Can someone fill in the details on the Finno-Korean Hyperwar.
The Finno-Korean Hyperwar
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The war lasted from around 8000 BC- 6000BC. It led to the Korean dick getting smaller and the loss of Finnish social skills, aswell as the end of the Hyper era. Some experts also trace this war as one of the main cauces for the war on autism, wich is still going on.
The pic is of commander Jargo. He is probebly one of the most important induvidials to have a role in the war.
I agree this meme needs fleshing out
Someone post the world map with the Emu Confederacy and Old Israel and the ancient African kingdoms of Wewuz, Kang, and Sheed
Well, the Finns still look part oriental to this day, so I guess we know how the war went for them.
Stop forcing this shit.
>implying both empires didn't collapse and got absorbed by the great Intergalactic federation of Göturk and Oghuz Solar systems
Friendly reminder that the sea people were merely just a lost battalion of hwan space samurai who returned from a mission deep into Finnic space territory
Looks like she got HWAN'D
>newfags think meme means a set image with no alterations besides superimposed text with one line of text on the top and one line of text on the bottom
Fucking shit meme.
You didnt get the joke he's saying >meme because the finno korean hyper war wasn't a meme it was real
I give it a 7/10. It's only fitting for Veeky Forums
Implying the Finns didn't deserve it
Neanderthal here, fuck the Finns, they genocided my people.
Hwan DINDU nuffin.
I was in it, it's hard to believe but I was there and I am tens of thousands of years old. You can trust my rock solid testimony as many historians will be able to write reputable game changing books with it.
Let me just say the Hwan of the outer empire were a great and populous aspiring people before the ugly Finns came with their horse archers and killed 6 million of our people with their gaseous plague arrows firing them into our great and grand cities of the outer empire of Huan, in our proto-Middle Eastern enlightened city states of Khwarezm which had it's own governorship and even entire subsect of Huan culture at the time truly an irreplaceable jewel of the empire at the time.
We were days away from completing a quantum computer and the cure for old age when the ugly Finno archers came in like a storm of jealousy and wiped us out accusing us of monopolizing their banking systems and devaluing their currency which is totally completely untrue.
We launched gunships and even called for fleet support, but the Finnish archers were just too agile and their tactics were simply in another league. Their arrows cut through our reinforced nano-graphene plates like butter. Our relief armies were utterly decimated by them and our people thoroughly gassed. After the slaughter they burned our grand meme archives which held no less than 400,000 years worth of the most epic dank memes in history including great and valued Atlantiean and Emu memes truly the worst genocide in history, they also raped us.
I lived by hiding in some bushes and covering myself in the ashes of the greatest memes in history which apparently also imbued me with long life from their power and I was able to survive the rape gangs.
>this meme needs flushing out
fixed that typo for you
Not true. Nearnderthals killed themselves in brutal civil war, Finns just moved in when Neanderthal nations collapsed and absorbed remaining populations.
So was it the Hwan who made the Bosnian pyramid autism array and used it as an offensive weapon against the Finns? Or was the autism array a last ditch weapon used by the Finns to channel their abilities into combat in order to repel the Hwan invasion of Europe?
Project Telsa was a last ditch effort to evade Finno-Mongol archer battalions from penetrating the haul of our low-orbit ships. Confusing his nationality distracted them long enough so we could initiate the Zodiac Protocol and set course to Alpha Centari II.
I don't know why people call them and us fucking white people, we are a seperate species with trace remanemts of the planet of Hwan, destroyed milenia ago in the death of our star.
it's a meme how new r u
Huge technological gap.
>this much Hwan revisionism
How do we get rid of Veeky Forums?
Not just &Humanities but all of it.
Literally Star Wars: The Clone Wars
what a surprise that people like him unironically calls others "newfags"
FOOLS The Finns and Hwans were nothing compared to the might of the occident imperium and the orient empire.
there war were so destructive yet capable of such precision they left nothing but their greatest artifact one that was truly indestructible and how we know they existed
I'm not sure if Pan-Turkism or Turanism is funnier
whatever happened to the proto-Netherlandish centaur tribes?
Crushed by the finns and their Welsh sheepman auxillia.
We need an EU4 mod for this or something
Don't you mean orientals look finnic?
Didn't they flood the Doggerland in an attempt to stop the Welsh from breaking through the Wadden Mountains?
Up to the war, the Hwan Empire had been mostly unopposed. Their martial culture combined with some of the mightiest proto-ninjas allowed for uncontested diplomatic reach-- many feared the Hwan's ability to simply infiltrate any enemy governments and silently instill new pro-Hwan candidates. This lead to annexation through diplomacy, which accounted for much of the Hwan's later acquisitions.
Space had been nothing new for the Hwan either, but it was mostly localized inner-solar system trade with very limited Martian and Venusian colonies.
The Hwan had heard of the large Proto-Finnic Khaganate but had never made direct contact up until their most recent diplomatic annexations. They encountered a species of human that certainly leveled the playing field: they were able to resist (to an extent) the powers of the Hwan Jedi Knights and were highly adept at rooting out corruption and espionage. The utility of the Proto-ninja were almost nullified in this aspect. After many failed attempts at establishing friendly relations, things came to a head when the ill-tempered but brilliant Joseon "the Bold" came to power.
Joseon had always had a bit of a Napoleon complex, and he found what he saw to be a worthy opponent against the Finns.
Guys I think there's an issue with the casualty reports they state loses were only a few million on both sides but wouldn't they be far worse considering the technology on both sides
It's an old meme.
i am an expert on the austro-emusian hyperwar
but it checks out.
>Survive the rape gangs
So you did have some Hwan penis In your butt?
Serious question: how plausible might it be that there actually were advanced civilizations over ten thousand years ago?
Very little t b h
Somebody explain this. Looks interesting.
West Mongolia, best Mongolia.
We have global sea level rises of about 120m since the last glacial maximum 21k y BP
Some of it probably happening at a cataclysmic comet impact at the younger drias, setting free vast amounts of water stored on galcial lakes, sweeping away and setting on fire vast areas of the north american continent and inundating all coastal areas around the world.
These would be preferred sites for settlement and all traces of any advanced civilizations connected to the seas would be lost in deep water.
Then we have megalithic sites like Göbleki tepe or Gunung padang, dated to at least 12,5k BP or the Sphinx showing signs of water erosion caused by heavy rains, in a region that has been desert for the last 10k years...
These sites severely undermine the story about the dawn of civilization currently told by archaeological academia and taught at schools and universities.
Another indication is advanced astronomical knowledge in cultures all around the world (egypt, maya, celt etc.) which include things like measuring the precision of the equinox. To gain an understanding of this, you need to very accurately observe the stars for a good part of one cycle (26k years) and pass on this knowledge ACCURATELY for all this time.
Fact is: we really know very little about all of these times and some serious funding for this kind of research would likely reveal mind blowing facts that would turn our current view of prehistory upside down.
I'm sorry, mr. Serious Scholar, are we disturbing your discussion on Orthodox Christianity?
Any good sources to learn more about this?