I have an edge to make millions of dollars off the foreign currency market, but I'm broke penniless at the moment

I have an edge to make millions of dollars off the foreign currency market, but I'm broke penniless at the moment.

Where can I find a stranger online who can invest in me?

You made this thread the other day and we laughed you off.

Start sucking dicks.

user. Let me just put it like this. I sacrificed all my life on my trading, that's how much I believe in myself. And it's not just a belief, I do actually have an special edge.

I'm making this post because I have 5 dollars left to eat tomorrow and the only thing I have left that I could sell is a $100 tablet, however I need the tablet to trade. It's really difficult to trade from my slow shitty old iphone 4, so I'm doing my best to not having to sell that.

Believe it or not, but I'm more concerned right now about having enough to trade than eating.

Moving average crosses doesn't work well, senpai. Try Forex free contests on FxArena.

try sucking some dicks

This is obviously copypasta. We already had this discussion less then a day ago.

Not moving average crosses

It's just that I've been doing this so intensely and obsessively that I ended up developing an edge.

Just so you know, in order to succeed you need and edge AND some capital. I don't have the latter.

If you suck dicks, the capital will flow in.

You need money in order to make money. I'm not broke because I suck at trading, I'm broke because I have no external support.

Your idea is actually not bad. Here's the problem though, my situation is more complicated than you might think. Let me just sum up and say that I can't legally borrow any money whatsoever. I can't get credit card, open bank account, etc. Nothing.

My only two options is money from family, or money from strangers online. My family can't help anymore, they're having financial difficulties themselves.

That's a topic I've discussed and had some debate with some of my family before. My answer is, I can't do both, it's just impossible (I've tried before). I either only trade, or get a job.

I'm so involved into this journey already, that getting a job would be pretty much like giving up on my potential as a trader.

And I'm a daytrader, not an investor. I'm connected doing my technical analysis and actively trading easily more than 12 hours a day.

I don't see as "retarted". I took a big risk on myself because I always saw the potential.

Of course things didn't go as planned and as fast as I thought it would. Trading is extremely difficult.

Anyway, I'm on my early 30's, I already considered myself old and very behind in life. I was working construction and hating myself and everything the minute I wake up and had to go to work.

I decided to quit and immerse 100% on trading. I said to myself: I'd rather go broke trying than to continue living like this.

And this is what happened, I went broke. (Not that I had anything considerable to lose anyway)

Let me tell you, I have 5 bucks to eat tomorrow and I regret nothing.

I fucking love trading and think about it 24/7, and despite all the stress and pressure for not having enough for basic needs, you what makes me calm?

It's that I have the fucking edge and I'm gonna make it. I worked hard for it though.

Not schizophrenic or on disability.

OCD though. But I use that to my advantage. I confess I'm obsessed with technical analysis.

The forex market is highly predictable.

An investor wouldn't even need to give me any money. They'd just need to let me trade their account.

user. Multiply $5 on 1000:1 is doable. Not easy though.

It requires a lot of patience and most importantly, time. I don't have time, that's my problem.

When I say that I need money in reality I'm trying to say that I need to buy some time.

I don't need a lot of money to turn things around, yes I can trade 1000:1, but my point is that I don't even have the basic minimum to survive at the moment.

If you gave me that 5 bucks, and told me "here you have several months to grow from that. Your rent and food is on me." and I just sat comfortably without having to worry how I'm gonna eat, then yes, sure, I can grow and compound from that 5 fucking bucks and I'm not even exaggerating. But.... that's not the reality right now.




This discussion already happened yesterday. You already posted this.

i need money

who doesn't?

If you're so good, then prove it. Download a free trial of ThinkOrSwim, use Paper Money, and show your returns after a month.

>I sacrificed all my life on my trading
>I have 5 dollars left


get a job

this. get a paper account. trade using your amazing edge and show how much you can make within, let's say, a month. is you made some good money then it will be easier to find investors. or you may even find that your edge is shit.

I've never traded demo
You're being very shortsighted and making judgments without knowing the whole story.

It's like as if in the early 2000's you had turned to Elon Musk after he blew his first three attempts at lunching a rocket to space in the beginning of SpaceX. And said to him: "You're losing millions of dollars. You haven't made a single successful rocket lunch yet. Now you're looking for more investors. You suck at this business."

For 2 months (non consecutive) in 2016, I lived in the streets. I had a minimum to eat but not to sleep. It's very bad but it wasn't the end of the world, and it was summer too.

But now my concern is that for the first time I won't have to eat, which I think is more important than to have a place to sleep. I mean I didn't sleep for 2 months and survived, you don't die. But without food is problematic. But I'll find a way, I always do.

I completely understand and respect the skepticism. Yours and of anyone on this thread.

My claim and what I ask does sound insane. So when I see from your perspective I agree with you.

Show you my edge I would never. You could offer me to send me large amount of cash tomorrow so I could "teach" you, and even being completely broke right now, I still wouldn't take it.

Now if you create a separate mt4 account, put some money in it, and let me manage it directly. Then yes, I'd take it in a heartbeat.

Even if YOU scammed ME after in not sending any of the profits, I still would be glad that I made someone money and that I proved my point that I have the fucking edge.
Fast forward to present day, the guy is putting satellites into space and getting the rocket to land back on earth.

If I was back home living at my mom's, where I wouldn't need to worry about food and rent, completely different story. I'd have the patience and take whatever the time it takes to compound to a decent size.

Nobody here is going to give you money you goddamn bum. Go tell your sob story elsewhere.

haha in your 30's living on the streets. But has the secret to the market. haha

c'mon mang. please. i'm begging you. i won't let you down, user. here is my BTC wallet. i just need some startup capital and i promise you, i can make everyone in this thread very rich, i if you just give me the funds by 12:00am EST.

I don't deal in buttcoins. Get a job nigger.

seriously? you should consider buying the dip so that when it goes back up again, you won't be a nocoiner on suicide watch.

Wow, a man giving investment advice who literally lives in the fucking street. I've surely seen it all at this point.

not anymore idiot. it wasn't even that bad.