/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

/wpsg/ Server Announcement Edition

Separate general, /elyg/ >TBC:
Wargate (New Hellground) 2x Horde
Hellfire 3x/1.5x Horde

/wpsg/-ran server is in development right now, if you want to contribute in any way tell us!

Atlantiss Alliance 1x (3x RAF)

TauriWoW (Evermoon) Horde 1x


>Where can I get game clients?
>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


first for hellfire

Please add Hellfire 3x/1.5x Alliance to the next OP.

alright senpai next time just mention yourselves in the thread, last thread only had mentioned under Hellfire

I was waiting to hear from more people on their plans with HG. I didn't want to further split the tbc community.

Is this the official Wpsg guild?

Was started by a literal who but it only will have only people from vg allowed in.

The literal who does have recent guild leading experience but I will leave it up to the membership to choose who they want to lead the guild if/when we get to raid strength.


>/wpsg/ guild lead by a literal who
we all know how this usually ends up

So...how would one go about selling their account?

I can't decide what to roll in TBC, Experience makes me wanna roll a shaman but I don't wanna go through the shitty draenei starter zones even at 3x.

Does everyone need Karazhan key quest complete or can you summon people inside?

All the other so called leaders all jumped ship. We started the guild up while HG was down as a back up plan. Since HG has very little interest we are bringing it back. As far as I am aware none of the vgcelebs are playing here in earnest.

I can tell you about my experience and that really won't matter. People will believe me or they won't . They will trust me or they won't. Right now we are just leveling and seeing who that goes.

How many people do you have?

are you the dorf that tried to run the Lordaeron guild at launch

the last guild on hg lead by 3 ecelebs turned out great didn't it?

yeah it was actually good, fuck off


Was just a wait and see guild that we made for people waiting for HG to reopen. Hard to say how many of those people are willing to return and/or continue leveling.

There are 3 others that left to join other guilds after they decided to stay. I am hopeful that they will return if we can get more interest. I have no interest in actively poaching players from other servers or guilds.

No, my last server was old hellfire. I was leading a guild that eventually died off as the server did. I passed leadership of that guild off and they returned to anathema.

not the guild's fault the polish are retarded and are repeatedlu trying to kill their own server

Why would anyone spend time on HG after this fiasco?

>liable to go down for indefinite periods of time with multiple day rollbacks
>dev team constantly thought policing in world chat
>undertuned mobs and overtuned player damage
>far more broken shit than hellfire

The only thing HG had going for it was population, and now that's gone.

>Why would anyone spend time on HG after this fiasco?

Nobody is

The guild on HF is deader than dead though. I was connected 2 hour ago and there was literally no one else online. Even the guild message was still the same as before HG re-relaunch, telling its members to go to HG and abandon HF.

when the ecelebs can't even be bothered to log in, after the server comes back on, it is kind of telling though.
it tells you a lot about their dedication as guild leaders

Cobe is a smart guy, he knows wasting more time in HG is pointless.

It is. I am hopeful that interest will pick up now that we are going to be recruiting in earnest in hopes of building a raid team.

Unless you are part of a clique, a raid core isn't built overnight. Takes hard work, time, and patience.

>>dev team constantly thought policing in world chat
The only time they were policing on the chat was to tell people to stop using "lookingforgroups" as a general channel and to use world chat for that
>undertuned mobs and overtuned player damage
That was fixed before the shutdown
>far more broken shit than hellfire
Pathfinding is even worse than HG and it becomes even worse than that when a lot of people are online because otherwise the server crash.

I'm not talking about raid core,I'm talking about members. You can't build shit when no one reconnects. I feel like the TBC hype died because even the HG guild ( where a lot of people already have 70s) is in the same state as the HF one.

That is very possible but everything has to start somewhere. Rome wasn't built in a day.

I feel it is worth it to try in my opinion. There was a real hunger for TBC. Would be a shame if we didn't end up with a unified presence here.

Lucky for you it appears nobody is spending time on HG.

requesting response

You need to be attuned.


sad post

>HG dies
>/wpsg/ dies
Coincidence? I think not.

>friend was happy HG failed

why would you be happy that a server failed
if anything i'd root for a server to do better than hellfire cause that means we're getting somewhere with the TBC core and it's getting closer to vanilla stability

Our hope died along with HG. There's nothing to do anymore.

Besides wait for Northcraft.


Can he be stopped?

le aunt poisoner

>hellfire is so much better than hellground
Is there any bigger tell that somebody is retarded?

Can we go back to GD yet?

>hellfire and hellground differ at all in quality
Is there any bigger tell that somebody is retarded?

>wait for X

just play on the crappy servers that are up and running. waiting for the perfect server that will never happen.

>tfw saved by wargate

no fuck you i hope you got aids

i already got aids from fucking your dad in the ass faggot
i just want to see a stable tbc core before i die

my gay father is dead, hope you like necrosis on your shitdick fag

yes, if he plays on hellground with Finns

Hellfire has completely broken classes, but it also has slightly more polished heroics.
Basically hellfire is some script kiddies who took a 5 year old hellground core.


I miss and all my core10 buddies.

yes pls
it was comfy

@everyone activation links (registration on forum/website), SPZ keys, recovery password, etc. fixed

>wargate 800 online
how did these polelings fuck up so badly?
there was 4k online 2k queued before they shit over themselves

Just hold on until the weekend.

>tfw just want one last good tbc server then can quit private server wow forever

Free oats


What do you guys think about Warmane?

A scummy private server only looking to make profit? Sign me up sonny.

Do you have any examples? So far all i've encountered is judgement of justice not slowing properly, sometimes.

What's the best wotlk server?


whats the most Populated Pserver? Elysium?

For now, but they're bleeding population.

they can still just merge all their servers together if it gets bad

I quit L4G back then when it died.
What happend now? It relaunched? What's this about Hellground? What happend to the tbc scene.

I know vanilla still has kronos and elysium, though that seems to be dying cause AQ isnt coming there.

Yes, it is relaunched. Hellground also relaunched but it was plagued by large rollbacks so people got fed up and left, not sure if it's still going on. Warmane is also in the process of launching a TBC server too I think.

>Warmane is also in the process of launching a TBC server too I think.
so many servers, I also know of gummycraft that had beta test raids the past weeks and Netherwing, though I guess thats far from done.

So Hellfire is best option at the moment?
How long does that 1-60 take? 3days with that 3x ep?

>senna discord in the op

fuck off slavs

Took me exactly 2 days /played with mining at 300 and jc at 250.

I haven't played tbc since actual tbc and vanilla/tbc memories blend together for me.
I'm still newish to private servers so don't bully me too hard if you can help it.

I'm gonna try hellfire when I get home, even a shitter like me can get to max level with the xp boost. How "viable" are enhancement shamans or rets for pve? I guess arena as well but like I said, I'm a fucking shitter so it probably doesn't matter.
I played holy paladin way back when but don't think i did anything past kara and ssc due to being in school and also being awful.

Thank you for reading my blog.

It's the official /wpsg/ discord with highest population and there's nothing wrong with including it

every sham i've seen has been enhance so it can't be that bad

it's the official neo-/wpsg/ (aka wowg refugees) discord

>being THIS bootyblasted his discord is dead

hey sorry Pickles, ill send a message or two a day to keep it fresh

fuck off slav i aint ur boogeyman

keep grabbing on to what little power you have left. not much longer.

Will I see you guys in Jade Forest tomorrow?

What's the best WoD server? I wanna relive my childhood.

No, every other class seems to have large bugs

Will expose their shortcomings


Hellfire II details:

* Currently on patch 2.0.0.
* Released content: All heroic and normal dungeons, Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep: The Eye.
* Prenerf and challenging content!
* XP Rates: Level 1-59 3x XP, Level 60-70 1.5x XP.
* All other rates are normal, but spell training costs below level 60 are reduced by 1/3 to accomodate for the fast leveling.
* To balance out the factions Alliance gets their first mount for free, Horde gets it for 60g total.

To get started playing on Hellfire, please follow the steps below:

1. Create an account here: hellfire-tbc.com/view/register.php
2. Install a TBC 2.4.3 WoW client from a source of your choice. Our official client can be found here: hellfire-tbc.com/view/guides.php
3. If you did not download our official client, edit the realmlist.wtf file, found in your WoW folder so it reads:
set realmlist logon.hellfire-tbc.com
4. Log into the game and have fun!

does the hellfire /wpsg/ guild have an idea about potential raid times yet?
And who to whisper to join? I mostly just want to have friends.

pickles, you need to stop

do you intentionally distort your screenshots and make your ui look like shit

>tfw can't be bothered with TBC after all the glory years
>still feeling unfulfilled playing vanilla alone
I'm not sure if my problem is generally being burnt out, depression or just needing to move on. WoW still brings me pleasure like no other game does, though. Even if it's a husk of what used to be. I don't really like coming to wpsg anymore. You're all too spoiled with your hypetrains, huge expectations, false promises, shilling, attention whoring, lack of attention spans and the constant need to being catered to and included in every little thing. Most of you have zero to contribute into just about anything, you should be humble, meek and grateful for ever having been taken to see content.

no, i pasted it in and it ends up looking a little wierd.

yes, i think it looks fine. i'm not too fancy


No planning has been done yet. Will start polling members once we get more of them.

If you are looking for company there are usually a few people on. Hoping to grow.

this thread is not gatekeeper approved

shut it down

Haha time for kendrick-posting


she's gonna be disgusting when she's older

*blocks your path*
What did you just say, user ?

Enhance is great, ret not so much unless you're a blooded. Wpsg is ally on hellfire 2 so it looks like shaman it is :^)

so is hellfire worth rolling on at this point?
hellground/wargate seems fucking dead, its gone from 4k pop/2k queued to peak of 800.

population was the only good thing about that server.

Alright, Hellfire II is not bad. It isn't good, but nowhere else is good either.

The population is fine, and as long as you are a dedicated player others will be motivated by your dedication.

The scripting (from what i've seen in my experience) is decent. The overworld pathing can be kind of fucked sometimes, but it is tolerable.

question, is kael'thas pre ghost nerfs when he was unplayable? does anyone know?