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>draw exactly the few high cost cards I don't need for a few turns

Why do I take this game seriously
It's 1% skill 9% deckbuilding 90% luck

Welcome to card games.

Rip elf.
He would have won if he actually evolved his wolf.
Sure sucks to play Kys blood and not draw any of the 3 soul dealers or 3 Belphegor and sit there with Lauras, Airjammers and generals and not get into vengeance.

Post elf


ez meta ez life

Cards that need a huge rework, but will never have one because the playerbase would bitch to no end. I start:


That's it?

>This is the time that people unironically want to add 3 meme dealers in their deck and actually want to draw them on hand.

14th for my wife, Israfil.

Cerberus and Satan are balanced.


Post some H E A V Y pepes

Wrong screenshot for some reason, wanted this one

Its funny.
Who in this world tought meme dealer actually could be viable in a none meme deck.

How's this, fellow bandwagoners?

Come on, show us your rank. Don't be shy

Took a shitty T3 do nothing for people to realise memedealer is ok

I would but I just lost my screenshot folder in a volcano and I can't log in right now, I'm at work

I got MOOOOOOOOOM'd for posting this the other day :(

> angelic barrage
> foul tempest
> spartoi soldier

what the fuck are you teching these in for?

Someone explain? What makes dealer good now?

It's actually Belphegor and Airjammer carrying the deck.

Belph for the consistency of having 6 cards that put you in vengeace t4 + safe play once in vengeance for being overstatted and getting card advantage.

Airjammer for filtering draws and bringing out huge stabilization via imps/burst via wolves.

Hes beautiful

The mirror match?

Haven has Aegis on board, plays Test of Strength and has 2 copies in his hand
What do you do?
Hard mode: You are playing Sword

Its really Belphegor that saved the combo.
having to rely on 3x meme dealers only made the deck inconsistent as hell.
Also Airjammers are brutal.

You don't have work at midday, but now you do?
Stop working slave nightshifts
How come your 2nd screenshot is at 6pm then?

>when a shadowbab is forced to use 2 phantom howls and a 6/6 reaper just to clear the way to your face

Why are they such babies? I'm only doing my Haven dailies.

The answer is always GURIMUNIR


You get boards like this.


>Rune is fucking dead and nobody cares

Fangblade evo
Fangblade evo
Fangblade evo

Or you could, you know, run Odin or Execution.

Look at this silly elf, look at her and laugh!
Instead of surrendering on turn 4 when I dropped my second elena, she actually attempted to wear down my unlimited and absolute healing power with her silly roaches.
As a result she came to knew the humiliation of having her pathetic faeries and roach wiped out with a buffed glass.
Learn your lesson scum and surrender next time

Every craft gets to be good one expansion
Those are the rules

my aggro dirt rune is doing pretty good m8


you know it

As long as dshift exists no one will give a crap about rune

I wouldn't say not care. In fact I'm happy Rune is dead.

I charge up my crystals and drop a grimnir
Hard mode : I drop a grimnir anyway and hope he's at 4 health or less

Remember when people thought soul dealer were safe vials?

>he doesn't play dirt

So what's the new worst legendary? Fafnir?

>had 2.
>never vialed him because I save cards for crafts I like and cards with meme potencial.
>recently drew my 3rd one.
It was a good time to be alive.

>That one fag spamming stormhaven pics that spawned the momposting in DE is now spamming Elana F&G in ToG
At least he's having fun I guess.

Yes. There's zero reason to use Fafnir, ever. Any deck that you can come up with that would use Fafnir will be better by using Israfil instead.

Anyone else always read Breast Girl?

>Unpacked 3 in the span of 2 days
>Autism prevented vialing
>Turned out useful in the suicide crusade at the start of RoB
>Now actually seeing play
Regrets: none

> elana f&g

someone made these shitty cards work? post deck?

His body is shit and Eidolon does a better job than him with destroying amulets.

Momposting was spawned by butthurt shadowkikes.


skullfane's problem is that he's overcosted desu

Just look at the thread
Pretty sure it was because everyone was fucking fed up with him.
Especially since Haven was t1 and had 3 decks up there.

Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this, /svg/.

Ye. thats why his body is shit. 7pp for a 4/4 is horrible.

Post dick? Haven't seen much CSword lately Thankfully, currently laddering with Aegis,
gacha gave me no Rolands :(

I draw cyclone blade and use it on my vagabond frog, wiping out your pathetic wards and allowing me to deliver lethal



yeah no, everyone but the people who play t1 crafts hates the current t1 crafts, happens every expansion

WOW you won against a shitty meme deck that BRICKED. I love Fafnir now.

>vialed one or two of them before
>made 3 of them on a whim because the paraneko deck looked fun
Best 10k vials I ever spent.

>Playing dirt
>In win by turn 8, or lose meta
Sure, you can try to nightfall into pascale, or giant, but it'll fail against first non bricking dragon/haven/shadow.
You can't even win vs sword, or snek blood with it. Or daria with mutagenic. Or roach.


It's quite curious how momposting never applied to midrange sword and tempo forest, the decks that actually dominated DE (especially the second half after the haven honeymoon phase was over)


That was this list. Currently experimenting with no Gawains and using Floral instead, and squeezing in 2 Cyclone Blades. Gawain is hard to get value from right now, other than demanding removal.

Officially back on the Seraph train. Fuck Aegis and I actually regret crafting the extra 2. Yeah, matchup with Dragon gets worse, but fuck it, fuck mirrors, fuck waiting a few extra turns to win for something that can still potentially get cockblocked and can't be tutored at all. If you're gonna fucking banish it, just banish it. I don't give care. Still better than using Aegis.

OK I'm done.

>opponent taking his fucking time writing a thesis during his turn on what the best play is
>you have lethal on hand and are just waiting for him to end the turn

I care. I miss pretending to be able to play the game. Now I can't even do that much.

dshift never had over 50% winrate back then and everyone hated it the same (even if people like to blame seraphfags for that)

it's just that, hate. lots of people hated midsword too which generated the unga meme

it's called getting roped you dull cunt


Remember to never, ever trust /svg/ again.



>dragonslut instead of fang
>luminous standard

Not even mad that people like you are bringing down swords win%.
I'll just keep using my secret t1 sword deck with a 65%+ wr


>hate playing as forest/against forest
>still have no idea why

just tech in one satan/aegis in your seraph deck if it ever gets banished

>tfw you finally bite the bullet and make this deck, and immediately begin raping dragoncucks again

> being a filthy bandwagoner


"Hate the sin, not the sinner!"

"I accept you, even your hatred!"

"You need not suffer anymore!"



sword kinda shits in forest though with their wards

9 free packs when?

Daily reminder that ouroboros was a mistake

Never, cygames went full jew


The new, NEW face of Dshift, by Paraneko

I been seeing that shit played for days, how is that new?
