ITT we debunk the white fabrications of history to make it look like THEY accomplished things OUR ancestors did. I'll start off with Egypt.
Before beginning our history of Egypt, let us first dispel some popular White Lies and subterfuge.
The widespread damage to the temple images has allowed Egyptologists to argue from such sources as the temple evidence that ancient Egypt was a multi-racial society and therefore belongs to the world’s heritage and not necessarily to African history. There are probably about a million tourists each year who visit Egypt and Nubia, and they get a totally false view of the identity of the builders of these great civilizations, largely because the evidence of the builders’ Black origin is disappearing. This vanishing evidence has enabled dishonest Egyptologists and tour guides to misrepresent the identity of the founders and builders of ancient Egypt by selectively pointing out the “non-African” images on the walls. Actually, the images which appear to look “non-African” have undergone a racial make-over and look nothing like they did originally. These images have been crudely recarved by European and Arab conspirators who work hard to eliminate all traces of African facial features. Only through exhaustive first-hand research can one demonstrate from the surviving on-site temple evidence that ancient Egypt was a Black civilization.
The altering of Black (African) facial features and the lightening of the skin colors of painted reliefs inside the tombs are central aspects of the conspiracy to destroy the memory of classical African civilizations. The two main conspirator groups carrying out these acts are European and American research teams, and local government workers. Throughout Egypt and Nubia, the tomb images have suffered different levels of decay and destruction. In places such as Giza the tombs are closed as there is little left to see; in Tell Amarna the tomb carvings are in an advanced state of decay; in El Kab and Aswan many of the images have been systematically defaced; and in Beni Hassan only 4 of the 39 tombs are open because the rest are badly damaged. The only major location which has escaped serious tomb damage is Sakkara, but this may not remain true in the future because the conspirators’ work is not complete, until they have destroyed or defaced all the evidence of classical African civilizations.
The problem of deterioration of the Kings Valley (KV) tombs has led to a growing international movement to build replica tombs and close the original structures. The tomb replication project will likely be implemented in the future. Under this plan, the popular tombs which have suffered irreparable damage, such as the tomb of Tutankhamen, will be permanently closed to the public. Once they are closed, the only persons who will have access to the original KV tombs will be Egyptian government officials and workers, and “qualified” researchers. The completion of this tomb replication project will be a major step in further erasing the memory of a Black Egypt. These replica tombs, with the lightened colors and remade facial features, will graphically demonstrate that the evidence of classical African civilizations is vanishing. This of course, holds true for the Minoan and all other Black civilizations.
Samuel Harris
>Rameses II was a Caucasian with Red Hair:
This is one of the sillier lies: At the time of his death, Rameses II was approximately 95 years old. The only hair color people 95 years old have is WHITE!! As documented at the time of his "Supposed" Mummies unwrapping, and by subsequent studies - his hair was white and colored with Henna.
>Many Egyptian Pharaohs were Caucasian: as proof of that, pictures of Mummies are bandied about.
Alexander entered Egypt in late October 332 B.C. And from then until 640 A.D, when the Islamist took over, Egypt had been ruled by White Greeks and Romans, who assumed all the paraphernalia and customs of an Egyptian Pharaoh - including Statues and Mummification - for 972 years. That makes for 972 years of White statues and Mummies - which is ample supply for the Turks of Egypt, and the Europeans, to swap and mix and misidentify, to their hearts content. Considering the track record of the Turks of Egypt, and the Europeans who control Egyptian artifacts - the surprise is that they allow ANY real artifacts of Black Egyptians to see the light of day.
David Clark
>mfw butthurt retards will legimately respond to such weak bait
Just let it die. Be the better man Veeky Forums
Jaxon Perry
I predict 200 posts of shitposting
Owen Cook
The British Museum - one of the main depositories of ancient artifacts: has come up with a truly novel explanation for the defacing of Black artifacts.
From the British Museum - Quote: Royal statues in Egypt were sometimes usurped (taken over) by later rulers. The normal procedure was simply to re-carve their name over the old one, but in some cases the physical features were also altered. Ramesses II (1279-1213 BC) seems to have altered a number of statues of Amenhotep III in this way, presumably because he wished to represent his ideal image in a certain form. Ramesses seems to have concentrated on changing the characteristic thick lips of the older statuary to thinner ones. In other cases he took to reducing the plump stomach areas of Amenhotep's statues to make them closer to his ideal of the physical shape of the king. End Quote.
So now we are to believe that it was not White people, (modern Europeans and Turks) they who have held Egypt's treasures for over 2,500 years; who are responsible for defacing Black artifacts, but rather, it was done by another Black man, Rameses II. Great, but we are left to wonder how Rameses II managed to get his hands on all of those statues, even those made after he was dead; and what about Sumerian statues? Seeing as how the same thing was done to them too, truly amazing.
Putting aside that nonsense from the British Museum, let us look at some examples of defacement of Black artifacts by White people. One of the best examples is of the wife of the aforementioned Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Queen Tiy. The Egyptians often used "faience" a finely glazed ceramic material, to make small statues and jewelry. Being a brittle material, faience would break if it was filed down, and it would be impossible to patch it to make it look natural after modification. Thus Queen Tiy's small faience statue below has her natural nose - compare that to her bust.
Butthurt cumskins that can't handle the truth.
Adam Gutierrez
Julian King
bumpin fo da truf
Christian Kelly
In one of the most blatant examples of racist White hubris: White people had the unmitigated gall to put the face of a White man, on a Black mans body!
Surely when pressed on this matter, whites will say; well it was accidental. But they had access to these very same statues, and many more. There were ample examples of Hemiunu's family's appearance and features.
This is just another episode, in the White mans ongoing program to write Blacks out-of-history, and replace them with Whites.
This because while Blacks were MAKING history, the Albino Whites were still illiterate Nomads in the Central Asian plains. When they arrived in Europe, (circa 1,200 B.C.) they simply appropriated all that the Black man had built and accomplished.
But being the degenerates that they are, they couldn't content themselves with simply having it, they felt compelled to claim creation of it. And to that end, there is a huge White industry of fake artifacts, not only of Egyptians, but of ALL the original first civilizations created by Black people.
Chase Hall
The Turks of North Africa and the Middle East: together with Europeans, both in Europe, and around the World; have done horrible, destructive, disrespectful things to Mankind's precious inheritance - the Artifacts of the Ancient Blacks. They played no meaningful part in Mankind's formative years, and those involved know it. But resentful pique, together with false pride, compels them to try and force a false place for themselves in Mankind's history, when there really is none. And sadly, it seems lost on them, that all they have really accomplished, is to guarantee that those that proceed them, will do the same to them.
Isaac Bennett
related to this thread
>egyptians were white
Lincoln Davis
I like how all these black power history threads gloss over actual black civs like axum. I think racists of all colours have serious inferiority complexes.
Oh and the Egyptians were almost entirely caucasian except for the last dynasty.
Caleb Turner
Keep spreading the truth brother.
Saying that we only had civilizations as advanced Axum or Mali is a white supremacist cumskin lie to hide the truth. Your lies are being exposed and you just can't deal with it.
Prehistory of Egypt:
In Egypt, sometime around 40,000 to 15,000 years ago, the rains started to diminish, and the Sahara, which had been a fertile land, started to dry up, and was becoming a desert. Fleeing the advancing desert, many of the people that were living in the area started to migrated closer to the only dependable source of fresh water - the Nile River. Over the following thousands of years, the Sahara became a total desert, completely incapable of supporting human life except for the Oasis'. By then, the people of the area had already moved to the Nile River Valley. And it is here in the Nile Valley, where as these early human groups are forced to live closer and ever closer to each other, they start to cooperate with each other, and to learn from each other.
Over time, they begin to form the first pools of collective knowledge, (as an example of collective knowledge: no one person knows how to build a car by himself - it takes thousands of people, each pooling their individual knowledge and skills to build a car). With this collective knowledge, early man first learns how to make better tools for fishing, hunting and butchering his kill, (in time, this knowledge would grow to the point where they can build the Pyramids). Then the early forms of farming begin to appear. At a few sites, there is evidence that fishing was abandoned by some people, possibly because farmed grains (barley, most likely), together with the large herd animals that they still hunted, created a diet that was more than adequate for their needs.
Matthew Flores
The Qadan culture
Soon we begin to see the first signs of "true" culture emerging, such as the Qadan culture (13,000 - 9,000 B.C.). These Qadan sites, which stretch from the Second Cataract of the Nile to Tushka (just above Aswan), actually have cemeteries and evidence of ritual burial. It is also during this time, that true agriculture begins, grinding stones and reaping blades have been found in great numbers there. It is also about this time that they learn to domesticate animals. But as is always the case with man, there is always conflict and war. A statistical analysis of the main cemetery at Jebel Sahaba, gives a figure of 40 percent of the people buried there, died from wounds due to thrown projectiles; spears, darts, and arrows.
Cameron Mitchell
The Badari
The Badari are believed to be the ancestors of the pre-dynastic Egyptians. They lived in Upper Egypt, on the eastern bank of the Nile near the village of Badari, which is south of Asiut. Here archaeologists have found both, a series of settlement sites, as well as various cemeteries. These people lived before 4400 B.C, though they were a semi-nomadic people, they started to cultivate grain and domesticate animals. They had a series of small villages in the flat desert which borders the flood plain created by the Nile. Their burial grounds were found on the outskirts of their villages. They performed ritual sacrifice of cattle and sheep, and then gave these animals ceremonial burial.
The graves of these people were simple - the dead were laid to rest on their left side facing the west in a fetal position and wrapped in matting. They were buried with fine grave goods - such as beautiful ceramics, decorated plates, bowls and dishes. Also cosmetic utensils, which included makeup palettes, ointment spoons, decorative combs and bracelets, necklaces, copper beads and pins. They also usually had an ivory or clay female figure, (which may have been a fertility doll or idol), placed in the grave with the deceased. This all indicates a highly evolved funerary system, the dead were buried with their finest possessions for use in the next world. Unfortunately, many of these graves were robbed.
Aiden Morris
The Amratian
Succeeding the Badari, the Amratian/Naqada people took over. They were one of the most important prehistoric cultures in Upper Egypt, and their development can be traced to the founding of the Egyptian state. The Amratian (Naqada I), started as a parallel culture to the Badari, but eventually replaced it. These then were the people commonly thought of, as the first "true" Egyptians, about 4500-3100 B.C.
Like the Badari, they lived in villages, and cultivated the fertile Nile valley. Each village had it's own animal deity, which was identified on the clan ensign. From this came the different Egyptian Nome's (districts), with their own local totems, later these totems would become the gods of the dynastic pantheon.
As the artistic abilities of the people grew, they started making pottery decorated with animals and humans engaged in hunting or worshiping. Female idol figures continue to appear - but now in greater numbers and in a wider variety. And now bearded male figures, also started to appear on pendants and ivory sticks, these seem to have a magical or spiritual purpose.
In the Amratian graves, the deceased were buried with statuettes to keep them company in the afterlife. These were the forerunners of ushabti figures, which are found in later Egyptian tombs. Along with these figures, the dead person was buried with food, weapons, amulets, ornaments, and decorated vases and palettes.
Ryder Wood
The Gerzean
In the middle of the fourth millennium B.C, the Gerzean/Naqada II culture superceded the Naqada I. They had by now, mastered the art of agriculture and the use of artificial irrigation (canals and dykes). With this and their domesticated animals, they no longer needed to hunt for their food. The people started to live in towns, not just villages. The Gerzean people continued to grow in the artistic area also, creating new styles of pottery and more elegant artwork. Metalworking increased - the Gerzean people made great use of copper knives. They also created their own cast-metal implements and weapons.
They also traded with far distant peoples and places, such as Mesopotamia and Asia, for copper, silver, lapis lazuli, lead, and cylinder seals. Soon foreign influences brought in through their trading activities, began to show in their style of dress, ornaments and various implements. Radical changes in the design of knives, daggers and pottery were made by the Gerzeans because of these influences, which were of course two-way.
James Scott
It was also at this time, that they introduced the Sun God "Ra" (later Horus). Whose symbol was the falcon, and the love goddess Hathor, whose symbol was the cow. There were also significant changes in their type of burial. Whereas before, the corpse was generally wrapped in some sort of covering, and buried in a contracted position facing the west. Now those in Gerzean graves, showed no particular orientation at all, but the graves were now much more elaborate. Here also is evidence of an elite social class, from the grave goods found. These more elaborate funerals have larger rectangular graves, with walls lined with either masonry or wood.
The beginnings of class
In Nekhem (Hierakonpolis), we see the beginnings of this class distinction, here we find large dynastic type buildings, with new rituals and social structure. In the cult center of Horus, there is a palace and ritual precinct, which was made of timber and matting, but can only be theoretically reconstructed from the positions of the postholes - some of which were big enough for entire tree trunks! The features of this complex can be compared with the buildings of Pharaoh Djoser's pyramid complex, because it also has a large oval courtyard, surrounded by various buildings. This is clearly the forerunner to the royal ritual precincts of the early Dynastic Period.
Cooper Morgan
Nice thread pavement ape
William Ward
A note on terminology:
Upper Egypt - referrers to southern Egypt, Lower Egypt referrers to northern Egypt. The reason for this apparent switch, is that their reference was the Nile river, which runs South to North.
The word Pharaoh means "Great House" a reference to the kings residence.
The actual name of the country that we call Egypt is "Kemet" which in the Kemetian language means the "Black land", no doubt referring to the dark soil of the Nile river valley. The word "Egypt" is the Greek name for the country and is a reference to a mythical Greek hero "Aegyptus". The Kemetians called themselves simply, "the people".
This brings up some rather annoying problems. The fact is that much of the ancient history available to us, was written by Europeans. Consequently they converted person and place names to words in their languages. Unfortunately at this point, it would only cause more confusion, not to continue using the European words.
However, there is one thing that is particularly nonsensical: English is called "English" because England is the originating country, French is called "French" because France is the originating country, etc. etc. So why is it that Egyptian is called "Semitic" a word coined by a German professor of languages, A.L. von Schlozer, he first coined the word "semitic" in 1780 to describe Middle Eastern languages.
There can be no doubt that Egypt is the major, of the originating civilizations for all of man's subsequent civilizations. Yet Egypt's language is referred to by some trumped-up name. Anyway, there is no such thing as a "Semitic" language, there is no such thing as a "Semitic" people, there is no such thing as a "Semitic" anything, it's not a real word! What they really mean is Kemetian. But, we're forced to use semitic here anyway, for convenience.
How about you actually post an argument cumskin?
Ayden Ross
Also Note, Countries with the names: Libya, Syria and Ethiopia, are creations of our time! The place names "Libya", Syria, Ethiopia and others, as used in these texts, are for convenience. They didn't exist at that time. Ethiopia: in ancient times was called "Punt", Syria was called "Arum/Aram" of the famous Aramaeans. The original name for Libya is "Lebu" which is the Egyptian term for the Berbers, who are the original inhabitants of that area. After the Arab invasion, these Berbers joined forces with the Arabs and went on to invade Spain. There they were known as Moors. {Care should be taken, to understand that we are NOT talking about the current Turkish/mixed-race people who call themselves Berbers, like the current people who call themselves Arab, these are the result of subsequent cross-breeding}. The term "Libya" is Greek, and was used to denote all of Africa except Egypt. Lastly, Cush/Kush is Nubia, (modern Sudan).
Also note: quotes will sometimes be taken from the following..
An Egyptian priest who wrote a history of Egypt, in Greek, probably for Ptolemy I (305-282 B.C.)
Herodotus (480 B.C.)
Greek author of the great narrative history, the History of the Greco-Persian Wars. However, one would be better off thinking of Herodotus as a storyteller rather than as a historian, his accounts are often fanciful.
Jeremiah Murphy
Herodotus is considered one of the most trustworthy of classical historians you schlong
Ryan Martinez
lol nigger
Christian Phillips
Now that we are done with prehistory it is time to move on to the ancient history of Egypt. >They were White!
As anyone who has ever read modern Albino history, or watched an Albino movie, or done any such thing can tell you, all of the original ancient cultures of man were made up of White people. Forget that the average European would quickly die from UV exposure working the fields of Egypt, Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkadia, Assyria, Babylonia), Arabia, etc: bare-chested as the ancient art indicates. But it doesn't matter, in their delusion European Albinos sincerely believe that they are old, and not Albinos. Therefore it is illuminating when we see that the old guard of Albino historical scientists were not so crazy, they actually admitted that the original founders of mans cultures and civilizations were Africans.
Charles James
By Professor G. F. SCOTT ELLIOT, M.A., B.Sc., F.L.S., F.R.G.S.
With Seventy Illustrations and Diagrams. Demy 8vo. 7/6 net.
The Aurignacians found the Moustierian or Neander-thaler in France, and during all the changes sketched above, the former seem to have held their own in that country. After the Wurm Ice Age the Aurignacians modified their weapons and mode of life, and, after the theory which we have adopted, became the men of La Madeleine.
These Aurignacians and their Magdalenian descendants pervaded all Central and Southern Europe. Their remains have also been discovered in Valetta (Malta), in Phoenicia (Nahr Antelias), and elsewhere, as we shall try to show later. But during this long period of time two other races also succeeded in entering France and Italy. These were a “ negroid,” perhaps pygmy, folk and the men of Solutrean.
We have seen that the Aurignacian was originally an African, and if he traversed North Africa on his way from Egypt and Mesopotamia, it would have been a very remarkable fact if he had not come in contact with the African pygmy or his ancestors, for the Bushman, Wam-battu, and the other pygmies are the oldest African race known to us.
The “ negroids ” discovered by Dr. Verneau in the Grotte du Grimaldi, though differing greatly from modern Bushmen, show that the Aurignacians were acquainted with a negroid stock, which may perhaps be assumed to be an ancestor of, or allied to, the pygmy. It is difficult to say exactly what was the relation between the Aurignacian and this “ negroid ” race.
Moreover, since the discovery of this burial, characteristic skulls of the same negroid affinity have been found in Spain, in Brittany (of Neolithic date), at Sierra (not earlier than the thirteenth century), in Sardinia, at Ostorf, and perhaps in Caithness.
Christopher Price
Ayden Watson
Thomas Rogers
Naqada III
In the next period, known as Naqada III, Egypt has by now, been split-up into many administrative/territorial divisions, known as Nomes. Each nome has it's own sacred animal or plant that became the totem, or emblem of that nome. This emblem was usually depicted on the pottery of each nome. It is also at this time that we see Egypt referred to as - Upper and Lower Egypt - with twenty nomes in Lower Egypt and twenty-two in Upper Egypt. Each nome had its own ruler, but perhaps with an over-all ruler. It is not known what the original political make-up was, or how many times if any, there was unity and then a break-up. There were thirteen or so rulers in (Upper Egypt), of which only the last few have been identified (though these are by no means certain):
The rulers who named themselves after animals, were probably attempting to identify themselves with the divinity that their religion associated with these animals. The rulers became the personification of the named animal-god. As later on, the pharaohs were known as, the "Son of Ra" or son of some other God. In Upper Egypt these rulers wore the "white crown" of Upper Egypt and were depicted as superhuman figures, giants who towered above mortal men. They were also depicted as being war-like, Scorpion's macehead hints at the nature of these Upper Egyptian rulers.
In this mace-head, Scorpion is apparently performing a ceremony using a hoe. Perhaps he is opening the irrigation dykes to begin flooding the fields, or perhaps he is cutting the first furrow for a temple or perhaps even a city that is to be built. Even today, removing the first shovel-full of dirt in a foundation ritual, is a kingly prerogative. The decorative frieze around the remaining top of the mace-head, has lapwing birds hanging by their necks from vertical standards. In hieroglyphics these rekhyts have been interpreted to represent the common people of Egypt, and the frieze seems to indicate that they were conquered by King Scorpion. However, some authorities have interpreted the rekhyt symbol as only later, representing the Egyptian population, whereas before in early pre-dynastic history, the rekhyts referred to foreigners or non-Egyptians instead. Thus the Scorpion mace-head and Narmer palette may represent the respective rulers having successfully defeated foreigners.
Carter Young
Although a four-chambered tomb in Abydos, designated as B50, has been speculated as being Scorpion’s burial place. No conclusive evidence of Scorpions existence has yet been found at Abydos, where the tombs of several first Dynasty kings, and even some preceding Dynasty “0” kings have been found. Some scholars are not even sure Scorpion actually existed, (perhaps Scorpion was a title; perhaps the Scorpion sign did not signify the person’s name at all).
Speculating further - he may have come from the royal house of Hierakonpolis, rather than from Thinis, the origin city of the Thinite dynasty, from whence came his later successor Narmer, the Catfish King. Then again, perhaps Thinis and Hierakonpolis each were the centers of rival chiefdoms, and when Scorpion’s reign ended, Thinis assumed an uncontested position as sovereign of Egypt. Then there is the issue of whether Narmer is the same king as Menes or if they were separate kings. The point is, none of this pre-dynastic stuff is certain.
In Lower Egypt, a more commercial system ran the state. There the centers of wealth were ruled over by important families or groups in each town, rather than by a single king. Ma'adi, Buto and Tell Farkha (modern names for these sites), were the larger towns of the state, with the capital probably at Buto. By the Naqada III period, Buto's pottery was 99% from Upper Egypt, and so was thought to have been "Naqada-ised" by that time.
The rulers of Lower Egypt, (they wore the red crown), may have been: (taken from the Palermo Stone)
Ska H`yw Tyu Tshsh Nhb Wadjha Mch
There is not much known about these rulers, other than their names. Some believe that there was never one ruler over Lower Egypt in pre-dynastic times, because of a lack of evidence of such rulers.
Eli Ramirez
I refuse to believe there's a black guy posting all of this trash. You must be a troll.
Zachary Diaz
What a load of shit, humans were always racist, the ancient egyptians would rather kill themselves than live around blacks in 3000 B.C just look at how uncivilized blacks were in 1500 A.D then imagine how subhuman they acted two thousand years ago.
So what if a Egyptian has red hair? Doesnt mean they are white since red hair is a very rare gene in all humans.
Nolan Smith
Dynasty One
Pharaoh Narmer/Menes
According to the stella of Pharaoh Narmer, {see below}, it was he who managed to defeat the king of Lower Egypt and take over the state. The famous Narmer palette shows him on one side wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt, and on the other side, wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt. It also shows the hawk emblem of Horus, (the Upper Egyptian god of Nekhem), dominating the symbol of Lower Egypt, (the papyrus plant). From this, Narmer is believed to have unified Egypt.
However, Manetho attributes the unification of Egypt, to Aha "Fighter" Menes. It is he who has been listed as the first pharaoh of the first Dynasty by Manetho, but Menes and Narmer may be one in the same man. Menes was from Thinis, in the south of Upper Egypt, but he built his capital at Memphis, according to Diodorus.
In any event, there is general agreement that Narmer should be credited as the unifier of Egypt, and hence the first Pharaoh of the first Dynasty. Whether or not, this is the first unification of Egypt is unknown. During the Early Dynastic period, the king of ancient Egypt already had much of the trappings of royal regalia familiar from later times, including the double crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt and various scepters. These crowns, scepters and other elements, offered and represented power and protection. They also set the king apart from everyone else and conveyed his authority, both secular and religious.
Typical cumskin who thinks everyone behind a computer is white.
William Gutierrez
The Egyptians were black and wouldn't have been racist towards their own. The Egyptians did not have red hair. Blacks being "subhuman" is a racist, white fabrication invented during colonialism.
Religion and everyday life
As mentioned before, the religion of Neolithic (late stone age) and pre-dynastic Egypt appears to have been animistic/nature worship, where each village or town had its own spirit deity in the form of an animal, bird, reptile, tree, plant or object. This spirit was always in something that played a prominent part in the life of the people. The spirits fell into two general categories, those which were friendly and helpful, such as cattle, or those that were menacing and powerful such as Bulls, crocodiles or snakes. In both cases, the favor of the spirit had to be solicited with a set formula of words and actions, and the spirits also had to have houses built for them, and offerings made to them.
As these spirits evolved into gods, the deity then had to have its own special type of house built, a temple. This building would then need full-time staff, to attend to the gods wants and needs, such as performing the proper rituals, making the proper offerings etc, and also to administer the gods blessings back to the people - the Priests. Since the Kings own divinity was legitimized by the priesthood, it was also very necessary to insure that the temple and priesthood were properly provided for.
Benjamin Barnes
So in addition to the offerings from the people, the temple was given large land grants, to insure a source of income. Then of course, the god would need a wife - a high priestess. Here, as with the priests, there was a hierarchy, from the high priestess herself, to the lowest level priestesses, who preformed household chores and often served as temple prostitutes. In return for these services, the god was thought to protect its people, ensuring fertility and well-being. But if the gods needs weren't met, the deity might bring down wrath on the community, in the form of plague, famine or some such natural disaster. The insignia or standard of a Nome clearly showed which god protected the town, and as the town gained prominence, so too did the town's god.
Religion was interwoven, not only into the pharaohs power, but into life itself. It was the deity of a town who the people turned to, in order to prevent the everyday hazards of living. They used magic spells, charms, folklore and amulets to appealed to the deity for protection against hazards, and to intercede on their behalf, for anything from the Nile flooding, to sowing seeds and harvesting crops, to protection from poisonous snakes, and for safe childbirth.
Liam King
Black being subhuman is a eurasian inventions every human group that has ever met your kind called you subhuman.
Also blacks are too fucking stupid to have ran Egypt thats what you stupid nigger keep forgetting.
Tyler Diaz
Not true at all. Africans being subhuman is an invention by the white and arabic colonizers to degrade us. There is plenty of proof of us running Egypt, read the thread.
We cannot be subhuman with melanin. It is what makes us superior to the other races.
Jordan Reed
Horus and Nekhbet {the vulture goddess}, came to represent Upper Egypt. In Lower Egypt, it was Set/Seth and Udjo, and also the cobra goddess of Buto. In later Egyptian history, the vulture and cobra were united into the royal diadem, to represent dominion over both lands. So when Nekhem became the most powerful town, Horus became the main god. The rulers started to identify themselves as the living embodiment of the hawk god. The ability to grow of Egyptian religion is one of the reasons why Egypt ended up with such a complex and polytheistic religious system. When a town grew in prominence, so too did the god. When the town was deserted, the god disappeared.
Only a few of the many original deities ended up in the Egyptian pantheon, and even then, their popularity waxed and waned through the thousands of years of Egyptian history. Another reason for complexity was that when people moved, their god did too. This meant that at the new town, there was sometimes a battle between the old and new gods - but the Egyptian gods were easily merged, so that you would have one god taking over the other god's attributes and abilities. That is why, some of the ancient gods of Neolithic and Pre-dynastic Egypt, those that had maintained their popularity, became main gods in the later Egyptian pantheon: Amun of Thebes, Ptah of Hikuptah (Memphis), Horus (the Elder) of Nekhem, Set/Seth of Tukh (Ombos), Ra of Iunu (Heliopolis), Min of Gebtu (Koptos), Hathor of Dendra and Osiris of Abydos.
Joshua Richardson
Why do you fall for his bait you gigantic retard?
Jonathan Bennett
Melanin makes you a fucking monkey take a close look at how monkeys have dark skin just like you negro you are a subhuman.
Ayden Thomas
Really, Arabs and Whites were the first people to interest with sub-Saharan Africa in a meaningful way.
I mean, the Egyptians had some contact with the Sudanese and other East African cultures, but the Sahara and the Congo jungles are a huge barrier.
Luke Gonzalez
Egyptians had a very varied diet, they grew wheat and other cereal grains from which they made breads, and brewed many varieties of beer. They grew a large variety of fruits, which they ate fresh or dried, they also grew grapes, which were eaten fresh or dried, but also with which they made a great variety of wines. They also grew a wide variety of vegetables. They ate beef, fowl, fish and game animals, and pork - contrary to popular belief, Egyptians did eat pork.
As a matter of fact, the only food prohibition in the ancient world that we can find, is the Nubian ban on "FISH" (ya fish - go figure). They felt that fish were unclean, and the king wouldn't give audience to anyone who had eaten fish. (The logic here may have been based on the fact that, some fish - like pork, can have worms in the flesh, and will make a person ill, if not cooked properly, that's our guess!). Egyptians had many sources of oil, but they preferred olive oil, which they used for cooking, lighting and as an oil for the skin.
Cumskins always call this truth "bait". In truth, you just can't face the fact that your ancestors were nothing and you history is fabricated.
Melanin is what makes us stronger, resistant to heat, faster and more intelligent. We are enriched by melanin.
You Albino monkeys were hiding in frozen caves while we were building civilization.
Hunter Mitchell
Because of its hot climate, in Egypt shaving and hair removal was a regular part of daily grooming. The Egyptians had an unusual obsession with personal body hygiene. The great Greek historian/storyteller HERODOTUS, stated that the Egyptians bathed several times a day, and "set cleanness above seemliness."
Clearly, being so clean all the time, was associated with fanatical behavior by outsiders. The ancient Romans thought that a lack of body hair, was some kind of terrible deformity. But not in Egypt, people there believed that body hair was shameful and unclean. Wild animals and barbarian people had hair, not the sophisticated, super-advanced Egyptian civilization.
Being hairless was accomplished by shaving, or using depilatory creams, and even rubbing one’s hair off with a pumice stone. Men, women, and even the children of ancient Egypt, all shaved their heads bald and wore elaborate specially-made wigs. These wigs were made of natural or artificial hair, and were specially designed to keep one’s head cool.
The Greek historian/storyteller "Herodotus" maintained that it was the Egyptians, who invented circumcision, and all who practiced it, learnt it from them. Which logically follows, because there is a hygienic value to circumcision. If not kept scrupulously clean, a male can have problems there - it's not all about torturing little boys.
Nicholas Price
Blacks are everywhere in Africa there were a few of the subhuman tribes in Egypt in the desert. Melanin is just a skin pigment you fucktard how the hell can it make you smarter?
Also we lived in the forest of Europe not caves you fucking retard.
Brayden Perez
There is always an argument as to whether it was the Sumerians, Egyptians or Indus valley people, who invented writing, mathematics, astronomy, calendars etc, etc, etc. As soon as a site is discovered that proves the one, another site is discovered that proves the other. Suffice to say that they were contemporary with each other, and in contact with each other. Though logically you could say that all things originated in Egypt. So far though, no one has disproved that the Sumerians invented the wheel and wagon. Although it was the Egyptians, who took the wagon to its highest refinement, with their light and agile chariots.
In writing, the Egyptians eventually came to use two scripts for their language. Hieroglyphics recorded their language with a mixed system of sound signs and picture signs. Demotic script is a more cursive development of the hieratic script, it was the standard script for business and legal affairs throughout the country; Hieroglyphics was retained for writing religious texts and inscriptions on monuments.
The Egyptians followed a calendar system of 360 days, with three seasons, each made up of 4 months, with thirty days in each month. The seasons of the Egyptians, corresponded to the cycles of the Nile, and were known as Inundation (pronounced akhet which lasted from June 21st to October 21st), Emergence (pronounced proyet which lasted from October 21st to February 21st), and Summer (pronounced shomu which lasted from February 21st to June 21st).
The beginning of the year, also called "the opening of the year", was marked by the emergence of the star Sirius in the constellation of Canis Major. The constellation emerged roughly on June 21st, and was called "the going up of the goddess Sothis". The star was visible just before sunrise, and is still one of the brightest stars in the sky, located to the lower left of Orion and taking the form of the dogs nose in the constellation Canis Major.
Mason Rogers
>The ancient Romans thought that a lack of body hair, was some kind of terrible deformity. LOL
Parker Cook
Though the Egyptians had a 360 day calendar, in a literal sense, they did have a 365 day calendar system. The beginning of the year was marked by the addition of five days, known as "the yearly five days". These additional five days were times of great feasting and celebration for the Egyptians, and it was not uncommon for the Egyptians to perform rituals, and other celebratory dealings on these days.
Race being skin deep is a cumskin lie. In truth we are the superior race and our melanin aids us in that. Cumskin albinos lost their melanin and started living in caves like the subhuman dogs they are.
Luke Young
When last we left Egypt, King Narmer had just united upper and lower Egypt. We pickup from there.
The Old Kingdom
So now, we are back in Egypt and by now Egypt has been moving right along, it has gone through two dynasties and many kings. Its religion has become more refined, its society even more organized, and much more affluent. We start with Sanakhte, uncertainty swirls around the placement, and also the events of the 3rd Dynasty king known as Sanakhte (Sanakht). He may have been Nebka, who was known to manetho, and listed on both the Turin Cannon and the Abydos king list as the first king of this dynasty. However, this is problematic to say the least, for we base our belief that he was Nebka on a source that lists his Horus name Sanakhte, together with a second name that ends with the element "ka".
Most of the information we have on this king refers to him as Nebka. In fact, some sources list the two as separate kings, with Nebka founding the 3rd Dynasty and Sanakhte ruling later, perhaps after Khaba However, despite this, mud seal impressions bearing the name of Nethery-khet Djoser from the Abydos tomb of the last king of the 2nd Dynasty Khasekhemuy and connected with the burial seem to suggest that Khasekhemuy's widow and her already ruling son Djoser were in charge of the king's burial. On the basis of sealing from the tomb of Khasekhemwy, which name her as "Mother of the King's Children," the wife of the last ruler of the 2nd Dynasty seems to have been one Nimaethap.
By now, the king of Egypt has the wealth and power to undertake monumental building projects. And so it is, that Netjerikhet Djoser (Zoser), the second King of Egypt's 3rd Dynasty, and his grand vizier and architect "Imhotep" set about to build the first Monumental stone structure ever created, the Step Pyramid.
William Baker
Chase Richardson
Jack Edwards
Nathan Wright
Michael Wright
Here is a modern picture of the same stela, as it sits in the Cairo Museum. Funny thing though, now it is said to be Menkaure, 5th king of the fourth dynasty, and the Nose is different. What are we to make of this? Seems "Improvements" were made over the years, but is that legal? (Tongue firmly in Cheek). The Turks in Egypt are just full of surprises!
Nicholas Reyes
However, it will be Djosers grandson Khufu, 2nd king of the 4th dynasty, {no one is sure why the kingship of Sneferu, caused a new dynasty to begin}, who will became Egypt's best-known pyramid builder. For it is he, who will build the Great Pyramid at Giza.
Liam Clark
In Australia, there is a stella and writings chronicling the trials and travails of Khufu's grandson "Prince Gjes-eb", who had been shipwrecked in Australia. The chronicle tells of how the prince had been bitten by a poisonous snake and died, and that the rest of the crew was without hope. But, something really curious here, in the chronicle the writer says, "For two seasons he made his way westward, weary, but strong to the end". Where could they have been coming from, where after "two seasons", they had still only made it to as far west as Australia?
Josiah Nguyen
We don't know why Whites, and their Turkish co-conspirators in Egypt, like the Egyptian antiquities Minister Hawass, like to pick on the family of king Sneferu/Snofru for their falsifications. (Hawass famously said that Egyptians weren't Black, they were, er something else: Martians maybe?). Earlier, we demonstrated how Whites and their co-conspirators, the Turks of Egypt: found a "Headless" statue of Hemiunu, Sneferu's grandson, they then placed a new head on it with a White mans face, and declared it an "Authentic" artifact. Now here is their latest outrage against our intelligence, they want us to believe that the face of Sneferu's seventh son Ranefer, pic related, is authentic.
Juan Wright
Forgot pic
Ryder Bennett
> co-conspirators, the Turks of Egypt
Zachary Reed
Of course, there is now way that face could belong to king Sneferu's seventh son Ranefer. So what happened? Liars rarely have much imagination, so they continually do the same things, and so it is with Ranefer's statue. As with Hemiunu's statue, those pathetic liars simply placed a head with a White face on it. Note the fuller pictures of Ranefer's statues pic related, both show signs of head replacement/modification.
Egypt was ruled by the Ottoman Empire.
Ayden Murphy
turks were the only people that treated blacks as humans whats ur problem
William Hernandez
As with many of the very earliest Pharaoh's, even though they may have left some of the grandest of all monuments in Egypt, they left little in the way of inscriptions, and so we know very little about them. Khafre (Chephren), the builder of the second pyramid on the famous Giza Plateau near Cairo is a fine example. His birth name was Khafre, which means "Appearing like Re". He is also sometimes referred to as Khafra, Rakhaef, Khephren or Chephren by the Greeks, and Suphis II by Manetho. He was possibly a younger son of Khufu (Cheops) by his consort, Henutsen, so he was required to wait out the reign of Djedefre, his older brother, prior to ascending to the throne of Egypt as the fourth ruler of the fourth Dynasty.
They were very involved in the slavery of our people. They even banned the enslavement of whites in the 19th century but still allowed the enslavement of Africans.
However, there is disagreement on this matter. There are rumors of a problem with the succession of Khafre. Some authorities maintain that Djedefre may have even stole the throne, perhaps as a younger brother of Khafre, and that Khafre may have even murdered him. Much of this speculation originates from the fact that Djedefre broke with the Giza burial tradition, electing instead to locate his tomb (pyramid) at Abu Rawash. However, there is little real evidence to support such a conclusion, and in fact, Khafre continued Djedefre’s promotion of the cult of the sun god Re, by using the title “ the Son of the Sun” for himself and by incorporating the name of the god in his own.
We will end the 4th dynasty by mentioning that The last and smallest of the Great Pyramids at Giza was built by pharaoh Menkaure, 5th king of the fourth dynasty.
That was after slavery.
Chase Howard
>not posting with unrealistic internet ebonics wew this might actually be real and not a troll
Logan Collins
you werent chained up or some shit at slavery, your people had jobs. if you think no welfare = slavery, i can just say fuck off.
your people lived their greatest times since AD at ottoman times, stop being ungrateful you shitstain.
Hudson Myers
I'm guessing Jews didn't build the pyramids either
Mason Flores
Userkaf, traditionally the first ruler of the 5th Dynasty, is like most of the other kings of the dynasty, not well attested. We are even uncertain of his father, though he may have been a priest. His mother was probably Neferhetep, making him the grandson of Djedefre who succeeded Khufu. We believe he was married to Khentkaues I, who is buried at Giza. This marriage may have legitimized his claim to the throne. We believe that Khentkaues I was probably Menkaure's daughter and perhaps a half sister of Shepseskaf. Oddly, nowhere in her tomb is Userkaf mentioned. There was apparently another queen, who's pyramid lies close to the pyramid of Userkaf at Saqqara. It should be noted that resources on Userkaf are rather confusing. Some allow Neferhetep to be his wife, rather then mother, while others even ascribe to Khentkaues I being his mother, rather then his wife. However, the majority seem to suggest the relationships as first set out above.
Userkaf was the king’s birth name, meaning, "His Soul is Powerful. He was also known as Weserkaf and may possibly be known in some literature as Ouserkaf, or Oeserkaf. His Horus name was Iry-maat, meaning "He who puts Maat into Practice". He may have come to the throne as an older man, for we are told his reign only lasted seven years, though as usual, the actual dates of his reign very from Egyptologist to Egyptologist.
While Userkaf was not historically important in his time, he is important in our time. That because he is one of those pharaohs who the Albinos decided was a good candidate for Whitenization. They do this in order to further their "Fantasy" history, which says that Egyptians (and everyone else of note in the ancient world), were like them - Albinos.
Afraid of the truth cumskin?
Fuck off Albino. You're like the cumskins who say we were actually doing good living on the plantation.
Wyatt Parker
It is with the beginning of the 6th dynasty, that the groundwork is laid for the problems to come. There was apparently accession problems following the death of King Unas, last king of the 5th dynasty. It is believed that Teti, 1st. king of the 6th. dynasty, secured his position by marrying one of king Unas's daughters "Iput I". The length of Teti's reign is sometimes given as 13 years and other sources list it as 33 years. In any event, according to the Manetho, the king was murdered by his guards for mysterious reasons.
The accession of his son Pepi, seems to have been held up by a usurper named Userkare. His reign was short-live however, and Pepi ascended the throne after about one year. When Pepi ascended the throne he was still quite young and his mother Iput I, may have acted as his regent, he reigned for about 50 years. In about year 42 of his reign, there was apparently a harem conspiracy against his life, by one of his queens named "Were-Imtes". Some say that it was not one of his queens behind the plot, but rather the mother of the usurper Userkare. In any event the plot was uncovered, and the plotters punished.
Asher Russell
Aiden Collins
During Pepi's reign, there was apparently many disturbances in Canaan. Five campaigns are attested to by this inscription in the tomb of Weni the Elder.
>His majesty sent me to lead this army 5 times to subdue the land of the Sand Dwellers, every time they rebelled, with these troops. I acted so that his majesty praised me for it. Told that there were rebels amongst these foreigners at the 'Nose-of-the-Gazelle's-head' I crossed in ships, together with these troops. I put to land at the back of the height of the mountain range to the north of the land of the Sand-Dwellers, while (the other) half of this army were traveling by land. I turned back, I obstructed all of them and slew every rebel amongst them.
From the autobiography of Weni the Elder
Nathan Gutierrez
An indication of the unsettled nature of Pepi I's reign, is the duties of one "Nankhpepi", who was the supervisor of Upper Egypt, and chancellor of the king of Lower Egypt, plus the governor of the fourteenth Nome of Upper Egypt. Apparently along with the beautiful backpack, he also wore many hats.
Oliver Bailey
/pol/ is taking post-ironic shitposting too far
Joseph Adams
Upon his death, Pepi I was succeeded by his eldest son Merenre I, who died unexpectedly. He was succeeded by his younger half brother, Pepi II. His reign of possibly 94, (some Egyptologist believe 64), years was the longest in ancient Egyptian history. He seems to have come to the throne at about the age of six, and would therefore have lived until the age of one hundred.
Pepi II maintained diplomatic and commercial relations with Canaan, and made several trips and campaigns south to pacify Nubia. There were also many trading expeditions into central and east Africa.
Upon his death Pepi II may have been succeeded by a son named Merenre II, but perhaps for only one year. According to Manetho, he was married to a Queen Nitocris, who succeeded her husband to become the last ruler of the 6th Dynasty. However, very little archaeological evidence of Merenre II, or Nitocris exists. The Turin Papyrus places 'Nitocris' after Pepi II and possibly Merenre II and an unknown pharaoh towards the end of the 6th dynasty. This 'Nitocris' is also mentioned by both Herodotus and Manetho as a queen, but cannot be identified with any historical pharaoh. These events reported by Herodotus cannot be verified and may be fanciful.
(cont with Herdotus' description)
/pol/ is a bunch of butthurt cumskins who think the egyptians were white.
Liam Wilson
I'm pretty angry right now.
My grandfather has a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia and worked in the FDHHS for decades. Growing up, when I visited the Smithsonians (..and Rome) with him he tried to teach me this BUT HE KEPY FUCKING SAYING "NEANDERTHAL" instead of straight-up "niggers"
He'd tease his wife, who is rich folk from the Deep South plantation country (Georgia) about her "Neanderthal" blood and point out bowed legs, long cranium...
Thomas Fisher
The name of the woman who reigned was the same as that of the Babylonian queen, namely Nitocris. Of her, they said that desiring to take vengeance for her brother, whom the Egyptians had slain when he was their king and then, after having slain him, had given his kingdom to her,--desiring I say, to take vengeance for him, she destroyed by craft many of the Egyptians. For she caused to be constructed a very large chamber under ground, and making as though she would inhabit it but in her mind devising other things, she invited those of the Egyptians whom she knew to have had most part in the murder of her brother, and gave a great banquet. Then while they were feasting, she let in the river upon them by a secret conduit of large size.
Of her they told no more than this, except that, when this had been accomplished, she threw herself into a room full of embers, in order that she might escape vengeance.
the fuck are you on about cumskin?
Sebastian Anderson
The First Intermediate Period
It is always the case, that when there is a king of extraordinary length of reign, the result will be weak kings to follow and eventually chaos. The demise of the 6th dynasty, because of dissension and weak kings, marks the onset of what is called, the First Intermediate Period. These intermediate periods, are times when Egypt is not a united country, but rather independent cities or regions. In these periods, the term dynasty is assigned to the kingship lines that have the most power, or sometimes to a group of disparate rulers.
Juan Morgan
My Jewish, wealthy, Federal employee grandpa taught me about Egyptians and Roman royalty being black but he said "Neanderthal" instead of "nigger".
So I never understood.
Elijah Thompson
The end of the Old Kingdom brought on a period of chaos, bloodshed and anarchy. Resulting from the collapse of the monarchy, and the rivalries of the provincial feudal lords or 'nomarchs'.
This situation may also have been fomented by Asiatic's, who had infiltrated into the Delta (northern Egypt). From the beginning, Egyptian kings had gone into Canaan to subdue people who they variously called, Troglodytes, San dwellers or vile Asiatic's. It appears that at this time, these people are making a concerted effort to breed dissension in Egypt. However in this case, it is unclear if these mischief-makers are native Canaanite's or Amorites from the desert.
Things continued this way throughout the Seventh Dynasty (2181-2173 B.C.). During this brief period, over 70 rulers were said to have laid claim to the throne of Egypt. The Eighth Dynasty (2173-2160 B.C.), followed the same pattern. Civil disorders multiplied, and then a drought struck Egypt. Valuable insight into this period can be gleaned from a papyrus in the Leyden collection, called "Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage". Excerpts from the papyrus follows.. (cont)
The Egyptians were indeed black.
Neanderthal's were not black, they were albino subhumans. .
Jackson Brown
I'm just going to say it... quit the race bating. I enjoy all history, if you want to discuss misconceptions of historians just say so if not ...I'm caught aren't I?
Chase Brown
Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage
The bowman is ready. The wrongdoer is everywhere. There is no man of yesterday. A man goes out to plow with his shield. A man smites his brother, his mother's son. Men sit in the bushes until the benighted traveler comes, in order to plunder his load. The robber is a possessor of riches. Boxes of ebony are broken up. Precious acacia-wood is left asunder.
{The general upheaval has reversed the status of rich and poor:}
He who possessed no property is now a man of wealth. The poor man is full of joy. Every town says: let us suppress the powerful among us. He who had no yoke of oxen is now the possessor of a herd. The possessors of robes are now in rags. Gold and lapis lazuli, silver and turquoise are fastened on the necks of female slaves. All female slaves are free with their tongues. When their mistress speaks it is irksome to the servants. The children of princes are dashed against the walls.
Out of the turmoil and weak Kingships, principalities within the realm rose up to challenge the authority of these weak kings. One Achthoes, the ruler of Heracleopolis, seized control of Middle Egypt, and founded the Ninth Dynasty of lower Egypt (2160-2130 B.C.).
Eli Hill
Request for source(s) OP.
Joshua Hall
This whole thread is about exposing the fabrications of white people. You are reading true history right now and are just starting to be awoken to the Albino lies.
Blake Powell
Have you're fucking (you)'s just for being this committed to your own shit.
Ryan Ramirez
Dude I think most intelligent people know this stuff already.
Jaxon Robinson
truth brotha
Zachary Hernandez
Read up on the Nation of Islam and the Black Isralities If you want to understand why that is not going to happen not saying that MW is one of course - but understand the kind of red pill/only sane man in an insane world that underlies this area.
Carson Cooper
Montuhotep II
Montuhotep II was king for about 50 years, though much of his reign involved military campaigns, some building work was done. His greatest building work however, was his own temple and tomb, located on the west bank at Thebes. It is located in the cliffs at Deir el-Bhari, next to the famous temple of Queen Hatshepsut.
Rebuilding from the second intermediate period, was only begun in earnest by his son and successor, Montuhotep III. He demonstrated a preference for the arts as well as building. He also reopened trade with the Red Sea region.
I have been awoken to white lies for a few years now. I know some fellow young African Americans browse this site and i want to awaken them that we weren't always slaves and we were once kings.
Many people are unawoken to this. The cumskins have done a very good job at covering up history.
Thomas Lopez
Sources. Please.
Camden Walker
Muslims hate us. Any melanin brother calling themselves "islamic" dishonor all the melanin slaves they have taken. I do respect the Nation of Islam for their views on black superiority but i wish they would distance themselves from that religion which has caused us much harm as a race.
Elijah Miller
Luke Clark
Can you post some more about this? Is this based on the debunked Gosford Glyphs or a new source?
Sebastian Myers
Kevin Ross
What are your thoughts on NoI's claims regarding history?
Can black supremacy be a viable movement without a religious element?
Jackson Brown
Amenemhet I
But it was Amenemhet I, the first ruler of the 12th Dynasty, (who may have been a usurper), that some Egyptologists credit with the full recovery from the First Intermediate Period and the transition into the Middle Kingdom. Which was a period of great prosperity.
Amenemhet I appears to have been a wise leader, he set about to correct the problems of the First Intermediate Period, and he took steps to protect Egypt's boarders from invasion and to assure a legitimate succession, {he was the first king to establish a co-regency with his son, Senusret I}. Yet he was murdered in an apparent harem plot, while his co-regent was leading a campaign in Libya. We find two literary works, the Tale of Sinuhe, and the Instructions of Amenemhet I, reflecting this king's tragic end. One literary work from the time of his son Senusret I, presents the account of Amenemhet I's murder, supposedly provided by the king himself from beyond the grave:
It was after supper, when night had fallen, and I had spent an hour of happiness. I was asleep upon my bed, having become weary, and my heart had begun to follow sleep. When weapons of my counsel were wielded, I had become like a snake of the necropolis. As I came to, I awoke to fighting, and found that it was an attack of the bodyguard. If I had quickly taken weapons in my hand, I would have made the wretches retreat with a charge! But there is none mighty in the night, none who can fight alone; no success will come without a helper. Look, my injury happened while I was without you, when the entourage had not yet heard that I would hand over to you when I had not yet sat with you, that I might make counsels for you; for I did not plan it, I did not foresee it, and my heart had not taken thought of the negligence of servants.
Aiden Bell
He won't provide real sources because he knows he's full of shit.
Ian Mitchell
Bump for sources.
Jeremiah Ross
I actually am atheist as are many young African Americans today.
I think religion has an important place in our society but Islam and Christianity are slave religions, imposed on us by Albinos and Arabs.