/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>MHXX News
Update 1.1 w/ Eng Patch v2.1: my.mixtape.moe/bkbjso.png
English Patch Project: gbatemp.net/threads/465296/
MHGen to MHX Save Transfer: pastebin.com/Z1PPuX5F
Ping's Dex and Kiranico now support XX.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: Diablos, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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First for this chart is 100% accurate.

Can't say I disagree.

what is this diablos btfos mantis meme

Fourth for mantisposting

Ffith for Brute Wyverns was a mistake.

sixth for tfw no tanzia chips

edit them in

8th for GP CHEESIN'



Mizu fucked Zinogre?
Who got the knot then?



>Monoblos not back for XX

for what purpose

Chillin' out in china


>barroth better than diablos
But other than that, sure.

I'm not even upset about this.

I hate fighting Raths

XX room up come hunt!

Normal GL is the best GL. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't

Whats the best way to grind early on generations?

I really don't want to do all these fetch quests. Or should I just go online from the start if I just want to hunt /mhg/?

I want to have sex with you btw

i agree. though if blue kut-ku was on there, it beats qurupeco for me. 140 blue ykk is hilarious.

How about now, shitlord?
And this is with Frostpeak too


Tribabs in full swing.

Still kinda amazed nobody gave a shit about this CB until XX


it doesn't look very impressive. my friend was all over ceadeus regalia in 4U

Are you okay user?

To be honest, most Charge Blades look really cool

I gotta admit, the way it mimics a Diablos face when it's sheathed looks interesting.

Meh, I still thinks full burst abuse GL are more fun.

Btw, isn't the GL buff in XX?

She's cuter as a Barioth.

I have two autistic questions concerning XX.

1) Does every map have a day/night version?

2) Does the spot above "Hire" on the bottom screen ever fill up? Please god

*got a buff

Everything is cuter than Barioth


does d instinct stack with adrenaline?

Goddamnit, I had so much hope for the night versions of map. Is there a list somewhere of which ones do and don't have both versions?

Only J. Frontier, Forest and Hills, A. Ridge and Misty Peaks have day and night maps iirc

How do we feel about Dauntless?

Rathian is watching you

You too

Shit art direction, can't tell anything else

shut up

>striker still the best CB style
>CB arts still all so terrible that frenzy fever is superior

Will kill MonHun and brutally dismember the corpse

I've got to do my HR 10 Lao urgent. Anyone else also need to do that so we can do turns on it?
Or is anyone willing to help if I put a room up?

How do we feel about female hunters with penises?


>tfw user is right and Striker is still the only style that matters

What's up with Monster Hunter stories anime going edgy and shit like Sasuke's bullshittery in Naruto, isn't this a kid's show?

so was naruto.

He had a hard life

Oh, did cheval eventually go down that route? He does it in the game almost right away because it wastes no time and kills his mom right off the bat.

>Charge Brade

Those are all brave, though?

I'm just watching this because there will never be a MH anime and I'm enjoying the random drops of mainline game references
Jesus fuck, really?

Gravios is better than Uragaan but Uragaan is better than Black Gravios.

Always loved it, just wish it didn't have retarded horns on the shield

Frenzied Narga killed Cheval's mom
Cheval became an edgelord
Lute even fights him after foiling Eggman's plot in the Dovahn Volcano in the game version.

Oh shit, this is some Naruto bullshittery right there, since I don't have the game, I'll just enjoy the anime version

Yeah, the anime spends a long time setting up before the frenzied narga attack, but in the game it's literally the first thing that happens after you create your character and before you've even started a battle

Insult me and you get the shock!
No questions asked.

Gravios and Black Gravios are pretty much the same thing

People that care about meta and speed runners are killing MH.
Please stop.

please adopt

make me

I don't know about you guys, but I enjoy hitting monsters until they die no matter what weapon or style

>look up gameplay footage
>oh hi uragaan
why not play monster hunter

All I care about is the Hammer and fashion hunting.

i don't like to squint

I want to cuddle with Bulfango!!!


>Monster Hunter stories anime

>didn't know there was an anime
>look up online a random episode
>bunch of 10-year old characters
>awful animation
>cgi monsters


tfw no Bullfango musume that will ram her pussy on your dick endlessly

Music sucks
Artstyle (for human characters) sucks
Combat looks fine
Graphics look nice


The 10-year old girls are the charming part

And yet all the best TAs on the wiki are Striker.

Are any of the rathalos weapons top tier here? I got a bunch of mantles and nothing to do with them

the only reason to watch the anime is for Nabil reaction pics

Nah man, forget it, it's not like it matters if /mhg/ yells, copies, and memes that certain shits are best because more if not often players here are not as good as those who do speedruns

Some of them fucking suck shit more than frenchfries do too

>pay money to access beta that also give you an item to increase drop rates

Yeah no.

p2w right off the bat.

It's shit.

Are you me?

In the end it doesnt even matter if you have 3 skills on your armor or 6 because you are using a hacked charm and a min-maxed gear set.

If you play like shit your armor skills wont make a difference. If you play better than the average player like the speedrunners do, you try to min-max your gear to become even quicker.

as a casual it really doesnt matter. just hit the monster until it dies


>just hit the monster until it dies
I love you

>dandy grandpa


And apparently the whole premise are some sort of stones that allow you to brainwash monsters. This looks awful

>FUcker thinking he should still be relevant.
4 exposed how awful first gen monsters are and Gen exposed how awful the game is without swimming, These are hunters, not niggers, they should know how to swim.

there's one or two silversol xr pieces that are useful, the waist gives +8 crit up. you need a mantle to upgrade their defense i think

the silver lbg is the highest raw lbg that rapids p flaming s lv2. there's dreadking which has weaker raw but rapids flaming s lv1 in addition to p flaming s lv2 and has flaming s lv2 and p flaming s lv1 as internal ammo

other than those, i don't think any rath stuff is actually top tier anything

This is a Thundercat

Just started watching as well and it doesn't even sound like they use the monster's actual roars from the games either

> just hit the monster until it dies
Not capturing the every monster to make their defeat and humiliation be beyond question.

>capturing monsters

You stupid nigger we go by jap speed run rules around these parts.


What if I preferred black swimmers?