TOO SOON edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
Last Rotation:
TOO SOON edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
Last Rotation:
First for on curve Highmanes.
i like this image because it shows you they really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for a good tgt leggo
> people still too stupid to make paladin quest work
*takes a freemium phone game for little kids incredibly seriously*
Change it to "not soon enough" edition please.
>keep queuing into shaman as silence priest
hunter keeps fucking me up too, it's amazing how often I lose to hyena because I don't draw one of my 4 silences
But that hero power upgrading lancer lady person welcoming you to the grand tournament was a solid card.
Several legend capable decks played it.
Taking bets here.
For the record, my last three in a row were all Clutchmother Zavas. If it's another one then I'm gonna cry.
>When you win because your enemy missed lethal
Should I feel good about that?
you are mistaken. Paletress waifu was just a lot more popular in asia than in europe and america. besides, there are enough good TGT legendaries to choose from, even though the expansion was not that good.
It's going to be a Voraxx
Depends. Would you feel good about winning a running race against someone in a wheelchair?
justicar trueheart manages to be good and very very dull at the same time
unless you enjoy tanking up for 40 minutes, in which case go ahead
I'm curious /v/. Whether or not it's cancer, do you believe quest rogue is an interesting or unique deck with a decent amount of thought process involved in its operation?
>Have Paletress
>No viable priest deck plays her in Wild
I unironically did. My favorite deck from the period was fatigue warrior with coldlights for lethal.
most of Veeky Forums is feels like that, since autistic manchildren that get upset easily are usually the loudest.
There isn't a single deck in this game that has really any amount of thought process behind it. So no.
> it's braindead taunt warrior gets free win against skillful aggro deck again episode
>new expansion
>best class for the best 4 months is still the best class
>fiery win axe still crushing all early game
>annoying as fuck to mulligan against because if you think they're pirates/taunt when they're not you lose
fun game
sniff me
wild is not the place for you.
Nah, but close enough.
I would run Justicar in my token pally right this minute.
With the new synergies, even Vineceleaver is turning out to be a decent card.
miracle probably requires the most
>best class for the last 4 months
>doesn't remember tank up
>doesn't remember dragon warrior
>doesn't remember FUCKING PATRON
user, warrior has been the best class for years.
it's a welcome change from all the curvestone, to be honest.
absolutely jelly
treat her real good for me, ok user?
feed your shiny pet turtle lots of juicy deathrattles
Why didn't Dethelor just pop the block with Juggler then hit face with Shadowbeast?
I believe there is nothing interesting or decent behind quest rogue even if it ends up not tier 1 once the meta settles.
Kek, do miracle players actually think this?
I mean best as in indisputably top of tier 1, shaman had some brief time in that spot for a while in between all that
>treat her real good for me, ok user?
Aw man. I was gonna dust her at the end of the month, but now I feel bad about it.
I'll try my best.
Very skillful play from that mage playing 5 ice blocks. Kranich's skill really got him the win here, he just played that much better.
>80 % warrior on ladder
this is fine
It's a great lego user. Completely underrated and based in egg druid.
So how good is rogue quest now? Apparently everyone in here has a 90% winrate against it, so it seems underpowered if anything
>5 ice blocks
>cabalist into pyroblast
jesus christ
all the people complaining about warrior just play elemental shaman with doges and you win both decks pirates and taunt
you're welcome
>5 ice blocks is extreme circumstances
Who the fuck are these casters? If you dont get atleast four iceblocks you are
>U N L U C K Y
Cant wait for blizzard to hit consecutive IBs with banhammer.
no, but was watching eloise play it at rank 1 and she did a few plays I probably wouldn't have thought of and the deck presents a lot of options to take on a turn
Shaman may have been good post-karazahn but warrior has had at least one tier 1 deck in every meta that I can remember. It has consistently been the best deck for way too long.
I used to love Egg Druid, but the new build with Eggnappers and Pantry Spiders seems too funky for me.
Reminder that Dethelor could've won the game if he played the Doomsayer turn correctly. When he had a Knife Juggler and Possessed Villager he should've popped the Ice Block with Juggler and then Shadowbeast would've survived the turn and hit face for 1 damage.
This is most memest deck right now, i like it.
I was tilted just watching that horseshit
I'll see what I can do with it. You have my word.
I've never run pantry spiders but I just recently started switching out eggnappers with vicious fledglings in mine. Umbra can do crazy shit in the deck though. If she lives through turn 4 and you play living mana turn 5, you summon 5 2/2's and lose no mana crystals. Then when your ents die you ramp up to 10 mana. Plus her obvious interactions with devilsaur egg and eggnapper if you keep it in the deck.
It's good against durdly shit, but can be kinda tailored against with aggro stuff. I'd even say it's perfectly balanced if control wouldn't be so shit in hearthstone. What bothers me the most is that it's just another solitair rouge deck.
The power of this deck lies in two things:
a. it can actually run a number of shit/situational cards because the completed quest is so absurd in powerlevel
b. when it gets the nut draw, the game is literally over and no amount of dirty rats will save you, even faceplan may not be fast enough
So yeah, it's good and will be good. When you have non-face decks running Dirty Rats specifically for this matchup (exodia mage is not that popular at high ranks yet), that means it's pretty strong even if not the best deck in the game.
I was thinking the same thing while watching the game, but still, the gooks got completely lucky with 4 ice blocks. Blizzard are a bunch of kikes
this is not true. yes, warrior has often had his place near the top of the tier lists with one or two competitive decks, but the class has simply never been as dominating and unfair as shaman, paladin, rogue or hunter had been at their strongest. Plus, warrior never stays near the top with the same archetypes. From expansion to expansion, different decks with different win conditions have all had their chance to shine with warrior. No two rotations are the same, and every warrior deck feels inherently different thanks to the great variety of interesting cards the class has. Warrior is overall the most well designed and balanced class in the game, and team 5 should strive to bring all other 7 classes closer in line with it.
why would you do this
this is the worst meta in the history of hearthstone
Will pirate warrior get a nerf? It's still crazy powerful and the new antiaggro cards do next to nothing against them.
Fuck off orc scum. Go get murdered by Thrall.
this is the best meta in the history of hearthstone
Is he going to save us against wall warrior menace?
*it doesn't matter when you read this
At 1600 dust no he's not.
>Blizzard are such pussies they cant even put a proper flag for taiwan
i hate frothing berserker so fucking much man
flamewaker's gone but i still gotta deal with this garbage
>no ladyboys in taiwan team
one fucking job taiwan goddamnit
>pirate warrior has lethal
>starts spamming threaten emote
>respond with a single well played
why are pirate warrior players such autistic cucks lmao
One china policy.
A policy that Donald "The Cuck" Trump abides to.
That's Thailand
>paying attention to the opponents turm
this is top cuckery friend
So is there a meta now?
Is shaman with elementals good or warrior with quest? Can i craft cards already?
pirate warriors aren't people user, they're niggers. They're the same niggers who play egg druid and a bunch of other aggro cancer. I bet you most pirate warriors have never played a control deck in their lives. This is what (((Blizzard))) wants: to cater to the lowest common denominator in an attempt to make even more money because they don't already make enough, OY VEY!
Warrior quest is the closest we have to a safe craft.
azn feminine benis can be appreciated in many forms
In a silence priest with inner fire combo, yes.
wtf i hate Trump now XD
I shouldve voted for Hillary right? Kill yourself you massive faggot.
Ele shaman is weak
Warrior quest is strong against certain decks
Tempo rogue has only favored matchups against mainstream decks
I started running coldlight oracles in my quest rogue, and it makes the deck insanely more consistent. Your deck can utilize the extra cards you get much better and quicker than almost all other decks and it often allows you to complete the quest not only in shorter time, but it also increases the chance of you getting a prep to cheat out the crystal core earlier. And after you finish the quest, you are more likely to finish off your opponent with cheap chargers and bounces because you got deeper into your deck.
Only matchup where the card is not that insane is in the mirror.
In one game, a warrior pulled my novice after i had already played it 3 times and it was looking grimm. But thanks to oracle+shadowstep oracle I was able to still complete the quest by turn 7. It is insane.
ele shaman would be strong if quest rogue didn't exist
Top 5 decks:
>Quest Rogue
>Taunt Warrior
>Midrange Hunter
>Time Travel Mage
>Silence Priest
Oh shit, forgot Pirate Warrior. Move it in to replace Hunter or Priest, as you like.
>Be me
>Play control almost exclusively
>High winrate but games take forever so can't play many games in my limited free time
>Decide last season to finally take the piratepill
>Go from 10 to legend in 4 days of modest playtime
>ladder is nothing but quest rogues and pirate warriors now
woooooooow ungoro is such a good expansion guys xdd
> being control cuck
> being aggro shittier
> being combo autismo
> being curve slut
> not playing most effective deck depending on current local meta of your rank
>posts trump while shitting on blizz for bending over to china on a specific point
>trump bends over to china on that point as well
>"b-but hillary"
real life parody
can you niggers not talk about politics here?
So should i craft a quest warrior? Is shaman now dead or something?
euros cant help but talk about america it seems
they dont want to talk about ahkmed fucking their women and killing their children
Are there any reasonably cheap decks that will let me reach rank 5?
>they dont want to talk about ahkmed fucking their women and killing their children
It's literally illegal in Britain, Germany and Sweden to do so.
>quest rogue
>not tempo
it's boring to play
quest rogue needs
Aggro Druid
Midrange Hunter
Purify Priest
Well that is not really a problem for me.
Pirate warrior, all you have to do is craft 1 legendary and sacrifice your soul.
>quest rogue
>quest rogue
>taunt warrior
>taunt warrior
another already stale meta brought on by a terribly small card pool and zero design space
none of these meta decks are really making me want to play