>Sir Wellington! The Prussian reinforcements have arrived! We might actually win this battle!
Sir Wellington! The Prussian reinforcements have arrived! We might actually win this battle!
>La Grande Armée is entering Moscow, this can only mean one thing...
>Jacques Pierre Brissot: In the name of the National Assembly of the Republic, you're under arrest, President.
>Maximilien Robespierre: Are you threatening me, Master Deputy?
>Jacques Pierre Brissot: The assembly will decide your fate.
>Maximilien Robespierre: [now speaking as Darth Terror] I AM the assembly!
>Jacques Pierre Brissot: Not yet.
>[the President/Darth Terror rises slowly, and his guillotine snaps to his hand from his sleeve]
>Maximilien Robespierre: It's treason, then...
>Jean-Paul Marat: Who we are does not matter. What matters is our plan.
>Charlotte Corday: If I pull this off, will you die?
>Jean-Paul Marat: It would be extremely painful.
>Charlotte Corday: You're a big guy -
>Jean-Paul Marat: For you.
What the hell is going on in this thread??
>If I remove your jaw, would you die?
>It would be extremely painful
>You're an incorruptible jacobin
[incoherent shouting, screams of agony]
big guys
Who was the guy who got his jaw knocked off? It sounds familiar but I don't remember who it was.
/tv/ is cancer, enjoy your stay.
>Record Scratch
>Freeze Frame
>Yeah thats me, you probably wondering how I got here?
>Napoleon: Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Louis the XVI the Fool?
>Ney: No.
>Napoleon: I thought not. It's not a story the Imperial army would tell you. It's a Monarchist legend. Louis XVI was a French King so idiotic and so foolish he thought could use the Estates general to influence the third estate to create...a constitutional monarchy. He had such little knowledge of the politics of France, he thought could even keep the royals he cared about...from dying.
>Ney: He thought he could actually...save the french royals from death?
>Napoleon: The ways of the monarchy is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
>Ney: What happened to him?
>Napoleon: He became so devoid of power, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his special ties to the austrian crown...which, eventually of course, he did at the flight to Rethondes. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice, the Revolution, everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in a guillotine. Ironic. He thought he could save the french royals from death...but not himself.
>Ney: Is it possible to learn this power?
>Napoleon: Not from a republican.
>implying the democRATS aren't in it for themselves
You philosophy phaggots really do no nothing don't you? This is why Christian general is on /pol/. You guys are just the purest form of cancer so that actual nazis are more likeable. Fuck you for even existing. Just stop.
>he wasn't here for the first threads on Veeky Forums
I guess that dumbfuck was thinking we are talking about american politics, because there was "republican" in the text.
>Emperor Maximilian: I've seen through the lies of the landowners, I don't see the French like you do! I've brought PEACE, JUSTICE and STABILITY to my new Mexico!
>Juraz: Your new Mexico!?
Either this is the best b8 ever conceived by mankind, or I am actually on the verge of killing myself from seeing such a cancerous post.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
>fighter bombers are the key to all of this
>See's the word "Republican" in green text
>Must be muh America polticks!
Go kill yourself.
Congratulations, kid. You made the most retarded post in history.
>I don't like Jews. They are sneaky and greedy and they are everywhere
Seeing this thread, I wish I had been
Nice bait xddd
>Stalin: Don't lecture me Leon, I see through the lies of the Trotskyists, I do not fear the bureaucracy as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new socialist republic
>Trotsky: Your new socialist republic?
>Stalin: Don't make me kill you
>Trotsky: Stalin, my allegiance is to the Mensheviks, to WORLDWIDE COMMUNISM!
>Stalin: If you're not with me, then you're my enemy
>Trotsky: Only a dictator deals in absolutes, I will do what I must
>Stalin: You will try...