Oldschool Runescape/OSRS general - /rs07g/

Bat staff edition

>Latest news
-Jewellery box interface improvements
-Chaotic death colour tweaks
-Karamja diary masters are now all-in-one
-Cabbage cape can be bought from Diango

Home World: 327
Clan Chat: OSG
Website: oldschool.runescape.com/oldschool_index
/RS07/ Highscores and XP Tracker


>Prices & money making

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Am I being retarded or does the osrs client not have a world map? I could of sworn old school had the map

There was, but thats not oldschool thats so rs3 man.

The website had an interactive world map back in the day but it wasn't included in the backup for some reason

Runeloader has a high quality bmp image of the map, about 120mb. If you don't want to use runeloader just install it for the image then delete it.

anyone wanna erp/awoo with me?

I do! :3c
ign is Anzu

are you the anzu from the healslut server?



post your anus on imgur so we can see what are we in for.



You wouldn't want to kill me for your slayer task, would you? Maybe we can work something out, surely I have something else you can slay.


>it's another friend gets banned because he doesn't know how to properly set it up episode
4 down, 6 to go.


This is so boring and annoying holy fuck

Honest question, why do people play in the non-resizable mode? It looks like ass.

It keeps the ''old school' feel

Sounds fun. Sadly, I won't be able to make it. Enjoy yourselves.

I like it more than resizable because it doesnt make everything look weird and doesnt mess with the hitboxes of certain things, i use resizable mode for like 2, 3 things

How about I slay your asshole

Anyone else DCing a lot today

I just dc'd came here to see if anyone else did

I don't get it either, figured everyone would be using at least 1080p monitors by now

It's what I'm used to.

I keep a CRT around I run at 800x600 for the sole purpose of playing osrs in fixed. I like having all the UI elements in close proximity to whatever I'm clicking in the actual game screen, since I do a lot of things that require fast, accurate clicks between the UI and the game. I also don't like how UI elements in resizeable running at high resolutions don't scale: I find game text uncomfortably small to the point of unreadability on high-res displays, especially since I have a big desk with a lot of monitors I sit a decent distance back from.

I could understand that completely; playing fixed seems a lot more reasonable on a CRT with a low resolution.

If my atk/str/def are the same level is it okay to do the controlled give xp to all attack or is it faster to just lvl each individually.

A single combat skill that is very high level is faster for training than all your combat skills being mediocre. Do them one at a time, controlled is bad.


It's faster to max STR and then do the others.

What does it say? Im not wasting my time with all those dashes and dots

you look like a cute lad

are you looking for some rs friends?

Yes sir

papa mia a cute

Crabclaw hook is MY item you fucking fag I'll fight you I swear to g-d

....- -..-. .---- .---- -..-. .---- --... / -... .-.. ..- . / -- --- --- -. / .. -. -. / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / ...-- ..--- --... / ---.. .--. -- / .--. ... - -..-. .---- .---- .--. -- / . ... - / .--- --- .. -. / -..-. .-. ... ----- --... -..-. / ..-. --- .-. / .- / -. .. --. .... - / --- ..-. / ..-. ..- -. / .- .-. --- ..- -. -.. / .-. ..- -. . ... -.-. .- .--. .

>Im not wasting my time with all those dashes and dots
>doesnt even know what it is

break from meds

is nmz effective to train if i'm in the 50-60 gear bracket with not a lot of money


No, kill green dragons and save up for a whip.


neato, free month of membership if you have twitch prime.

congrats !


Here have a shitty twitch prime code for extra shit.

Read Filename

Feet for 2mil

>that dried blood on my toe


delet this



I dnt have password :(

>prices of death rune keeps rising
runecrafting never felt more rewarding

Thanks for the GE tip :^)

For Zyra

Kyou a cute!

Here you go Zyro

This general sucks so much...

Feet :3


my leg still looks pretty much the same

whats going on

No feet below this post please*. Thanks for complying.




you're all autistic

fucking hell when sayob wears those tight ass black leggings. I didn't think my cock could ever get this erect


>ywn be a smiley

gz babe

helmies btfo

Who is OSG desu?

wtf did you just call me

can another tranny post some pics and we guess who they are? yesterday was fun

>ywn be a shitter who buys a smiley for 16m

Has the general even been worse than it is now?

you're all fat, all your legs look like fat slabs of ham, gross fat fucks

These are my legs though..

Those could be anyone's legs, did you suddenly loose 200 lbs?

how are you playing runescape on your bed?

Nope. My legs were quite obviously pressed against the sofa.

Will pay 100m for Private snap

Why did mods smacc me with a 3 day and delete my pics yesterday while allowing this literal fag footfag shit to stay up for hours

This is some bullshit

pls gz

don't forget fairy ring and pool thing


What do you want a private snap off? I want 50m first then I'll snap you.

does my character have cancer?

should i be concerned

Ey up, and welcome to callum Corner.

Your Body isn't even worth 1m to see, go kys

already got it

who is u my nigga its my trademark now

>no big high war god cape
dropped shit poll baka

PST Me in Game Ill setup an arrangement

AutistismMan, PST ME

>offer a free month members to anyone with an amazon prime account
>surprised when there are LITERALLY FUCKING MILLIONS trying to join your shitty game that can't handle fucking 20k people at once much less several hundred thousand

who is this

It's me.