I'm a high school senior and It is imperative I make $20,000 by June. What are some good practical ways I can raise that much money in 6 months. I don't care if it's immoral or illegal, any suggestion helps.
Kneepads and mouthwash
nothing sexual or gay douche bag
> 1. get a job
> 2. save up paychecks
> 3. use $20k on what you need
Sell drugs
get a job to cover overhead
work 40hours at job
60 hours selling drugs
get a loan for $20,000. there u go
>Sell drugs
>implying anyone on this board could actually make it as a drug dealer
Win the lottery
Buy a lawn mower/ snow blower used. Dress ok(weather appropriate). Go door to door.
In between start a go fund me that you can pitch to your customers.
Work a job during the day and cam whore all night. You can make 500 in a few hours camwhoring, no joke.
Start taking some hormones + bleach your asshole. Don't forget to shave.
>Implying he's not fat
Get a job making tips. My homegirl works at Applebees and makes a smoove $200 over 2 nights.
Make fake IDs, order drugs for people off the clearnet, go into rich neighborhoods and take stuff out of unlocked cars. Those are the illegal ways which I have not done and would not advise.
Pay a few hundred bucks for an online IT certification course, and get a helpdesk job. They usually pay at least $10/hr in my area.
t. high school senior with a helpdesk job
>He thinks $100 a day is good
Do something that is both sexual and gay in exchange for money.
>Start taking some hormones + bleach your asshole. Don't forget to shave.
I got my helpdesk job without a cert and made 13 an hour.
sell your virginity.
$20,000 in college scholarships.
get two full-time jobs, right now.
lol that's literally it.
Sell crack in the hood.
do you want a prize?
Not really. I don't work there anymore. Good for a college gig, but getting yelled at by people in their 50s isn't fun.
Buy Trumpcoin
I was a drug dealer back in the day. It's not rocket science. Once you find a supplier just start networking with customers. When you start pushing good shit, there friends want In. The only reason I stopped was because I got stabbed by "this really good friend" of a customer over an ounce of coke
Perhaps coke is the wrong drug to be dealing in. Attracts an unsavory crowd.
If I were to deal drugs I'd probably sell acid. If you buy quantity you can get them for like $1 a hit and then sell them for $4 or $5. Big money potential, though I don't have a network of people I can sell to, plus I'd rather avoid prison.
Psychedelics and party drugs are where it's at when it comes down to profitability and security.
If I was OP, I'd find the nearest music festival and stock up on party drugs, preferably from someone who is somewhat reliable.
I would then either try to blend in as staff/security or just hop the fence in the middle of the night. (once you are over you can always try to blend in as staff/security)
> (also, I hope you know how to make a fake badge, it's pretty easy.)
Then, just waddle about the day selling your stuff and make mad profit.
They key is to hit em with the stuff early, and keep them in the cycle.
> 1) Start selling as soon as the festival kicks off.
Market your stuff as primo shit that is gonna sell by mid day If they don't buy now.
> 2)Once they've had some fun, make the same rounds in the afternoon offering a booster at a slightly discounted cost, claiming you have a crazy batch arriving this evening.
> 3) As soon as evening rolls around and people start to calm down and chill by their tents or with their groups, come back for a third and final time, offering them the long awaited product that will make this the most memorable night of their lives.
Y tho
OP wanted quick cash