoever I play, anytime I play
I truly understand now how you're supposed to enjoy this game.
You need to be in Masters, that way ladder anxiety and salty feeling goes away. You need to have the best of the best decks, that way you're going to win 60% of the time, and your quests will complete as fast as the wind. You need to have a great collection, that way you will always have access to the best memes and best ranked decks.
If you don't fill these 3 requirements, you're not a true Shadowverse player.
Tyler Miller
>4 haven missions This is fine.
Brayden Taylor
Just ward/removal like you normally do then drop a Aegis and ToS.
Luke Diaz
There's nothing stopping you from employing the great counterplay of putting down more than 1 ward on the board while they use their perfect ramp and the specific 6 cards in a row.
Josiah Roberts
>dragon doesn't ramp to 10 by turn 5
William Davis
How many Urds should I run in Storm Ramp?
Grayson Price
>getting this emotional over a childrens card game If you insist user
Isaac Clark
Luis Kelly
>Be in Masters >Literally 100% Shadow or Dragon >Don't even enjoy the games I win
Samuel Johnson
Can you get a trip so I can filter your faggot ass? Fucking pedonigger.
Ryder Gomez
I played a masters player earlier with 0 points. He was playing Pepe and just didn't seem to give a fuck. Try just having fun your points don't mean shit now.
Jaxon Thompson
>someone got a different opinion >WAHHHHHHHH MOM THE FILTER WAAHHHHH
Grow up user
Kayden Ramirez
you get off on getting riled up don't you?
Jose Thomas
0-2 imo
Juan Clark
Anyone have a full list of cards interact to each other? Example: Walfrid - ? Feena - Teena Teena - ? (Brother) Gobu - Feena Gelt - Amelia Anne - Grea
Dominic Reed
You gotta take on whatever opponent you get!
Hell Flame!
Joseph Evans
what happened to Eris?
Ryder Young
met a bloodwolf
Colton Young
>there are those in this thread complaining about a bone chimera
Here's an advice. If you refuse to do something about your opponent's board in the first 3 turns, a forestfucker can throw down a 5/6 on your face.
Hudson Price
Why the fuck doesn't Test of Strength work with Aegis?
Parker Baker
heard the dragons roar
Matthew Flores
Why the fuck do Havenshitters ALWAYS have Themis on turn 6? My Atomy and Mammoth did not deserve that.