Retarded Spain and increasingly smaller OPs edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
Retarded Spain and increasingly smaller OPs edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
First for our secret waifu.
If you want easy legend this month.
Is this the expansion that secret mage is finally viable?
>nth for hit rank 5 so now get to meme out with midrange paladin
it is actually good
lick me
still waiting for paladin quest to be viable
Secret mage deck for anyone wanting to counterspell those brawls and quests.
Quest warrior is bad, dont fall for it. Shitters just havent found out the good deck against it
I have
and not telling so that you can netdeck, find out by yourself
t legend
it's all about murloc memerange
Yes, but it is a secret. Don't tell anyone.
>Open 13 Un'Goro packs
>Get obsidian shard three times in a row
>Get 3 primalfin totems (2 in a row)
But there's no duplicate problem! Thank Christ I don't pay money for this game.
Control Paladin?
>tfw crafted poorman's elemental shaman
>does not work very well, stuck on rank 19 against net decks
>went the meme way and created a murloc warlock
>rank 15 with shitty cards
>can win against most decks if I get a good curve
>get memed by taunt decks no matter what I do
lmao prove it
>inb4 quest rogue
is it meme range paladin?
Not that guy but I watched sjow dumpster every warrior he ran into, even if the warrior hero powered 10 times, sjow still won. Idk how he does it tho. But yes paladin should be good, and a greedy midrange hunter or one that curves out really well can also get the job done.
I climbed from 19 to 3 in one day with it, yeah its good alright
strifcro list?
> lots of money
>t. mindless consumer
>shitting on a mage
>about to win
>places a secret
>it's ice block
>"oh well, whatever I can still finish him off"
>plays ice block again
>"fucking hell, well alright hes out of them"
>cabalist tome
>ANOTHER ice block
>then primordial glyph into ANOTHER ice block
>then cabalist tome into ANOTHER ice block
>then another primordial glyph into cabalist tome into, guess what? FUCKING ICE BLOCK
>all the while burning polymorphs, fireballs and frostbolts into my creatures
>following turn after this shitshow he plays alexstrasza and two arcane giants
so much FUN
it's fairly f2p friendly, all you need is the quest
I only got 1 primalfin totem in 80 packs. I don't see the problem.
this is literally the gayest deck to play against.
its inconsistent as fuck, but when they luck out with ice blocks its just so frustrating. even old nigger priest wasnt so gay to play against.
just play around it
Loving Taunt Warrior Quest... BUT, I feel late game the tempo just drops off completely.
Starting to think I may as well throw in some non-taunt shit.
Gorehowl looks like a good pick for example.
Grommash too
Hell, I'm tempted to throw in a Crazed Alchemist as these huge HP taunts turn into death machines.
>Mandatory legend
>F2p friendly
Choose one. I also see more than one legend in that deck.
The other guy called your grandfather's deck pathetic, but you've just assembled all 5 pieces of the puzzle
What do?
Flower giants rogue is fucking FUN
deathwing is optional
curator is free
>user saying this guy Sjow is streaming good Pala shit
>losing to a shitty rouge
Nice try, shit streamer trying to advertise on /hsg/
Play Wild user
Tech a loatheb
Say, grandpa you cant count? its 6 cards.
Also 7, cause you still need a spell to prock the fireball chain.
Reynad is streaming, he will have the meta figured out by tomorrow.
Is Paladin still the correct answer here? I find priest more comfortable to play.
In todays meta this is cheap
how is curator free?
I just play a Dirty Rat :^)
adventures are free if you play the game
You can keep the last mr for the second turn, and the quest starts in your hand.
thats why i never play doomsayers or 2nd arcano vs warrior
the 5 pieces of the puzzle is the 2 apprentices, 2 moltens, and antonidas
time warp is basically just exodia obliterating
whats your list? how essential is sherazin?
im running my own version of miracle giants with yogg instead of sherazin but yogg hasnt been doing much for me
"Free" as in literally thousands of coins, where you can only earn 100 a day max, maybe 150 a day with quests?
Lemme just grind for a solid 2 months :^)
>Just play for months and save up several hundred gold
I don't need to repeat myself. Only the people paying money for this game think it's fair for free players. I've been playing for like 3 months now, finishing my dailies every single day and getting a lot of 80 gold a day from friends too, and I still have very few cards and only three legends, one of them being C'thun. It takes way too long for free players to amass any playable number of cards.
>If I craft Lyra I won't have enough dust for 2 shadow visions
>If I craft Van Cleef I won't have enough dust for 2 preps
>If I craft Anotnidas I won't have enough dust for 2 primodial glyphs
>If I craft Warrior quest I won't have enough dust for 2 dirty rats
What the fuck do I do
so you don't play the game.
then don't play the game, moron.
Reminder that the meta has never been better for Dirty Rat.
>quest rogue
>quest mage
>pirate warrior
Anyone who says this game takes skill is talking out of their ass. When it decides you're going to lose, there's literally nothing you can do about it.
What new card has the best quote?
btw. Beetleberries, my favorite!
>like 3 months now
So you don't play the game. Stop fucking complaining, poorfag yuro trash. Fuck off back to your pedoshit.
I have to "play" the game just so I can begin to play the game properly. Right... what a load of shit
Nothing should be Adventure locked - make all of Kara craftable
>pull 12/12
>pull 12/12 deathwing
>pull 8/8 giant
>pull 4/12 ysera or the elemental (vs priest)
Th-thanks based ratto!
I never spent any money on the game and got all of the adventures. It isn't that hard to save the gold for like one month for one adventure.
Im using this. I think its Eloise list.
Sherazin has been performing really well for me. Its easy as fuck to play 4 cards as a rogue.
Im guessing you can replace it for 2nd violet teacher if you dont want to craft it, but i dont regret crafting him.
Not an argument.
>play Elemental Shaman
>most of the good control is from expensive cards and you get your shit pushed in by aggro
what do I do?
>increased sounds of manes getting high
I've stopped bothering to Mulligan Deathwing as he get Dirty Ratted a few times on turn 2 or 3
>playing it against non-Combo decks
I shiggy diggy do wop gumbo drops
>67% Winrate over 45 games
Why aren't more people playing Hunter?
I have been and I've been getting my SHIT pushed in by Taunt Warriors.
I'm warning you, I'm unstable!
add early game elementals/patches package
> expensive cards
Light Hex or Lighting Storm
2 Bloodsail Corsairs and Patches can really help vs. Pirate Warrior.
Really? Warrior has been my best match-up
I don't know what to tell you. I always get Brawled/Slept with the Fishes and run out of cards.
You can make a Quest Warrior deck with only 1 Dirty Rat, every other deck need the two copies.
I've opened about 75 packs from other sets and never had this happen. Given the fact that other people were already complaining about it, I'd say something's up.
cut Bloodlust for Galakka/Glacial Shard if you're vs Aggro
I am better than all these shitty "pro" tournament players. This game is a joke.
Secret mage is so strong in this meta it's insane.
>Pirate warrior
Just hit his face as he throws his minions into ice barrier and vaporize
>Quest Rogue
Go face, they have no healing. Counterspell against their shadowstep, preps and if they're really dumb the quest reward itself.
>Quest Mage
Again just go face. Your counter spells are key if the game drags out but usually you kill them fast.
>Elemental Shaman
A more even matchup but I win most of the time. Counter Spell can throw their game off if you get their Hex or boardclear. Mirror Entity is good when they drop heavy minions like blazecaller or tolvir sunwalker.
That's the decks I see the most.
Others are usually undefined and don't really follow a pattern.
But usually fireballs and frostbolts to the face finish a lot of games.
Mfw strolling through the ranks
Lol. I remember someone saying how bad the voice acting was and not paying attention. Then I listened and holy shit, it's obviously just a chick trying to make a little kid's attempt at a deeper, goony voice.
Still loving how pirate warrior is a thing
Just avoid the fight against other meme deck that is silence priest.
You fuckers made me tech in a Mystery Muncher for secret mage matchups, it's like a 50/50 depending on whether I draw my Covert Crammer in the first 15 cards.
maybe I should turn the sound back up now that there's new card sounds to listen too
Half of the epics I've gotten from MsoG was dirty rats.
Got like 5 of them
>Mystery Muncher
>Covert Crammer
The hell do I play to get my play 8 mana minions quest done?
post optimal decklist pls
>Playing every single day for 3 months "isn't playing the game"
>Just blow all your money from a month of saving on an Adventure
>Also, we're removing all the Adventures XD
This game is already hard enough to get enough playable cards to make a mediocre deck with. Blowing your entire savings on Adventures is a pretty big hit. That's why I waited until I had a nearly complete set of commons at least from Classic. I think I'm about done buying Un'Goro anyway. All I keep getting is dust at this point.
Remember that was the other set that was complained about though. I don't know if it was just the gang cards that were a problem. I don't think it's coincidence that the two most recent sets also have the worst open rates.
Jungle Giants or simpe ramp druid will do.
I kinda hope the meta finds an extremely cancerous deck so that Brode can be quoted as saying,
"Journey to Un'goro...
this was a mistake."
Secret Mage is fucking shit. I went 6-1 first, only because my hand was good and my opponents had shitty hands. Now I'm 6-6. It's just another "you get incredibly lucky and you win!" type of deck.
sorry kid, Un'goro is the best expansion this game ever had.
after trying to play secret mage in every meta convince me why this one makes it work
hi blizzard shill, isnt it your lunch break?
You just need to skillfully play your secrets.
I literally just slapped together something out of what I had.
Works wonder.
How do you build Zoo these days?
Quest Rogue might be in the running.
idunno man, are you sure about that pyroblast? how bout fuckin firelands instead